UPDATE 1 Rabies https://www.sorryantivaxxer.com/forum/main/comment/e08c7cfa-6000-4d69-bcb1-7b526975c0bd
UPDATE 2 Whooping cough/Pertussis https://www.sorryantivaxxer.com/forum/main/comment/cb6b538c-f049-44d0-b5a2-2b3d797d88a5
UPDATE 2a Whooping cough/Pertussis https://www.sorryantivaxxer.com/forum/main/comment/02f037d0-f383-4cf7-a270-b200cea8fe4f
UPDATE 3 Measles https://www.sorryantivaxxer.com/forum/main/comment/16debdaf-7235-464d-86ec-6c8651799651
UPDATE 3a Measles https://www.sorryantivaxxer.com/forum/main/comment/894b3316-c540-4ac2-b83a-5201eb248be9
UPDATE 3b Measles https://www.sorryantivaxxer.com/forum/main/comment/691d49f3-b24f-41a9-bbcf-67985b928885?postId=6551290ec7043300104bcfc0
UPDATE 4 More unvaxxinated measles, pockets of other diseases emerging and my COVID chart of US cases and deaths https://www.sorryantivaxxer.com/forum/main/comment/38dd6d16-f242-478c-b2f6-81e251947503?postId=6551290ec7043300104bcfc0
UPDATE 5 Adults who are vaccinated making nasty replies to a Doctor and more recent measles/Flu/ respiratory illness updates. https://www.sorryantivaxxer.com/forum/main/comment/dd8cc86c-9dc9-475e-8129-070328de86d1?postId=6551290ec7043300104bcfc0
UPDATE 6 Measles has made inroads in 12 states and "Doctor" Lapado, DeathVantis' Surgeon General, is at his antivax antics again. https://www.sorryantivaxxer.com/forum/main/comment/f43c787e-7ef3-43d5-8094-1cea1bfd22f3?postId=6551290ec7043300104bcfc0
UPDATE 7 tRUMP vowed once again not to "give one penny to any school that has a vaccine mandate." https://www.sorryantivaxxer.com/forum/main/comment/320e422b-f2e2-48b4-9af3-fb787898a2be?postId=6551290ec7043300104bcfc0
UPDATE 8 Canada caught the QAnon and Antivaxxer bug, which means we are in a world of trouble. Also, a new children's antivax book is helping fuel the normalcy of unvaxxed children. https://www.sorryantivaxxer.com/forum/main/comment/e9d02582-1fe7-45f9-b0b3-ef6172224cba?postId=6551290ec7043300104bcfc0
UPDATE 9 A polio victim and activist speaks about antivaxxers; the latest measles numbers in the US and Canada; An Ontario child died of measles last week... https://www.sorryantivaxxer.com/forum/main/comment/0db238e6-65f7-4593-b593-460c72fbf5e2?postId=6551290ec7043300104bcfc0
These selfish dolts, many who claim to be "christian," are bringing back disease which were mostly unheard from in North America. Prevention and control programs designed to keep countries health have worked wonders. The misinformation machines, GOP and quacks have undermined all of that, especially in the US.
Jane Ruby is not an MD. She is an antivax conspiracy blogger, Vaxlady compiled these memes, of which there are many more, on only one SAV post. On a search of SAV, you will find 5 people who died thinking she was a doctor giving sage advice. (Many more people as well but these are ones where she is mentioned) https://www.sorryantivaxxer.com/search-results?q=Ruby
RFK Jr. is using his family name and his run for president as an antivax platform...
Millions of tax exempt charity dollars are also being funneled to antivax programs and organizations like the quack docs at Frontline... and RFK's Children’s Health Defense ... even though donations are supposed to go where the donation request funds to go.
Fidelity Charitable’s Program Guidelines specifically state that “the Trustees of Fidelity Charitable have exclusive ownership and control over all contributed property and all earnings thereon, and may determine in their sole discretion whether an organization shall be an Eligible Grant Recipient, and whether to approve any grant recommendation.”
How lawmakers in Texas and Florida undermine Covid vaccination efforts
State legislatures and politicians are pressuring public health officials to keep quiet about Covid vaccines.
Katherine Wells wants to urge her Lubbock, Texas, community to get vaccinated against Covid-19. “That could really save people from severe illness,” said Wells, the city’s public health director. But she can’t.
A rule added to Texas’ budget that went into effect Sept.1 forbids health departments and other organizations funded by the state government to advertise, recommend, or even list covid vaccines alone. “Clinics may inform patients that COVID-19 vaccinations are available,” the rule allows, “if it is not being singled out from other vaccines.”
