Hi SAVers, The best part of this site is you. I have been consistently amazed at the quality of comments on this site - incredible humor, incredible humanity, incredible insights. There seem to be a lot of continuing discussions across posts, so I thought I‘d give a more traditional forum a try. However, I need help in determining what the various topics should be. Please post your suggestions. You can find the forum in the menu for the site.
On another note, I've gotten tons of emails about members not getting notifications of posts. Well, Wix took that feature away because of spam reports from members (obviously antivaxxers who signed up to troll and then reported spam on the notifications). I've submitted a rebuttal to WIX and am waiting for their decision.

Also, sorry for the slowdown in posts, I've been super busy and had to travel overseas again. Things should get back to normal as soon as my jet lag subsides.
It's been a long time but I wondered if there was any update on the video. I submitted the SAV video in 2021. I know you got sick, I know you are busy but I thought it was pretty good! Thanks and I hope you're doing well.
Vaxman: Next time you get a comment from someone saying that this site is cruel, you can respond with this meme:
Fellow SAVERS, what is the consensus regarding this disease? Do we think the major part of the crisis is over? I know Dr. Fauci said we've entered a different phase now. I assume the vast population of people who survived Covid are slowly withering away, and most people are entrenched in their positions - no Reality will penetrate their thick armor of denial. I personally will follow the protocols until further notice (I don't have a social life anymore anyway, so no biggie). I guess I want to hear from your corners of the World whether we've done all we can do to reach people on the fence or if we are still having an impact? I want …