The March of Dimes has given this grade, but believe it or not, this is an improvement over last year. It is just mind- boggling. The US pays more than Canadians do for their access to healthcare. (And you pay out of pocket ON TOP of that)
There is not a single A in the country, and 8 states and Puerto Rico earned an "F" - Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, West Virginia.
It isn't just a tragedy that Maternal and infant health are worsening... the number of maternal and infant deaths are also rising...
As the report is published, March of Dimes says the U.S. remains among the most dangerous developed nations for childbirth with early data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) showing a 3% increase in infant mortality in 2022-the largest spike in over two decades.
You can view where your state stands on the 2023 MARCH OF DIMES REPORT CARD:
30% of Americans have no access to an OB-GYN
Almost half of U.S. counties lack an OB-GYN
Postpartum care is almost non existant.
Hospital closures, lack of access to outpatient and inpatient obstetrical care and fewer and fewer people choosing obstetrics in light of the the anti-abortion/jhigh insurance/threats to life and limb environment that the GOP have created... in the guise of religion and prolife.

My diatribe on American Wealthcare. (Not a typo) Old news, you might say? Yes dammit... old news that has not changed an iota. In fact it is even worse. Your insurance costs are ridculous!
There is no recent comprehensive study comparing of costs since 2017. No doubt the costs of COVID will prevent one being done for years... but the data is still being kept and the US is still lagging terribly! These 2 charts show the costs VS the performance more recently.
David Cross talks about the awful and expensive US Healthcare … As of 202, 1 in 3 GoFundMe are for healthcare cost.
The healthcare the GOP tried to destroy is not adequate. And ... they do it under the veil of religion and prolife.