Governor DeSantis and his horrible Surgeon General, Dr. Ladapo, recommend that anyone under 65 not get the updated Covid booster, evn though Florida was the number one state for deaths AFTER the rollout of the vaccines. He comes by his nickname most deservedly... DEATHsantis. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/02/us/politics/desantis-covid.html
Majority of Workers at America's Nursing Homes Unvaccinated Against Flu, COVID
Looking at 2023 data collected at nearly 14,000 nursing homes nationwide, researchers found that that fewer than one in every four (22.9%) health care workers had received up-to-date COVID vaccines, while less than half (47.1%) had gotten the latest flu shot.
In certain southern states—Alabama, Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana and Missouri—less than 10% of staff at acute care hospitals were up-to-date on their COVID shots in 2023, the report found.
Coverage with Selected Vaccines and Exemption from School Vaccine Requirements Among Children in Kindergarten - US, 2022–23 School Year
CDC journal Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report - Nov 10, 2023 https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/72/wr/mm7245a2.htm?s_cid=mm7245a2_w#F1_down
Antivax parents are winning battles... and the states are caving. These same parents are taking the advice of Kennedy and crackpots over the experts and public health officials. All 50 states allowed some exemptions, mostly medical. 45 states allow religious exemptions from vaccination requirements for schools; 15 states allow philosophical exemptions. But that is expanding... https://www.findlaw.com/healthcare/patient-rights/vaccine-exemption-laws-by-state.html
The courts are demanding states allow religious exemptions... https://apnews.com/article/mississippi-vaccines-religion-747269fe3edcc20530a9aa17e6ad1a3b
SCOTUS denied the Biden mandate for Federal employees. https://law.stanford.edu/2022/01/20/a-look-at-the-supreme-court-ruling-on-vaccination-mandates/
17 states have made laws prohibiting COVID vaccine mandates in schools: Idaho, Utah, Arizona, Montana, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Kansas, Texas, Arkansas, Indiana, Ohio, Tennessee, Alabama, South Carolina, Georgia, New Hampshire and Florida. https://www.axios.com/2022/01/09/red-states-fight-school-vaccine-mandates
And no, anti vax assholery is not just in the USA...
Here is a Qanadian Nurse and Organizer of B.C. hospital protests, “Kristen Nagle, recently claimed that you can't catch a virus. The fired intensive-care nurse also suggested that polio and Spanish flu were not caused by viruses, and that rabies arises from malnourished and mistreatment.” WTAF? She was an intensive care nurse. She also belongs to the Canadian version of Frontline Doctors… https://www.straight.com/covid-19-pandemic/news/organizer-of-bc-hospital-protests-kristen-nagle-recently-claimed-that-you-cant-catch-a-virus
No time to write a book, but made a meme...

*When I have time, I will update with diseases on a comeback tour.*
My new post ties well into this subject... https://www.sorryantivaxxer.com/forum/general-discussion/scary-rwnj-clinic-and-children-s-playground-in-florida
What’s driving the anti-vax movement? | The Excerpt Ina Pinkney had polio in 1944 at 18 months old… 11 years before a vaccine. She discusses her journey to normalize her life of disability and present new life as a passionate advocate and speaker who travels around the US.
The antivaxxers have taken over so many of these URLs! Sometimes it is all you see in comments. their trick is to come last and make a string of controversial posts that have more comments and that keeps them higher on the comment list. The sickest thing is that it says anti-vax so the AI assumes you are also an antivaxxer, and that is what was shown me on the right as my videos of interest as I had not yet logged in FFS. GRRRRR! https://youtu.be/ArrKsCubGRo If you have time... please make some sensible comments of your own.
Via CDC: Measles cases in 2024
May 16, 2024: total of 139 measles cases were reported by 21 states
State COVID death rates after vaccine became available
I am not sure of the numbers on this, but it got no pushback from a discerning Daily Kos crowd. Please add any input in comments... https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/5/17/2241310/-State-COVID-death-rates-after-vaccine-became-available
Canada is having far more trouble...
Sigh. Public Health Ontario reported the death of a child under five last Thursday.
Currently, there are 41 active 1 cases of measles in Canada. 75 cases of measles and 1 case of congenital rubella syndrome/infection have been reported in Canada in 2024. https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/measles/surveillance-measles/measles-rubella-weekly-monitoring-reports.html
Canada has its own QAnon and antivaxxer movement. They are pretty concentrated in Texas North - Alberta, and also wherever the CONservatives have a foothold.
