I posted the following on an anti-vaxxer site that allows dissenting opinions.
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Here is a recent graph from the CDC.

This is very good news for people over 50. With two primary and two boosters, it is extremely unlikely you will die, or even be hospitalized. Add to that the new bivalent booster, and it will be much less likely you are even infected. For vaccinated people, COVID is now hardly more dangerous than unvaccinated influenza. This is a triumph of 21st century medicine.
For unvaccinated people over 50, COVID is and will remain a dance with death. This graph shows that over 6 per 100,000 unvaccinated people die per week. Around 330 per year, or 1 in 300 people. Because time does not stop after one year, and COVID is not likely to go away, if the infection rate and reinfection rate among unvaccinated people remains at this level, given that a 50 year old person is likely to live another 30 years, unvaccinated people will have about 1 in 10 chances of dying in agony from COVID.
The Republican party, trialsitenews, and other members of the Death Cult are to blame for this carnage, and for tragic long term COVID cases. The patients themselves are also to blame, of course. This is totally avoidable. It is by far the largest number of unnecessary deaths in the history of the U.S.
This is pretty much what my friend told me this weekend, she teaches nursing and does shifts at the hospital. Unvaxxed are still going down *hard* and she said a lot of them are going for the vaccination as soon as possible after their hospital stay. Vaccinated with co-morbidities are still presenting as a cohort, but with much less severe outcomes (not dying). I really hope the light at the end of the tunnel isn't an oncoming train, because it's starting to sound like we may slowly be digging ourselves out from under this dreadful thing.
Why do they allow dissenting opinions? What sort of comments do you get on your posts?
What pearls of wisdom do they impart to you?
I'd like to show that chart to Bill Mahr. He's vaccinated but not boosted.
Unvaccinated people have a 10% chance of dying of covid? If word of that statistic gets out, the anti-vaxxers will say: "Why worry about a disease that has a 90% survival rate?"
Good news and thanks for the chart and data. Do you have a sampling of replies you got?
Because you said it all... I was seeing if there was a catapult GIF on here (self-rapture style earth departure) and look what I found... (building at right says whaaaaaaaaaat?)