EEK! The Committee had already said that they had wrapped up their June hearings and now, a new one is announced for tomorrow. That is eye-opening news.
Please, pass on this notice and the URL to all of your social media...

I would totally shit twice and die if it were someone like Meadows, someone there in the war room at the Willard Hotel, who literally has recordings, paperwork, something good.
EEEEK, yes that is on the list of what ifs...
Edited to add... There is a reason that Homeland Security is staying out of this and putting the onus on the FBI ... they know a lot of their guys were complicit MAGA minions...
They STOPPED protecting Americans when the FBI released 6 reports from 2017 onward on the up and coming rise of white supremacists... and militia groups. I wonder why.
Speaking of memory holes... The FBI and other branches were also infiltrated by white supremacists /QAnon,/fake militia ... some of whom were standing back and standing by for LOSER45... From the top on down the security failures were planned... *This is just the report.. but there are ultimately many more breeches of duty...
And yet...tRUMP asked the intelligence agencies to designate BLM and Antifa as hate groups. What a fascist POS he is ...
And this smoking gun that should have had Christopher Miller in jail for breach of duty and his oath.
I hope the Feds found something devastating on Jeff Clark's computer and shared it with the committee. Fingers crossed.
I am Canadian. I am retired so am inclined to take time to compile and update lists. You would all be surprised how much you forgot about LOSER45 already. That is because you WANT to suppress it , and I do not blame you ONE BIT.
I would recommend still keeping up and reminding yourself of what he did. Why? Because when the right tries to compare Biden VS LOSER45, you best know how to untie the knots they will try to tie you into. Knowledge and sources are power. Without it, you could also end up believing them , being they often use half truths to misinform...
I have offered dozens of tips to this tip line. How about you? (I uploaded them in 3 tips so as not to burden and all were sources, sometimes with videos and 2 URLs/
Here is Jan 6 Committee Twitter with highlights:
Jan 6 Committee Fecesbook:
Jan 6 Committee
Watch tomorrow's hearing at the Jan 6 Committee site live:
Maybe the raids produced some good stuff. I hear there’s a witness too. I don’t wanna speculate too much, I just wanted it to go down and keep coming. No stone unturned and no chance for escape from Justice . Crash and burn .
I am guessing that because they subpoenaed the footage from LOSER45's days in office, and the film maker is cooperating, that they were quickly able to make another hearing possible. (More hearings were planned for late summer and wrapping up in Sept.)
Alex Holder is a documentary filmmaker who was given access to the Koup Klutz Klan and their slime-ball boss before, during and after January 6.
If so, this will provide further video evidence preparing (dammit it better happen!) to put tRUMP on trial. Fingers and toes crossed...
Interesting. Something is up, maybe?
Possibly something new about trump and republican sedition and treason?