Many of us have been warning about this for decades. Especially during and after the Reagan years when the whole purpose of the GQP seemed to shift towards eliminating all the protections afforded by a strong and active federal government. No different from the pull-back from reconstruction in the South that allowed the rise of white supremacism and the decades of institutionalized racism that we are still contending with today.
Moscow Mitch and the very well-funded Federalist Society have been instrumental in changing the landscape of our federal judiciary towards a radicalized group less concerned with all men are equal under the law and more concerned with pressing forward their conservative agenda regardless of legal thought, precedence, and equality. Mitch blocked all Obama appointees under specious arguments and reasonings and them completely back-tracked on all the same arguments and reasoning to fill those empty appointments with what the American Bar Association called incompetent and unqualified candidates. The Orange Shitgibbon was instrumental in this as he merely made the appointments the Federalist Society provided and Moscow Mitch made damn sure to get them confirmed—even using the so-called nuclear option of removing the filibuster rule for just judiciary confirmations. So focused were they that this was basically the only thing accomplished during the Orange Shitgibbon’s administration other than the permanent tax cuts to uber wealthy and temporary for the vast majority of Americans.
The direct results (and extended result of elections) is that we now habe federal benches filled with unqualified and incompetent legal minds more prone to not understand the laws of our country and willing to make disastrous rulings that go against all legal precedence and thought under our constitution. Hence, a SCOTUS now willing to dispose of precedence and rule against established legal principles (Roe v Wade, etc) and federal district court judges willing to ignore the same to first accept cases they should not even be ruling on and then making rulings such as the Special Master ruling which boiled down to an empty argument that since the Orange Shitgibbon and his sycophants yelled so loudly about bias and created this empty appearance of unfairness we rule in their favor to make the process look more fair regardless of the legal principles and results this may have on the attendant issues—in this case a criminal investigation and the very real and disastrous effects on national security.
Heather Cox-Richardson lays it all out much better and succinctly but the final analysis is Joe Biden got it partially right—these aren’t just MAGAt semi-fascists but the entire GQP bent towards creating full-on fascism. We are best served to know this and get active locally in the nominating processes or we will end up like 1930s Germany.

Thank you for this post. I added it to mine as they now intertwine. tRUMP has put individuals like Pelosi, Schiff and Pence, the Press, the FBI and DOJ in his loyal minions cross-hairs, as well as the judges that are trying to indict him and most recently the judge who okayed the search and seizure warrant. Whomever he says is the enemy, his minions then attack. LOSER45 will go down as not just the worst, but the most destructive, "president."
A wee bit of good news... although he will appeal of course.
Judge removes Griffin from office for engaging in the January 6 insurrection
Griffin faced Judge MAGATy McFadden and was given no punishment for inciting others... TheyShouldHaveVaxxed and I wrote about him HERE:
Terrifying. 1930s Germany all over again.
It’s like watching a horror movie where you’re actually in it.
I really hate what the GQP has done to this country. Fucking whacked-out religious freaks who would make love to their guns if they could.
My only hope for the short term is that there are enough actually qualified and competent lawyers on enough benches who are still operating under the well established legal principles set by our legal system over the millennia of our country’s existence and under our constitution.
The long term requires this fact of our present poltical reality to be known and understood by the majority of voting citizens.