Ever wonder why the GQP and those who own that party and its elected assholes do not care that their BS about covid (and damn near everything else) don’t seem to care that their misinformation and politicization of public health is killing primarily their constituents like the ignorant moronic and downright stupid antivaxxers featured here? It is actually pretty simple—they feel they don’t need them as voters.
This is the GQP and their owners’ end-game. This is for all the marbles and could very well allow fascism to finally be achieved here in US. Unfortunately there are too many independents and even Democrats who are oblivious to the implications of what Moscow Mitch and all the other GQP enablers have been working on via their well-funded think tanks and non-profit organizations.
This goes directly against the very heart of American democracy and its foundational system of checks and balances.
That's part of it. You have to also think about the fact that so many are Christo-Fascist (or Christian Nationalist) types. My ex-friend supported so many policies that the Right thump about all the time: increased guns, lack of masks, anti-abortion and so forth. I also know for a fact he hopes that all of this speeds up the time that Jeebus comes down and Rapturizes everything, leaving us poor schmucks to languish. They believe that if they make this place a true shithole, that Jeebus will come to clean house and then people like him get to go to Heaven quicker.
This ex-friend believed that we are all dead men walking and "clones of a living dead man (Adam), not sons of god. With that, he also believes that this place here is basically hell already, so spending as little time here as possible (without suicide) is the way to go. It's a truly brain-damaged way to think, but this is what I got from arguing with him for years.
“Constituents“ is tongue in cheek as their real constituents aren’t the voters and citizens but the ones who have bought and paid for the think tanks and non-profits and superPACs.