FYI, I did the post last night and it disappeared. After many hours of work, it is so frustrating. I keep a brief outline in a file while I do it, but I am old, a 2-finger-typer and have not been sleeping more than 6 hours a night. (4 last night. Even with air conditioning) I had enough sleep so that I can say "oh well" as my mom used to say no matter what life threw at her.
If I make some mistakes, please forgive, or better yet, let me know and I'll correct them.
Credit to YayPickles for pointing out that there is an update on Mark Friesen! I figured that now that the update is 5 pages down on the main page, it would be lost from view for those people who check in now and again.
Here is the original SAV post
And some background not covered on the main page
He tells everyone he has an immune system. Well that outta be enough then!
He is very religious!
He is such a maskhole…
Mark Friesen, Nov, 2020 “I’m not wearing a mask — I don’t think it’s healthy for me.”
Mark was a fairly prolific anti everything candidate.
He called COVID the flu a year before he caught it, admitting he could give a shit about those who were susceptible. He could not care less that people were dying and he continues to this day to say it out loud.
And here again.
By Oct 2021, Mark was becoming quite infamous
… and then he caught COVID and was hospitalized in Oct. You may recall he was airlifted to Ontario as the beds in Saskatoon hospitals were full and he needed more personal care as he was dying. He was placed on ECMO, which saved his life. It is also likely he got COVID at one of his illegal events. (He exceeded restrictions)
In 2022, he was still adamantly anti-everything
In January, even as he was recovering he called COVID a cold. He now says he never denied COVID was real… even though he called it the flu/cold.
He got pushback... and from a relative no less
Mark tried to say it was only pneumonia, and only admitted he had COVID when he learned ONLY COVID patients were transferred to Ontario.
Mark lied
He denied COVID and DID end up wearing a mask! For such a deeply religious guy, he surely does have difficulty naming what he believes... How very tRUMPian. And no thanks for the caregivers who saved his life...
Mark remains a PPC (Ironically it means "People Party"!) candidate
and says not his job to keep people safe. That’s quite a party platform right there.
Not much changed
PPC grew into a shitty separatist party of FreeDUMB in several Provinces, Anyone who cared about others or liked socialist safety nets like our healthcare system or the NDP party are COMMIES!
The “People’s party” got no seats.
After running people in nearly every riding, I wonder what went wrong... He's the Grizzley patriot who loves Jesus, after all. You just know Mark reflected carefully on why he was not elected. /S
After a little reflection, a solution
That party was not tiny enough. Saskatchewan needed a Buffalo Party. It was also tiny but did okay for a shitty new party. They forgot to have a leader though and no one stepped up… so the gains were lost. It had real momentum for Mark, as you can see by the number of people interested. (Mark is now using an AI generated picture everywhere. It is such a …likeness … *rolls eyes. It actually looks like my CONservative brother, so I am double irked.)
It may not surprise you that his party platforms all sound like the tRUMP party platform…
Help me here
What is this from? And why are grown men using it on LinkedIn and XTwatter?
Mark was a very bad boy during COVID
by holding gatherings over the 10 person limit. “Friesen has fought the fines in a series of court cases, claiming the public health orders were invalid, violated his Charter rights, and that the police gave no warning that those gathering at his rallies might be charged.”
His gatherings felt like freeDUMB, even though against the Public Health laws to protect his fellow Saskatchewanites. In his appeal to another court, the dumbasses used the very same gobbledygook they tried in the first case they lost. The judge was ‘impressed’ by this brilliant move. “In his written decision, Megaw says “The appellants here have essentially advanced the identical arguments which were placed before the Provincial Court, and which were not accepted,” he said.
Mark Friesen turns to GiveSendGo. ‘It is not our fault we are dumbasses! Gimmee money!’ He said he had 11 tickets, and at $2,800 each, that comes to $30,800. He is asking for 100k, FFS! And he calls people commie for caring about others.
Mark says he can't work because of his lungs
but he can golf in the smoke... a few days before he was hospitalized. There is nothing like a beach and golf vacation at Shell lake with another family to soothe those aching 'haven't worked in 3 years' muscles...
