According the post below, Donnie has died from COVID. Donnie was part owner of Double-D motorsports, a dirt track race team. As you'll see, he thought COVID vaccines were BS:

Donnie was a prolific poster of anti-vaxxer views on Facebook. (Here is a link to one of his long rants on Facebook that was too long to post here). Here are some of his shorter posts:

Math and probability weren't among Donnie's better subjects, apparently:

And he posted this while he was in the hospital dying of COVID:

A week later his friend posted this:

Well Donnie, you should've played the lottery instead!!
Since he is now Dumb Dead Donnie Dobbins is he quad-D? DDDD reminds me of Morganna, the Kissing Bandit of the last century. When not bussing George Brett, Ms. Roberts was, among other things, a stripper. I happened to be at a bachelor party in Fort Wayne, IN sometime in the early '80s. We ended up at a strip club where Morganna was headlining for the weekend. Great entertainer and as many surgeries as that must have taken, she sure wasn't afraid of a needle. Where in the hell did the last 40 years go?
Math and probability wasn't one of Donnie's better subjects apparently: HAHAHAHAHA Awesome, Vaxman! Another D-bag gone...
The beer line at the race track just got shorter! Thanks Donnie!
Tired to be above but tires leaves marks on surface then tried six feet under instead.
A true caricature of the Republican death cult’s victims. As sure of themselves as they are illiterate. The result of the deterioration in quality of our educational system. Double D now means Dumb and Dead.