First, there were the ridiculous School board a'holes traveling across the ISA to pretend they were upset about children they did not have, to complain about school masking policies in schools their children did not go to. That brought local activists out to continue the litany of dangerous misinformation.
That was awful, but this is seriously going to kill even more people.
with seats opening on the Sarasota Memorial Hospital's board earlier this year, a group of political activists opposed to COVID protocols saw an opportunity. Now, the hospital has three new board members who question the effectiveness of vaccines and spread medical misinformation. While they're a minority on the nine-person board, their victory has thrown the hospital board's typically quiet meetings into chaos.
"Health freedom" activists then showed up, including the loudest and proudest of them; a retired doctor and a frontline registered nurse. As usual, "we, the people" are a handful of a'holes who make a huge stink to be heard and change things for the worse. They want changes to hospital protocol, investigations of why Ivermectin wasn't used, and into why their unvaccinated loved ones died and the "failures" of that hospital.
More than 200 people showed up to the new members' first meeting in late November, the largest turnout that chairman Tramm Hudson had ever seen in his eight years on the board.
It is a public hospital of which there are over 200 in the USA, so look for more of the same as the "freedumb" fighters want to exact revenge on the system that "failed them." Heaven help you all.
Melania love to be on board vwhen roll play Guantanamo prisoner and have fluids splashed in Melania face. Oh, memories so good for Melania.
If these nitwit antivaxxers are making claims about medical issues do they not need to back up their claims with actual medical evidence?
Awww Jeezus! These people actively want to kill people! Much as I would rather sit on my couch watching 'Mythbusters: Star Wars Edition', does this mean I really should start looking for ways to get myself on these boards to counteract the morons? Sigh. Okay, Ghost of Mr. Rogers, your helpers hear you.