There is probably a lot more new shit to mock, but I had to quit after seeing these 2...
A promotional video
of him being a “Grizzly” asshole with the freeDUMB *uckers in Ottawa.
Mark's next party
Part 2 is here
Part 3 is here
Part 4 is here
Part 5 is here
Part 6 is here
Part 6
Mark has not added anything to his FECESbooks (3) since the week before his last hospitalization in July. I suspect he needs supplemental oxygen at home... I wonder how the trek to his second floor office is now, if he could barely make it before? I also wonder if this POS who called people like me commies has filed for disability and the other many safety nets and benefits Canada offers?
2 of the 8 people who had large fines are taking their appeal to the Saskatchewan Supreme Court. Oddly, Mark is not one of them, perhaps because he already lost 2 appeals and is out of money. Mark's fundraising appeal for 100k has not added anything for 25 days, and he is still under 5k. Not paying his fines will catch up to him...hopefully very soon and he MAY have lost confidence "that people will step up to help me in my time of need."
Mark Friesen has an X-TWATTER enemy...
who has been kind enough to have added a lot that Vaxman and I missed... FYI, his enemy is using the Bison Party as his avatar, but I have a sneaking feeling he is not actually a member...
Mark friesen thinks he's American FFS
PS: There are tons of guns in Canada, but we have stringent laws and law abiding gun owners for the most part.
And British...
Knock up in Canada means the same as it does in the US...
Mark friesen criminal with other freeDUMB Canadians
Tamara Lich is the woman who had the 10m in a GFM account all to herself at one time...but added a second grifter's name just before it was frozen.
Lich is also a separatist, liar and thankfully still facing trial. And oh, there is a new grift...
Mark 'tells his story' to fake inquiry
They fell for his BS... because they were setup to be a BS inquiry. There is one loudmouth POS who founded it, Ken Drysdale...) whose self titled position is now "NCI Commissioner Ken Drysdale* BWAHAHAHAHA, wghat a farce) a British antivaxxer and 4 lawyers.
The "story " is hilarious! An excerpt:
I bet he was hoping their lawyers would be helping him...
Anti vax and conspiracy theorist 'til he dies
And both he and COVID are working on that!
Friesen thinks everyone is dying from vaccines
because all of his shitty sources are conspiracy sites
Guess what, Mark?
Masking in health care facilities is an added layer of protection from COVID. One that you denied because you are an anti science loon. So, was it Ivermectin or god that kept you alive these last few bouts with COVID and Pneumonia? Make up your feeble mind!
Death is the ultimate freedom mark
Your Liberty or Death Memeorial awaits...although it is very satisfying to see you sufferring100 times more than I am with Long COVID and struggling to breathe and yet still wanting to kill others with your Ivermectin lies.... That may be your I am torn.
We are STILL waiting for that new picture Mark
Getting where? If there is a hell, I am pretty sure it awaits your next step as well...
Saskatchewan is experiencing a COVID uptick...
Community Respiratory Illness Surveillance Program (CRISP)
August 16, 2024 (Reporting Period July 14 – August 10, 2024)
Summary The COVID-19 test positivity rates and numbers of positive tests have increased from 8.7% (85 tests) to 10.1% (102 tests) in the last three weeks of this reporting period.
They are no longer those would be people who were hospitalized and tested. As tRUMP says, if you don't test there won't be as many cases... and SAskatchewan Premier Moe is a CONservative tRUMP wannabe, but not enough so for Mark.
HOWEVER, you know who is still reporting weekly? The wastewater managers... Best stay hidden in your house, Mark! Karma is likely still very much on your tail.
Part 5
Well, SHIT!
Chaos found an update.
I was wondering why I was seeing a totally different timeline on XTwatter. When you are not on the site, the timeline can add any old shit willy-nilly. (Brand new posts are usually not added unless they are pinned) Not sure why...When a new post is added, it can change the timeline algorithm and what I can see.
