JFC wait till this gets rolling with the antimask AV crowd. Currently popping up all over the place and getting traction as people travel from place to place and congregate. Just needs one person to bring it to a hockey game or arena show and blammo! Keep your mask on and stay away from people who are exhaling. 💀

Hopefully it's less worse than this study suggests, but...

May 20 confirmed cases: 34
May 22 confirmed cases: 109
May 24 confirmed cases: 217
May 26 confirmed cases: 330
May 28 confirmed cases: 399
May 30 confirmed cases: 557
May 20 confirmed cases: 34
May 22 confirmed cases: 109
May 24 confirmed cases: 217
May 26 confirmed cases: 330
May 28 confirmed cases: 399
Feel like I'm missing out on these monkeypox sex parties. I need to get a life!
May 20 confirmed cases: 34
May 22 confirmed cases: 109
May 24 confirmed cases: 217
May 26 confirmed cases: 330
I can't wait for the monkey deniers and antivaxxers to start spouting off, if and when we develop said vax. Of course it too will be loaded with all the shit the covid vax had, plus new and improved poisons.
Now, bring me those dead monkey deniers!
May 20 confirmed cases: 34
May 22 confirmed cases: 109
May 24 confirmed cases: 217
You guys, don't get the Covid vaccine. Not only does it contain a microchip, 5G, magnetizes you, has HIV, Hep C, kills you on the spot, kills you in 2-3 years, will definitely kill you in 10 years with its latent kill switch, but it now also contains monkey pox, and I know this because over 90 people got monkey pox, and "the vast majority of them were vaccinated," but I am confused why over 100 million Americans don't have monkey pox. Anyway, better safe than sorry.
Also, if you get sick, the hospital is trying to kill you, so don't go there. Don't take MAB, remdesivir, or paxlovid. Boil up some limes and mix them with crushed aspirin and you will be fine.
What kind of dystopian disinformation world is this???
apparently we're done with covid. next!
May 20 confirmed cases: 34
May 22 confirmed cases: 109
Definitive information https://yourlocalepidemiologist.substack.com/p/monkeypox-101-unanswered-questions?s=r
The antivaxxers will think that it’s not real or that they won’t catch it
Here's a tracker. I took a snapshot of today so we can look back and see how fast this thing flares. 💩 https://bnonews.com/monkeypox/
Climate change may even have a hand in how these diseases are spreading out of their older boundaries.
That’s only going to get worse.
I only just heard about this virus today, sounds horrible. I was born in Ireland in 1971 so probably wasn’t vaccinated for smallpox. Have the antivaxxers started blaming the outbreak on the Covid vaccine yet? I’ve heard there is a vaccine for it and wonder if the airheads will be more likely to take it. They don’t seem to care about killing themselves and taking others down with them but the thought of their bodies being covered in ugly pustules will maybe make them rush out and get it. That’s assuming they believe it exists. Looking forward to seeing all the conspiracy theories spun out of this…
While the smallpox vaccine seems to have considerable protection against monkeypox (in that, like other vaccines, it may prevent it and if it doesn't, it significantly reduces severity), smallpox vaccines are known to become less effective over time. Monkeypox is an orthopox, related to vaccinia, chickenpox, smallpox, cowpox, and other pox viruses. Since smallpox was eradicated in 1980 worldwide, mandatory vaccination ceased nearly forty years ago. The only people regularly vaccinated for smallpox in the USA are researchers who deal with the virus, military personnel and their families, and diplomatic personnel and their families. Monkeypox is less lethal than smallpox, but behaves similarly (with fewer pustules). The death rate from monkeypox is 10%. The last outbreak in the USA was in 2003 in Chicago, when a man bought a prairie dog as a pet which had been infected by an imported Gambian pouch rat. Differential diagnosis for a physician is to rule out a number of other diseases which could present similar appearances: chickenpox, smallpox, vaccinia, measles, allergies which cause a rash, syphilis, and scabies. The definitive diagnosis is made with a PCR test of a pustule: A blood test can be inconclusive since the virus can clear the blood in five days.
Anyone vaccinated for smallpox should be alright.But I believe they stopped vaccinating for smallpox sometime in the 70's
Be afraid. Be very afraid