The POS who SAID they wanted to get back to normal and move on are not satisfied with the blame game and now that they have nothing on Hunter, back we are to Fauci being a scapegoat for tRUMP's awful decisions and crminality. Fauci spent 2 days last week in closed-door interrogations by RW Congress know nothings. (And are planning summer investigations to rile up their MAGA Morons)
And aide who was at the 2 day interrogation says that Fauci admitted there would be some effects from children being unable to attend classes in person, however... assholes like DeathSAntis are lying about the actual proceeeding. Interestingly, DeathSAntis is the reason his state had so many deaths druing the pandemic... and many are still dying. He is the one who needs to answer for it... especially as he received double what he asked for in COVID equipment before Florida had a sutge. Compare that with states like NY that received little when they were having to put prople in freezer trucks amd mass graves..
Kelly SoRelle, an attorney for the insurrectionist Oathkeepers who is as yet unindicted because she is too mentally unstable to stand trial... reposted this gem from drug pusher Rep. Ronny Jackson who thinks Adderall addicted tRUMP is a fine figure of a man... but HEY.. let's project tRUMP killing hundreds of thousands of people who Died of COVID becaause of tRUMP's inaction on Fauci...
I am sick of these assholes taking medical advice from other assholes like Joe Rogan

A Johns Hopkins hypothetical report on a "2025 SPARS pandemic" was written to alleviate the same problems that occured during the Pandemic. Of course it is being sited as a plandemic, just as was Obama teams's serious work that tRUMP threw out was to prepare for the very problems that tRUMP encountered!
FULL CLAIM: “they already have the pandemic planned”; “there’s an 89-page pdf about how they’ll push everything”; “2025 I guess, get prepared people”
Fictitious scenarios and simulation exercises are an essential part of public health emergency preparedness. They help national and global public health agencies improve their response plan and enhance their coordination. Therefore, claiming that simulation exercises predict a real crisis about to come, just because one exercise coincidentally took place a few months before a genuine pandemic, is as baseless as blaming fire departments for fires just because they run periodic fire drills.