The COVID Twins
Like QT, this POS has skirted death and doesn't thank the caregivers. Neither deserved their second chance. Both did their best to kill people with their anti-mask/anti-vax lies and continue to pass on misinformation. Both are lying, fake "christians" who blame government for their illness and neither has worked since their bouts of COVID. Both love tRUMP and his minions even though Mark is Canadian and QT insisted she is independent,
Karma at least gave them both damaged lungs that don't work right anymore, but their brains have deteriorated and that is a bad thing. Neither could spell or read or discern facts from fiction BEFORE their bouts with COVID. As they spiral down, let's hope that they only take their RW asshole minions with them.
FYI, the status in Oklahoma and Saskatchewan for COVID is... GROWING.
The "new" things seen in Mark's timeline...
Mark refuses to face reality... leans into Putin... brain fried.
Mark Friesen likes on Linkedin
Check out Mark liking his wife’s post for her business on LinkedIn, Oh wait, that is not his wife. Oddly he has a thing for young blonds. Er, I mean, women who are into Jesus like he is! He liked her more than anything else he saw on Linkedin… Stephanie Lee Lowry
The Tree Whisperer and wife are lying
Mark’s wife says they had to shutter the tree business, however she is lying. It is still online and showing open 9 to 5 weekdays AND they updated their Yelp in May. FFS…
The business he founded
His son Scott is still working at the business
Not only that, but...
Do not feel sorry for Mark. He killed a lot of people with his lies. In between COVID waves, Mark made sure he passed on all of the misinformation he could, including a lying video of a new teen suddenly having her heart stop after the vaccine. It was a lie, but when did that stop the POS anti-vaxxers like Mark? He even made his own video.
Karma made him pay with a poor health outcome during that 4th wave in Saskatchewan, but not nearly enough. I think losing his house and more health would be fitting… and more COVID. He needs to get more COVID. A couple more time oughta do it for those 80 year old lungs.
He is dumb, but did you know he is THIS dumb?
Friesen cannot read, nor can he discern facts from fiction (even if he wanted to, he is just too damn DUMB!) and could give a shit about the sources he uses. EG: A German blog reported on a 'video conversation posted on X by British independent MP Andrew Bridgen featuring former NZ broadcaster and political candidate Liz Gunn, playwright Michael Gray Griffith and suspended doctor Paul Oosterhuis.'
He gives MAGA moron minions a run for their money, that's for sure...
COVID left scars that he expects to heal
Oct 2022 ... but scar tissue in lungs IS the heal, you moron, and lasts forever. The alveolar sacs that you use to breathe DO NOT grow back. (They are finding that cells can regenerate but the scar tissue cannot grow back the air sacs) Golfing when there is smoke in the air and smoking are also not recommended, Mark.
'I never denied COVID was real!'
Oct 2022 said COVID is a manufactured cold virus once again.
A Friesen FreeDUMB friend
She was NEVER one of those people...she was one of THOSE people....
Mark thinks he's American
Someone on XTwatter needs to post this for Mark...
That really was the title of the article, but the backlash from assholes who think they are smarter than they are likely made them change it to "working memory." Also , it is from A better title would be, 'Selfish morons and ignorant assholes will persist even during a pandemic."
NEVER feel sorry for assholes like Mark et al...
Holy hell...
I don't think we are done here...
See you in the future Mark...especially as you think your ordeals are somehow good for a youthful look! Stefanie Daubert tried that filter trick as well. May we see a picture of your lungs please?
Part 6 is here
'I didn't wanna take a free vaccine so now I need $100 grand.'
They could eat the dogs.
That ion puffer pendant is a real hoot! I had an ion generator thingy once, years ago. After a few days in the corner of the room, the walls behind it started gathering black soot or something. Nothing I’d want to inhale.
My wife and I caught covid in Saskatchewan 2 years ago while on a road trip. I’m still somewhat laid up from long covid. The difference between me and Mark is that my prayer warriors were the nurses at the vaccination clinic.
Part 4
A note from wifey: Send MO MONEY!
Note the whining about everything and the lies and one line about how he hubby is doing? As I wrote in the last update, Mark worked in a job where he got a reduced early pension. She is lying. (Although he may be lying about having worked 20 years as a correctional officer!! Nah! That would disappoint Jesus!)
