You all know the typical antivaxxer type. Bruce Thomas doesn't seem to fit, except for one little piece: he's a hippie with quite the shady past. He used to party hard, and I mean HARD. He loves the ganja, he's not religious but he hates the Democrats. This last one is the one that gets him into a little trouble.
Let's meet Bruce Thomas.

Bruce is a self-proclaimed hippie.

He loves the green. 🌿 Nothing wrong with that.

I always thought that hippies loved everybody?
Is he smoking a little too much ganja? I'm assuming that he tested positive for COVID but I'm not sure how the police are involved.

Punctuation would help us decipher what he's talking about here. He has a lot of difficulties using the period button so let’s assume the "period" key is broken. He doesn't trust the government and he's hospitalized with COVID. 😔

Is he sending a telegraph to his friends to bring some magic gummies to the hospital?

We can usually spot an antivaxxer when we see "COVID is no joke”.
Bruce is finally home and he still needs prayers, but only three are needed. 🤷

One day later, he's back and in a nursing home. 😔

It sounds like he's not very happy at this nursing home.

There seems to be a lot of drama happening back at his home.

As we say in the HCAz world, Bruce Thomas sadly earns his HCA.

Bruce Thomas lived a tough life. I'll never understand why he was scared of the COVID vaccine after everything else he had already put into his body.

RIP Bruce Thomas
Get vaccinated. Get your booster.
He's an uneducated moron boomer who has never been told no in his life.
The words "white priv" were invented for these selfish, talentless morons who think they are better than everyone.
Reposting this to get the garbage off top.
Shane said “Spanky, let’s grab the weed”
We’ll blame Dougal for the dastardly deed
Look in the back
And get all the crack
Bruce won’t miss it, guaranteed
Bruce did not die from COVID, and neither did many of these other people, I assume. You're really showing how "sorry" anti-vaxxers are by fabricating stories. Shit, I wonder why people don't take COVID seriously? Maybe if you stopped constantly lying and obfuscating reality because you feel like people aren't afraid ENOUGH, then it wouldn't have the opposite effect. Just an idea.
Most people have moved on from COVID. I suggest you people get a life and move on as well.
A Reading from the Book of Chaos:
In the beginning there were run on sentences misspellings and words that werent even words For Bruce like Biblical Haybrew me some coffee had no punctuation Lets eat Grandpa and Lets eat Grandpa were easily confused As Matty 420 saith Jesussmith hath just begun his last run He has called him to join him as fishers nuts of men and in this verse Bruce takes up his offer period end of Reading go forth get vaccinated and punctuate
so well for the myth that cannabis helps against covid