I am leery of Huffington Post links with that big digit number embedded so will just post a screenie…

Seems there’s lots of questions about the Secret Service and allegiances to trump, their own involvement in January 6th, and even about the safety of a number of them to be around other presidents. Recall that Biden’s detail was changed over concerns of agent loyalty to trump.
Well now a few shit stain agents are running a whisper campaign against Cassidy Hutchinson’s account of trump’s insurrection motorcade meltdown. Tony Ornato and Robert Engel are trying to discredit Hutchinson even though others already corroborated her story. Plus the US Secret Service said 3 weeks ago it was going to issue a statement but hasn’t yet and no agent has testified under oath. Hutchinson did. And now obstruction charges loom.
Everything trump touches dies. It’s like he finds the bad in people and nurtures and rewards it until they are rotted from the inside out. Just look what trump did to Kellyanne Conway. If that’s not moral decay and ugliness oozing from those pores screaming dead inside, I don’t know what is. Congrats Secret Service - you got trumped when he grabbed your trump-loving pussies.

Added: CNN has an excellent but small discussion of life in the US government running an essential computer.
Dumph is a virus who infects everything and everybody he touches damm shame there isn’t a vaxcine for that
Well said!
They are incredibly stupid about their devices. Lucky for the judicial system!
Didn’t Trump get some members of his personal security team brought into the Secret Service? I remember reading at the time he wanted them to continue as his security.
Being Secret Service used to be the gold standard. Those folks were sharp, did their jobs impeccably, and would give their lives to save a president. It’s what they were hired to do. They were prestigious careers. Hell, even Clint Fucking Eastwood immortalized them in a movie.
Whatever character they still had when trump entered office, trump corrupted at least some of them. That fucker is like some kind of movie villain that can turn the weak with a stare. Girth Vader without the black cape though I bet he wheezes too.
Anyway, chalk up another prestigious American organization to being turned and corrupted by trump. It’s obvious something went wrong somewhere that agents could become susceptible to any influence whatsoever. There’s been problems for a while that in hindsight pointed to a weak and corrupted force. They routinely get sent home for drunkenness, fighting, assaults, or whatever. Those agents should be fired and lose pensions for pulling that crap. Why should a detail be overstaffed just so a few agents can get chased out of countries in disgrace for bad/illegal behavior. That is just another symptom of an agency allowed to fester and decay.
Now, the current president can only be guarded by a subset of agents because others themselves could be a danger to him, some agents were involved in a conspiracy to try to remove Pence and keep him from certifying the election, and the organization leadership is trying to cover up their actions during trump's insurrection by deleting data that incriminates them and proves culpability.
The Secret Service unfortunately needs a house cleaning and fumigation. Not that long ago, conspirators like those calling themselves Secret Service agents now would have all fixed the issue with a single private gunshot shortly after they were busted for insurrection and conspiracy. The agents turned by trump don’t even have the guts or integrity to do that.
And they are busted. We know they tried to take Pence for a “ride”. We know they have tried (and possibly succeeded) in deleting their comms data from the planning day and insurrection day. We know some agents were deemed a threat to Biden and removed from his detail. We see news reports just about every trip abroad that some Secret Service agent had to be sent home.
The US Secret Service needs new leadership and every agent needs to undergo extensive polygraph and psychological testing and the fucktard trumpers removed from the agency.
Kellyanne Conway has always been a soulless harpy. It's just that her inside ugliness had to fight its way through all her inner rot to finally make it to the surface.