They are going to starve and be homeless and not be able to feed their 4 dogs! (You forgot the 30k he owes or he goes to jail, silly woman... and all of the supplemental Oxygen, but hey, getting a free vaccine was too much fer ya, Jan!)
Mark is walking but he still needs a WHAMMMMMMMMMbulance! (full of money please.
I was thinking this was going to be a Stefanie Daulbert dejavu, but it seems not... I will still update if there is anything to add)
He got a new donation!
So he is almost at 5k and close to the 100k he is asking!
Besides targeting hospitals and where masks were mandated
the POS Friesen goaded his followers to target a school. Don't feel sorry for him.
I also found another time he praised god to start his year
and NOT his caregivers!!
Here is more proof he is a QAnon asshole
It seems his assholery has no bottom...
This will have to wait in Reserve...
but I am really looking forward to updating his new struggles. I can't wish anyone dead...but I can send some off as they deserve.
Part 5 is here:
Part 3
I missed stuff, even after a LOT of searches...
Which auto-immune disease and what Doctors?
Not that I don't believe this paragon of righteousness and truth...
I did not know 6 patients died...
And yet the worst person survived. Proof there is no god.
Proof there might be a devil...
Mark's wife has made her Fecesbook private
you naughty SAVERS!
Another Mark Fecesbook exists where I see a few old SAVvers. Here's his Buffalo Party one. For some reason, Mark is not as political on this one...HILARIOUS, as this one is his new party! Best not to show the prairie folks who he REALLY is...
This climate CO2 hoax one is a laugh.
Read the comments on the bottom... The paper was first distributed in 2010. Note the name of the site... and look right to see why Mark visits there.
More on Bob Blayone
The fellow updating in XTwatter,,,supplies eqwuip,rmt to the opil and gas sector…so no wonder he wants less regulations, more fake “freeDUMB”, and calls climate change a hoax.
He is incredibly delusional
He is pretending that the CANADA Charter of Rights and Freedoms says he can do whatever he wants and fuck everyone else...which he did and does. It actually states that an emergency like a pandemic means the many outweigh the rights of the few. Our healthcare system is still recovering slowly from COVID and in his province, the Sask Party leader shut down the buses so rural people have no way to get to the city for dialysis, cancer treatments, surgery, specialists if they can no longer drive. I bet I won't find THAT on his social media. (The GIF only works when I click on it... not sure about you)
SOS: The comments are hilarious and many are SERIOUS!!
Toby is his rotund lawyer who wants to get paid!!!
These assholes are so damn superficial... FYI Mark worked for the correctional system and took early retirement...years ago. Wanna bet he gamed the system so that he worked overtime and was able to retire early on a semi reduced pension?? (Part of the public service sector contract means those working jobs deemed dangerous can retire early, and use a combination of years, salary and age to retire and it will be reduced by a percentage for years under 25)
His wife says he has no income... however
She sells expensive "health" crap likely without declaring income tax. He also has employees in his tree whisperer business, or so he says. How does that not provide income
Get better for the Diarrhea Doggies! (See main post)
Mark was "so immensely struggling so bad." But...she is commanding that god helps. That oughtta do it!
How many pneumonias and how many birthdays?
51? 52? You look young for 70...
WHUT? I heard Mark was back smoking
but what the hell is this? And what is he smoking?
His wife says, take off the O2 mask
and someone does. Then they turn down the oxygen several times while he is sleeping. GOOD IDEA! He might be taking a really really long nap soon! Did they chart that? I am sure his Doc will be thrilled, especially as the family was JUST warned he is in greater risk of a heart attack or stroke FFS. At least she is letting a Respiratory Therapist (RT) monitor his O2.
Plus, who is feeding him the Invermecton?
Taking a long summer nap.
Anyone his age who needs long naps in the afternoon is still mighty sick. (I am decades older and take zero naps unless I am totally unable to stay awake and even then it is maybe twice a year and I have long COVID)
Helpful people are flocking to make sure he stays asleep...
(Kim...Bruno is serious...)
Part 4 is here
Let us all pray now.
I ain't saying what we should all pray for.
I just have faith in this community to know what's right.
But, it'd be hysterical if he croaks.
Thanks for the update. What a waste of healthcare.