Case in point...
Alberta premier’s support for town hall questioning COVID vaccines worries experts.
On a radio show, Alberta Premier Danielle Smith said she supported the United Conservative Party town hall called “An Injection of Truth”. In its advertising it says: “Ask yourself, ‘How can we help Albertans put a stop to COVID shots that kill children?'” the ticketing website stated.
The “variety of doctors” are a veterinarian and 2 docs fired for not vaccinating… That lie has since been removed.
In 2023, Premier Smith apologized for comparing vaccinated Albertans to followers of Hitler… even though she admits was somehow vaccinated with the Johnson & Johnson one-dose vaccine in Arizona at a time when she was not eligible in either country. 'Let’s move on' she says… https://globalnews.ca/news/10511738/danielle-smith-covid-vaccine-town-hall/
Canada, like many other countries, has never reached the 95%+ required to prevent measles outbreaks. The QAnon and Antivaxxer bugs have spread as rapidly as the diseases vaccines were meant to prevent and permeated Canada with a disastrous effect.
We started the year with one new active case of measles... however
Children's antivax book
As opposition to vaccination among parents grows*, a children's antivax book is helping spread propaganda and fuel the normalcy of unvaxxed children. Use the arrow middle right to see the “book” preview.
The family name is Novaks. The other child is a neglected heap of autism who apparently has no name. The back of the book is full of URLs to iffy sources for info. https://www.reddit.com/r/vaxxhappened/comments/1cf9u6h/theyre_now_making_childrens_books_to_spread_their/
"Dr" Shannon Kroner initially said she was unbiased and not antivax. Oh yeah? She's an antivax MAGA moron minion! Her thesis was in childhood vaccinations and she has made "freeDUMB" her specialty... She was actively trying to assure religious exemptions for antivaxxers saying they needed to have a "choice,"
She is selling "nutritional: drinks and other snake-oil on all of her sites, surprise, surprise. She also has a masters in "special education." Proof that a great education does not always make you smarter... https://alovea.com/?ref=drshannonkroner
Wife beater Ricky Schroder loves the book!
‘My son’s childhood is gone – parents who don’t vaccinate their children need to hear this’
In England, a mother is cautioning other parents to get their children vaccinated. Her son Tom, now 12, has suffered greatly for his parent's decision. (42C is107 F)
Wait there's more...
*Wormbrain's book, Vax-Unvax: Let the Science Speak (Children’s Health Defense) is still doing good sales because who doesn't trust someone with no medical background to help them make informed medical decisions? https://www.amazon.ca/Vax-Unvax-Childrens-Health-Defense-Kennedy-ebook/dp/B08X4XQXXK
Make Smallpox and Polio Great Again!
tRUMP tells Virginia rally that schools with vax mandates get zero funding
The only clip I could find was a far right wing site broadcast so will not add that URL, but here is some of the commentary on that video...
These people vote!
After 6 children came down with measles in Florida, in the same elementary school, Surgeon General “ Doctor” Ladapo urged parents to do whatever they felt best as they know best. And so, the asshole parents of unvaccinated children will feel vindicated, but sane parents should download his letter and save it as evidence of one of their children should become ill and have complications. The last thing these antivaxxers want to do is to vaccinate or keep their children home during the outbreak as would be the norm. And quarantine? Who needs that? Parents know best… https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2024/02/22/florida-measles-outbreak-ladapo/
"Due to the high immunity rate in the community, as well as the burden on families and educational cost of healthy children missing school, DOH is deferring to parents or guardians to make decisions about school attendance. This recommendation may change as epidemiological investigations continue," the anti-science piece of shit Ladapo wrote.
University of Florida turns against Joe Ladapo
So far in 2024, at least 26 cases in at least 12 states have been reported to the CDC, about double the number at this point last year. In addition to the six cases confirmed in the Florida school, cases have been reported in Arizona, California, Georgia, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey, New York City, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Virginia. https://www.cdc.gov/measles/cases-outbreaks.html
Popular TikTok Dr urges parents to vaccinate for measles due to outbreak
I am only going to add the first part of this post from Reddit. In order to see more, click the link and press the arrow in the middle right to view the other ridiculous replies to a Doc trying to save lives ...
Measles Canada: Currently, there are 3 active cases of measles and 1 active case of congenital rubella syndrome in Canada. In 1998, Canada achieved elimination status for measles with endemic transmission no longer taking place.
