According to social media posts (below), Kevin died on November 16, 2021. He was definitely an anti-vaxxer, so much so that he was willing to lose his job over it as they apparently mandated the vaccine. So mandates might not work with these extreme anti-vaxxers.

Let's find out what he was thinking.
Early on he put a stake in the ground...

"Give them an inch..." is why conservatives can't compromise.

He's not going to be forced....

He's a man of his word. He loses his job over the vaccine mandate. He also decides to sell his body armor:

He's definitely NOT complying.

He went quickly. 10 days after losing his job for not getting vaccinated he was dead from COVID:

RIP Kevin.
Vaxman doesn't give us vocation for Kevin. There are several ways to go in explaining that cover pic. As noted below it could well be a post death picture. His "poor me" tone leaves out bouncer, though the, body armor? does raise an issue. I'm just going to throw out there that I am eliminating anything that requires higher education. Doesn't really seem like the construction type and can't imagine him in an office setting. His general demeanor says security guard but I don't think that would require a vaccine. I'm going limo driver. Explains the suit and the vax requirement.
Why do these guys always have facial hair transplants from their scrotum?
I like the picture of this dead anti vaxxer. I think every post should have a photo of them dead.
The American association of Casket Makers is thrilled about this news. Coffin sales are soaring!
Cool pic...Weekend At Kevin's, right?