I'm looking for good, concise, logical explanation memes (or counter-argument memes) for the standard antivaxxer arguments. I figure we can share them with each other.
I lean more towards intellectual ones that are "to the point", and it would be nice if they were kind, but I'm also okay if they're condescending, so long as they are on topic and related to the subject matter of discussing vaxxing vs anti-vaxxing. Something you could use while arguing with an anti-vaxxer. Something that counters their points like "you can still get it" and stuff. Good, strong, solid refutations. Even if we're mean, we're at least still being educational. Memes that are just about the experience of having covid, or mocking the cycle the deniers go through, or mocking political parties, keep those out of this thread, please. I'm aiming specifically for memes which make an educational point mid-argument with an antivaxxer and can really hit home with how tired and boring and obvious and overdone the arguments they make are. Gonna say this again (and I know people will ignore it but at least I tried): I'd rather memes that are just straight up insulting or off-topic to the vaccine debate (like about mocking people for a gofundme or pictures of gravestones or attacking their political party) not be posted in this thread. If those are even allowed in the first place, go make your own thread for them, you hooligans. =P
Here's the ones I've saved that I've seen before, to get started and to give a sense of the kind of meme I'm looking for:

I believe your point is similar to my earlier comment about Fox News commenters who are so anger-fueled that they would snivel-bitch about fuzzy kittens. No logic or food for thought, only miserable mudslinging.
Then I read the comments to this article proving my point.
As truth is stranger, I was joking then but it turned out that I really wasn't.
these memes are all very good