Part 2
Mark talks health
POS Mark on his site has a horrible audio interview on health that blames the WHO and governments for deaths and the economic complications. He is literally complaining about the Canadian healthcare system after making it spend hundreds of thousands of dollars just on HIM!!! He disagrees that the WHO should be allowed to try to stop it on a global level… and says they are trying to depopulate not help and calls it Deathcare. Sound familiar Americans?
Although they are reluctant to say it, they talk about Docs giving Ivermectin and being reprimanded. Listening to him talk about "health" and saying Canada first as though he were a patriot makes me want to hurl! (He also hates the UN) The woman interviewer uses that "vocal fry" technique to sound sexy and innocuous, but it is annoying as hell. You have been warned,.
July 28, 2024, Mark Friesen is back in the hospital
We are getting updates from Mark’s friend. He is with an Alberta separation party. FYI, the last one splintered into a shell of itself after their dear leaders were involved with trying to decree themselves a new federal government under the guise of a freedom trucker convoy and having all their millions in GFM sent to one person. (The government froze bank accounts, GFM cancelled the 10m and after Give Send Go started up, they were hacked and the Canadian monies frozen and the trials and huge fines are still continuing as we speak) Alberta, Texas North, also has Premier Danielle Smith who was birthed into the oil field industry and RW ideology and was also with the separatist Wild Rose party, but is now a CONservative member who ran on Alberta first. As you can see, Canada has our share of political assholes and grifters as well, but we've squelched them thus far. Back to the story...
Bob sends on Mark's wife's news
His wife tells us how he is, regaling us with doggie diarrhea stories. COVID is still quite bad in Saskatchewan, but, they are no longer testing for COVID or keeping stats. The wastewater is still being tested and reported though, and it is higher than most Provinces. He has pneumonia, a cough and trouble breathing. His Oxygen levels are low. Maybe he has the flu again!! Or a bad cold?
Besides being a separatist, Bob Blayone is trying to get the 4 armed POS who had a trailer full of gunsand conspired to kill RCMP during the trucker freeDUM protests, out of jail, so I want to spit on the computer when I see his name. He is also another fake religious POS...
And yet everyone not like them are with Satan.
What tRUMPian/Talibangelical bull-crap, FFS. This POS’s religious schlock rant is in one post as he paid to be seen on X… (added only a teeny part of it in pics) Go there at your own risk…but he really does not deserve more clicks.
August 01, 2024, More news
I am pretty sure having too many white blood cells is better than not having enough. (Any healthcare provider’s please chime in…) It means he is fighting infection. Having so little lung function from lung scarring means he is also having even more trouble breathing so let’s see THAT update please. And how about a shout out to the people saving his life once again, you selfish fake religious twats!
Reddit is also "looking out" for mark
Now I need to find her Fecesbook!
I just have her old one from when she sang in dive bars.
I found this...but still can't find her Fecesbook. Maybe she made it private? Get yours now! Only USD $385.00 or $533.68 CAD...
The wifey
For Reals!
That one above is from a dozen years ago when she sang in bars. Like Mark, she is having trouble with reality and facing aging...
How dare the HCA on Reddit and HCA Fecesbook and SAV members mock this poor, poor wonderful man?
Shame, shame! It is YOU and everyone else and the vaccine that is the problem! /S
Hey Bob,
if everyone around you has a different view and actually cares about others,and yet you rant on about Jesus while helping bad people and everyone around you seems psychotic, maybe, just maybe... it's you projecting.
Mark’s last post before he was hospitalized.
Just like Jesus!!
Mark says hello
and no thanks for the caregivers in the hospital, but his social media prayer warriors get a big thumbs up… He is awash in the blood of Jesus!
He has to get better.
There is so much more COVID to spread!
Mark Friesen is embracing CO2
and calls the climate crisis a scam O2? Who needs that?
You reap what you sow.
Anyone still on Twatter, be sure to remind Bob of that. (Although I am pretty sure these guys worship RW Jesus)
‘Til the next update
The End,
PS: Mark had 3 lung cavitations from necrotizing pneumonia. He is likely refusing to be intubated because of the last time...
Part 3 is here