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Alberto Guerrero, 71, Largo, FL - Dead from Covid and Kidney Disease

Writer's picture: VaxxyladyVaxxylady

Updated: May 29, 2022

There isn't a lot of information on Alberto Guerrero but according to his daughter's social media posts, he passed away on February 6th, 2022 after a battle with kidney disease and COVID. We can only guess how he got Covid.

Edit to add, one of our SAV members found links to Alberto and Veronica's Scientologist service completions. Links provided.

We DO know that his only daughter, Veronica Rodriguez, is quite outspoken on masks and vaccines.

Alberto's last days seem really sad. According to the story from GoFundMe, Alberto went for dialysis and complained of a sore throat, so the dialysis center gave him a Covid test and did not do dialysis. Two days later, his test came back positive for Covid. He still hadn't received dialysis so he went to the ER, was admitted, and they discovered pneumonia and fluid buildup from lack of dialysis. He was there for 7 days until he was discharged ”with family pressure to get him out as he was not doing well there at all with lack of proper food & sleep and not allowed to see any of us since he was in the Covid area." Sadly, after returning home he passed away.

So, let's meet Alberto's daughter. She is a self-professed "Freedom Fighter hairstylist. And most importantly: a Mommy." She's an activist with ties to the Conscious Coalition (click on the link to see a photo of her at CA Assemblyman Ed Chau's office), a Scientology-backed organization that has two priorities: "opposing childhood vaccination and promoting religious freedom." She's everything you would expect to see on SAV but I'll let her speak for herself through her many Facebook posts.

Here we can see a lot of the typical habits of those featured on SAV: she's happy to be in Florida where masks aren't a thing and she's surrounded by "like minded people." She does the trifecta: expressing her displeasure for wearing masks, throws in the Bill Gates conspiracy, and mentions Robert F. Kennedy Jr. all in one photo! Of course there is a FB frame about "Freedom over Fear." She encourages people to leave negative reviews for a business trying to protect their customers from Covid. She and her family dine at a restaurant that is defying the CA mask mandate. Finally, she calls out the CDC about masks and wildfires.

More love for Robert F Kennedy Jr. and anti-vaccine mandates.

It's about her "freedom," of course.

Anti-vaccine mandate:

It's hard to get onto SAV without some anti-Fauci posts!

I don't think Jim Halpert said this but I DO remember that Trump told people to get the vaccine (eventually).

This is just fearmongering and incorrect information. The info sheet is left blank BECAUSE: “The package insert states that the front and back panels of the insert were intentionally left blank, with Fact Sheets made available electronically for the duration of FDA’s Emergency Use Authorization,” Cannellos told The Associated Press in an email. “This process ensures vaccinators and consumers have the most up-to-date Fact Sheets available to them, with reflecting any revisions made in alignment with the FDA. The Fact Sheets contain detailed prescribing information, including ingredients, dosage and administration, warnings and contraindications.”

This didn't happen. It's been debunked.

I'd rather have a slightly higher risk of anaphylaxis or allergic reaction over being put on a ventilator or dying.

No, I would NOT trust Veronica.

Here we go with the VAERS misinformation. Of course she posted that.

#VaccineInjuredLivesMatter? I didn't know that was a thing. Nor did I know that October is Vaccine Injury Awareness Month. It's also:

Bat Appreciation Month, National Economic Education Month, Celebrating the Bilingual Child Month, Down Syndrome Awareness Month, Eat Better Eat Together Month, National Applejack Month, National Kitchen & Bath get it.

Still, I've never heard of Vaccine Injury Awareness Month.

She's a poet as well!

Sadly, her Father can't get dialysis because he's Covid positive.

It's not looking good for her Father. Cue the call for prayers.

A few days later he passed away.

There was a GoFundMe. It actually started before he passed away but it's still open for donations.

The crying selfie...I've certainly cried over losing someone but I've never thought, "Hey, let me take a selfie right now so I can show everyone on social media how sad I am." I don't doubt her grief or sorrow but I think it's strange picture to post.

She says her Father has been in and out of hospitals for the last 5 years of his life, so obviously he wasn't the picture of health. He had stage 4 kidney disease and was on dialysis 3 times a week. BTW, I looked it up and the CDC recommends the Covid 19 vaccine for dialysis patients. With his fragile state of health, it's mind boggling that anyone around him would be against masks and/or vaccines. Isn't a family member's health worth it or are personal freedoms more important? I'll give her credit, she did wear a mask and face shield in the hospital, but I doubt she would have been allowed to see her father without it.

Not only did she lose her father but she lost a friend last summer, too.

Despite losing her father and a friend to Covid, there's still no mention of the importance of getting a Covid-19 vaccination from Veronica. Maybe if her father had been vaccinated he wouldn't have contracted Covid or at the very least, would have had a mild, survivable case. Maybe if the people surrounding him and helping to care for him were vaccinated and wearing masks he wouldn't have contracted Covid-19. His death is another sad tale of Covid taking a life and leaving a grieving family behind. Truthfully, we don't know how Alberto caught Covid, but if he hadn't there's a good chance he would have gotten his dialysis as scheduled and wouldn't have contracted pneumonia. Point is, if you are against vaccines and masks and choose to be around someone with compromised health, your actions can have deadly consequences.

We hope that Veronica's family won't be touched again by the dark hands of Covid, but there are free shots and precautions that can help protect everyone from another Covid tragedy.

RIP Alberto.

One last note: DO NOT post pictures of kids here. Her Facebook page has pictures of her family but one of our only hard rules is that kids are strictly off limits. This has always been a rule, nothing new, it was just a polite reminder so nobody has their comment removed.

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The  Prayer  Nazi
The Prayer Nazi
Jun 02, 2022

Total attention/camera whore..your pain bores me..


Mr. NO Filters.
Mr. NO Filters.
May 31, 2022

Here is another one of your sheep jeebus, I wish veronica could see this😁


May 30, 2022

Although she(Veronica, in the Elvis Costello repetition in my head) is surely foolish, I find her quite attractive. All which led me to back through the entire SAV universe to find most attractive Dumbalina who died from Covid. Gotta be Jennifer Rowe. That crooked smile works wonders for me.

Michelle Hoover the craziest(as in actually insane).

Stacy Ograyensek the most deranged left behind spouse.

QT the worst, I think. Angie "the ole Butt Blaster" Reynolds the strangest.

A 300 way tie for stupidest.


May 30, 2022

people like her have no guilt. That’s the only good thing about comrade trump ….. he’s shown us how many people are just like him

Jun 05, 2022
Replying to

That’s why I think banning/cancelling, generally, is a bad idea - there are folks we need to keep an eye on! I’ll take a out-and-proud David Duke over a stealth Tim McVeigh.


May 30, 2022

Besides her daddy, I wonder how many other people she killed. Now suffer with the guilt for the rest of your life, you daddy killer!


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