I'm a 53 year old guy from South Africa who's semi-disabled as the result of an accident I had 25 years ago. Being largely confined to my flat I became interested in online debate and quickly became aware of how many people were woefully incapable of critical thinking. I kept plugging away, but after years of trying to engage others in constructive discussion I realised that to all intents and purposes what I was really engaged in was an exercise in futility. Being bipolar meant I had my own mental health to consider and for years I avoided arguing about anything contentious...until Covid. And I made the same mistake again. Some people cannot be reached, they will not listen to reason and wherever they go they leave death and disease. I've never been one to mock the dead, but when those close to you are left gasping for air because of the religious and ideologically motivated stupidity and wilful ignorance of their elders it becomes a good deal easier. So, 3 fucking cheers for schadenfreude, and on that note I will leave as my cat (Lynx) is guilting me into feeding him...again.