Measles Europe: There were 42,200 measles cases across more than 40 European countries last year, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced this week — a more than 40-fold increase from 2022, which saw fewer than 1,000 cases. In December, the organization said there had been more than 20,000 hospitalizations and at least five deaths in the European region.
Measles Globally: Globally, the situation is even grimmer, with a spike in infections in 2022 that included nine million known cases and 136,000 reported deaths, mostly among children.
Measles USA: As of January 25, 2024, a total of 9 measles cases were reported by 4 jurisdictions: Georgia, Missouri, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. https://www.cdc.gov/measles/cases-outbreaks.html
Weekly U.S. FLU Surveillance Report
After a decline in cases, a new upward trend is happening in some pockets of the US.
CDC estimates that there have been at least 20 million illnesses, 230,000 hospitalizations, and 14,000 deaths from flu so far this season.
CDC recommends that everyone 6 months and older get an annual flu vaccine as long as influenza viruses are spreading.2 Vaccination now can still provide benefit this season.
There also are prescription flu antiviral drugs that can treat flu illness; those should be started as early as possible and are especially important for higher risk patients.
Report: https://www.cdc.gov/flu/weekly/index.htm
What more can I add?? 😶
Well, at least polio is gone! *Wait what?
Vaccine denial: Measles is back - hospitalizations, encephalitis, and deaths expected to rise
Nearly 10,000 COVID deaths reported last month as JN.1 variant spread at holiday gatherings, WHO says
Those are worldwide WHO COVID numbers that people are misconstruing. (And someone mentioned it also on the main page) Sadly, the USA is still the top death reporter in the world so yes, the numbers are high there still, but compare that to the thousands a day during the Delta death surge... Here are the reported numbers for the USA: (I only did a cursory glance and it looks like close to 3k in a month)
Well damn! I scanned the Canadian numbers are we are close to 1K in a month for the same rime period... and we are 1/10th population. In both Canada and the US, there are some places not reporting and numbers reported are likely well below actual numbers. Mask up Canada FFS! and get those boosters!
Dec, 2023
Christians Don't Need Vaccines
Lying pastor/election denier/fake christian running for a seat in the Texas Legislature. He is also tRUMP's "Merry Christmas" inspiration...
January 18, 2024
State’s first measles case since 2020 reported in metro Atlanta
The Georgia Department of Public Health announced on Thursday that it has confirmed the state’s first measles cases in nearly four years.
https://www.wsbtv.com/news/local/states-first-measles-case-since-2020-reported-metro-atlanta-dph-says/ FBPW4CPVCVF4PM4QKU2BOTVHBY/
Jan. 19, 2024
Philadelphia measles outbreak has hospitals on alert after child was sent to day care despite quarantine instructions
Eight people have been diagnosed since last month. None had gotten vaccinated
Jan. 17, 2024 This bitch was a nurse...who will be responsible for killing children. She should be in jail but instead paid a fine.
Long Island Midwife Gave Pellets Instead of Vaccines to 1,500 Children
The loons who are causing deaths in the US and wordwide are also leaders... like DeathDantis and his minions.
It's all Fauci's fault they are antivaxxers...
RFK Jr is a dangerous narcissistic crusader. He probably has a child who is on the autism spectrum. He's a danger to the election and should sit down.
I haven't been to SAV lately since I went to Spain for a couple weeks in October, etc. I was pleasantly surprised to find that my mid-August Covid booster protected me during my 11 hour flight from SF to Barcelona. Loving my vaccines!!! I have never gotten covid yet.
RFK Jr. is such an asshole!! Killing children.
The measles virus is the most contagious virus known today. The measles vaccine is given to children in the MMR vaccine that also protects against mumps and rubella. “Herd Immunity” has been successful for the most part, but antivaxxers undermine that...
RFK Jr and his ilk already caused a huge outbreak in 2018... in Samoa
"Children's Health Defence" my vaccinated ass! They are killing children.
Nov 8, 2023. The Pennsylvania Department of Health is working with a school district to manage an outbreak of pertussis, AKA whooping cough. 10 students have confirmed cases of the illness. https://www.wgal.com/article/carlisle-area-school-district-sees-uptick-in-cases-of-whooping-cough/45778827#
RFK Jr and his ilk already caused a huge US outbreak in 2012... undermining 50 years of prevention work. https://www.forbes.com/sites/stevensalzberg/2012/07/23/anti-vaccine-movement-causes-the-worst-whooping-cough-epidemic-in-70-years/
These same antivaxxers are also reluctant to vaccinate their animals for rabies, even though mandated by law to do so. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7877678/
Sould really be a sad or angry emoji!