The RW parties in Canada have been ever changing, and sometimes evolving, but at one point it devolved into a CONservative party that decimated into various RWNJ factions, some of which have become political parties over time. The main party has tried to wrest control of the factions but it means a lot of infighting. Needless to say, to simplify the complexity, they are mirroring the US and instead of rejecting racism and extremism, they are embracing it... and mainstreaming the worst of the worst of Canadians. They also sadly remain the main opposition party ... and this is the result. Jean Charest was considered the least nutty of the RWers jostling for control of the party leadership. Here is a tweet he sent:

The Epoch times is a Falun Gong-backed newspaper that was placed in Canadian mailboxes to reach an audience of news starved people who no longer have local papers, and like in the states, far too often watch Fox. Plus he thinks that stopping the truckers criminal actions was not necessary, putting him in the RW Freedumb trucker's camp. UGH!
A little more on the DeathSantises of the North... for anyone who might like to see why we have been slipping towards our own tRUMPian hellhole.
In Alberta, Texas North, their Premier is a Minister who screwed working Canadians for a decade under the previous regime, which as in the states, gave tax cuts to the rich and messed with the social safety nets, climate and resource regulations, healthcare and more. As Premier, he would not "take lectures" from the federal Health Minister on COVID His Laissaz-faire attitude towards COVID assured a lot of death. Why last summer, he declared COVID as inconsequencial and told Albertans to have at it and live life... (and die!) He even made posters that Alberta was 'open for summer.' He is lying scum.
In Saskatchewan, the RW Saskatchewan party Premier killed someone in his youth when driving drunk, and seems to want to refurbish his reputation after being forgiven for his drunken past (revealed during the campaign) and voted into office. He has thanked Saskatchewanites by killing a lot MORE people with COVID. He is lying scum.
In Manitoba, a CONservative Premier quit mid-COVID and his CON replacement is a jackass. The Province has 4% of the Canadian population yet 2 years after the pandemic was declared, Manitoba had Canada's 2nd-highest COVID-19 death rate. The present replacement Premier will have none of that! She demanded that testing centers close, data be released once a week and no tests will be given unless the person is damn sick and can get to their doctor for an accurate test that is the only one counted in the stats! Problems solved! tRUMP would be so proudQ!
Manitoba has another solution on the way! Another RW party. Another CON faction is lapping at their heels... after seeing how well a fringe useless party has done coming into power in Saskatchewan (not for the people, but for power and grifting) and says it is going to be there for all of those poor people disaffected by COVID! You know, all of those people who were asked to wear a mask and never did, asked to stay 6 feet away and never did, asked to vaccinate and never did. asked to care about others and never did.... and made sure that Manitoba stayed in the highest deaths category? Those poor, poor assholes now have their own party!
In Ontario, the CONservative Premier dealt with COVID as he does all else. Taxcuts, funneling money to his and his friend's businesses... and being too damn ineffectual and silent on the tRUCKER fiasco that took place in Ottawa, in his Province. He will cater to anyone who can benefit him... politically or monetarily. And Ontario has a large bunch of CONservative enclaves who thought Ford did a great job, so they voted to have 4 more years of this "bliss" "I hate as a government telling anyone what to do. We've just got to get moving forward and get out of this and protect the jobs," Ford said at a manufacturing announcement in Hamilton, Ont. "The world's done with it, so let's just move forward." His hospitals were filling again as he declared that. He is a lying, conniving POS and yet so beloved...tRUMP North.
I am fairly certain that the reason Trudeau has been hanging on is there are more like me who would vote for him only to assure we do not get the CONS back in. It was close last time... so a tRUMP of the North being voted in is highly possible. As it was in the states, the worst of the worst have come out from under their rocks to show how racist and ugly they truly are at heart. We may be next...

We're sorry, Canada.
Scary as fuck. Glad I'm old and won't be around to see how the fascist tsunami plays out.