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Here's Johnny!
May 27, 2022
In General Discussion
I'm off to a camping trip in Washington State's southern Olympics: do a little hiking, a little fishing, and enjoy the rain because Washington State. My wife and I will engage in that camping ritual of Backing the RV Trailer While Not Hating Each Other. It's a more advanced version of Couples Pitching the Complicated Camping Tent. Come Monday I'll take the usual stroll through the local cemetery and say "hi" to the departed veterans. It's a little disturbing how many WWII vets died in the 5 years or so following the end of the war. So, what are you up to?
Here's Johnny!
May 07, 2022
In General Discussion
Here’s a few features at the Pacific Beach Conference Center and Resort: This platform is a great place to scan the vastness for logical anti-vaxxer arguments (or gray whales): These are handy for reading menus or AV’er screeds: Here’s where the bunker mentality is stored: Overall pretty good trip so far. Should have brought the clam gun.
Here's Johnny!
May 07, 2022
In General Discussion
This is Ancient Cat, not missing us one damn bit while we’re out camping.
Here's Johnny!
May 06, 2022
In General Discussion
Being all immunized & boosted, the pandemic is in my personal rearview mirror. So is my RV trailer as we head to the Washington State coast for the weekend. So, what are you doing?
Here's Johnny!
May 06, 2022
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I'm fully vaccinated, and boosted (twice). Despite multiple exposures I've never tested positive for covid. By all means, tell me why getting vaccinated and avoiding covid infection was a bad idea.
Here's Johnny!
Apr 29, 2022
In General Discussion
My gardening posts so far have been aimed at arid land gardening techniques. Yeah, that seems weird for western Washington State but I'm looking down the road at where west coast summers might be in the future. Now parts of California are facing the sort of water use restrictions that would be the kiss of death to traditional gardening. Is there a way to maintain some semblance of food or flower gardens on limited water? I think there might be. Is it a long-term solution? Of course not, but that isn't the point. What do you think, should Gardening in the Age of Drought be a regular feature here?
Here's Johnny!
Apr 29, 2022
In General Discussion
I’m on the senior staff of a local manufacturing firm. One of our hard working folks applied for a couple supervisory positions, but didn’t get the jobs. This hit him hard and he decided to leave the company. He got an interview with a place that makes robotic arms, but they wanted references. One of my folks heard this and sent the guy to see me. I took an hour and wrote a letter that said exactly what I thought of this guy, and what a great add he’d be to any organization. Dude sent the letter and within half an hour got an offer—$35 an hour with full medical and dental. Just as important, he leaves knowing he’s respected and valued. I’m so tickled for him I spent the day smiling. Words are free, but the thoughts they convey are priceless. The day you’re too busy to give a few good words to the people who make your job possible is the day you need to quit.
Here's Johnny!
Apr 28, 2022
In General Discussion
I waited until the 3rd week of April to plant cucumbers. I noticed today all the starts have severe frost damage. This is Seattle, and the frost-free date is supposed to be April 15th. Anyone else south of Canada off to a rocky start with the garden?
Here's Johnny!
Apr 26, 2022
In General Discussion
I did a quick stroll through the site members and realized the screen names are a topic unto themselves. I’m FishGuy, for the uncreative and obvious reason that I’m a guy, and I fish. Players in my posts are Mrs. Fish, Ancient Cat (my avatar), Backup Cat, Bulldog, and assorted adult children including Sailor Son and MMA Daughter. So, who are you? More importantly why are you?

Here's Johnny!
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