"when Tarrio came to the White House on December 12th 2020, he was not alone. He was there with Bianca Gracia, the president of Latinos for Trump." https://twitter.com/the_peetape/status/1549548672890728448
Enrique Tarrio White House Christmas tour

Surprised this guy did not make it in; he misses his insane brother from another mother...

Speaking of the worst of the worst, they are all connected to each other.

Who flew Bianca and Tarrio and her gang to DC?
Patrick Byrne, former CEO of Overstock. (Who has been connected to Bianca's failed campaign and stop the steal with Giuliani, Alex Jones and myPillow Lindel) https://twitter.com/PaulGGarlow/status/1547330896323235840
Here is Byrne, bragging about how he duped the layers of "security" and LOSER45's WH to get Flynn and Powell in to meet with tRUMP himself to discuss abusing the military and declaring martial law so he could confiscate ballots and voting machines and stay in power... https://www.deepcapture.com/2021/02/how-djt-lost-the-white-house-chapter-3-crashing-the-white-house-december-18/ (This was discussed in Jan 6 hearing 7 and 8, as a dumb aide decided this was more important than security of the WH) https://twitter.com/Sky_Lee_1/status/1548385586943107072?s=20&t=KHhHLfwt9gm0bzwqvqCX9g
Check your volume...
Although I veer off course from the headline... this just caught me eye...

And these comments too...

Let me show you what petty is. Me showing more of Josh Hawley... telling other men how to be manly men... while saying he will "make masculinity a signature political issue." https://www.npr.org/2021/11/11/1054615028/is-masculinity-under-attack-sen-hawley-wants-to-defend-the-men-of-america
Here is Hawley "kissing" his wife. Like most "religious" homophobes he would likely not withstand a forensic style computer search for gay porn. I may be petty, but Hawley is a POS tRUMP bootlicker.