Let me introduce you to Dr. Robert Woodruff (aka Doc Woody) of Chelsea, OK. He is a family doctor (Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine) at Woodruff Family Medical Clinic. He also gives out licenses for medical marijuana. His wife Betty Menasco Woodruff seems to work with him at his practice and also runs/owns a medical marijuana dispensary.
We don't see a lot of anti-vaxxer gonja doctors featured here or over at Herman Cain Awardz.

Medical professionals piss me off the most. They have a lot of influence within their communities and persuade people based on their medical knowledge and advice.
Be prepared to read a lot as Dr. Woody doesn't just copy/paste/share like most. He loves to write out his full opinions and it's a lot to digest. A hell of a lot. I'm used to skimming anti-vaxxer copy pasta posts so I have enough time to get you as many stories as possible. Today, I did a lot of heavy lifting with this one so I can share this crazy story with you, great folks. 😎
It's so long so after you read it, you can jump to comments.

Let's jump in.
I'm going to walk you through this story in chronological order.
Dr. Woodruff was questioning vaccine well before COVID hit us.
He believed that a vaccine wasn't ready to go on day one because there is no $$ in that. It's all about the Benjamins.

He's gonna keep quiet until he researches some more. I could have told you to quit smoking with just my measly bachelor's degree. Not very groundbreaking.

Is he really asking this question?

He’s prescribing Hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) off the shelf for cancer? I don’t know anything about this to even comment. 🤷

YIKES! He stated this, "Maybe, the overall health of our population “sucks so badly” natural selection was just bound to kill off the weak." 👀

The good stuff is in! Not your average doc.

So that was a sample of his 2020. Are you still with me? Let's jump into 2021.
He’s stating here that with only a 0.04% reinfection rate, you need to outweigh the risk of getting reinfected with the "adverse reactions" of the vaccine. 🤬

We need out of the box thinking with treatments. I wonder what he means here?

You probably already figured out where his politics leaned. They always do.

Does he not think that we all worry about cancer or other deadly causes? Does he also not realize what would have happened if we did nothing about COVID? Do we really need to tell a practicing doctor this?

At this point, he had treated 92 patients and 5 died. The majority were old with comorbidities. Is he implying no big deal?

Word salad.....
Comment made on the above post.

Now he starts touting Ivermectin & FLCCC protocol. 🤦♀️

Anti-vaxxers sure love to say this line. "I'm not an Antivaxxer". Also, how does a doctor not know how to use "an" vs a" or "to vs "too"? Red flag right there.

He's just saying....

Now others are sharing his thoughts. UGH!

More word salad. I zone out after getting to the 2nd paragraph of most of his posts.

He will not COMPLY!

81% reduction in deaths? 🤔

Plaquenil is Hydroxychloroquine and Zithromax is Z-Pak. I'm pretty sure this all sounds extremely knowledgeable to his patients.

His last post before going dark for a little bit. Can someone read this one and translate for me? I'm tired of translating his posts. 🤗

How sweet. One of his patients brought him soup. I wonder what's wrong with Doc?

Samantha is Betty's daughter (aka Woody's stepdaughter). Betty is already hospitalized and now Woody is too. He has pneumonia + COVID. Betty is the worse out of all three of them.

Woody is feeling better. Praise the Lord!

Samantha wants to get to Disneyland! Woody is out of isolation and Betty is starting to feel better. After this, I'd assume Woody will change his tune?

Vacation? Really?

Doc may get to go home and his wife Betty is being weaned off her nose ring?

Doc is home. Betty is hoping to do the same in a couple of days.

Four days later and Betty is home. Woo hoo!

Dr. Woody is now dealing with panic attacks. That sounds horrible. A vaccine sounds a million times better than any of this.

Here we go. Is Dr. Woody going back to his old ways?

Oh shit! He's DOUBLING down.

More DOUBLING down. Is this dude for real?

Here we go again.

Does he have nothing better to do on Christmas?

Again with the "I'm not an anti-vaxxer" bullshit. He's quadruple downing now.

More blah blah blah....

His vaccination status is quite clear. And he's telling his patients this. UGH!

His wife is back to pushing the ganja.

And here's the latest on Dr. Woody.

Get your booster. Get vaccinated.
Peace Love HCAman.
This guy is my new Paul R. Oebel who replaced my Marcus Lamb who …. 😂. ?
Greta has 328 friends on her Facebook page and her most liked post has 20 likes. Unless she has some other interface with the public, she doesn’t seem to be a huge threat to sanity. She’s making the most of her 7.5 minutes of fame.
My best guess for why countries with higher vaccination rates have higher cancer rates would be because there's no vaccine for cancer. And vaccines don't result in immortality.
I don't need to educate these stupid fucks. Covid can do it.
A hometown hero. 😱 After my arrival to this small community (Chelsea, Oklahoma), it didn’t take me to long to realize that many such folks have the same ideas in this community, like this good doctor.