We received an email from "Auntie Vaxx" who wanted to inform us of the death of Louisville Doctor, 36 year old SarahBeth Hartladge, who passed in March while attending a conference in Florida. She was the associate medical director of Louisville Metro Public Health and Wellness. She worked diligently to help vaccinate the citizens of Louisville from Covid-19. She organized drive-thru vaccination and testing sites and appeared regularly at briefings with the mayor.
Auntie Vaxx included this article from WorldTribune.com where they said her death was "sudden and unexpected" and implied it was because of the Covid-19 vaccine.
Those scare tactics don't work on us, Aunti Vaxx. A quick google search helped me learn that Dr. Hartladge's autopsy said she died of heart disease and she also had Chronic Granulomatous Disease (CGD) which is: "an inherited disorder that occurs when a type of white blood cell (phagocyte) that usually helps your body fight infections doesn't work properly. As a result, the phagocytes can't protect your body from bacterial and fungal infections."
The anti-vaxxers want to try and associate the deaths of pro-vaxxers, under the age of 40 to the Covid-19 vaccine. The data does not support this (links below). There have been many studies on the risk of myocarditis and the Covid-19 vaccine. While there have been a few, very rare instances, there is no evidence to support the claims that the Covid-19 vaccine is killing young people by causing heart attacks. The Cardio Metabolic Institute has some interesting data on the increased rates of heart disease and heart attacks on patients under the age of 40 in an article titled, What's Behind the Rise in Heart Attacks Among Young People? According to the article, "1 in 5 heart attack patients are under the age of 40" and "Having a heart attack in your 20s or early 30s is more common. Between the years 2000-2016, the heart attack rate increased by 2% every year in this young age group." Maybe it's that our young people have a more sedentary life than ever before.
Myocarditis and Pericarditis After mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination
The FDA did not say Covid-19 vaccines are causing more heart attacks
Is There Any Link Between the Covid-19 Vaccine and Heart Attacks?
As much as the anti-vaxxers want to scare us with stories like Dr. Hartladge's death, correlation does not imply causation. These claims that the Covid-19 vaccine are causing heart attacks are unfounded and we will not be swayed without the science to back up these claims.
Good try, Auntie Vaxx. Cute name, too, but we don't fall for scare tactics.
Correlation does not prove causation.
That phrase is too advanced for anti-vax simpletons to understand, so let me dumb it down for them:
After does not mean because.
Uncle Vaxman? 🙃🙃
I'll see myself out --->
'Sup Aunti Vaxx ?
You peakin under my loincloth ?
@Vaxxylady You said we need a name for the anti-vax men.
How about UnVaxxed UncleDaddy
These people are the lowest forms of ignorance. It's weird but Myocarditis was happening way before vaccines were created. In fact, Myocarditis from COVID was the main reason why the colleges started taking COVID seriously, because it was affecting so many athletes. Many colleges have their incoming athletes perform baseline EKGS, so they were able to see the damages.
I'm tired of their BS. Here are some articles for the Antie Vaxx of this world to read and choke on facts. They need to stop lying is all I have to say
P.S. Keyontae Johnson collapsing on the basketball court was one of the most frightening thing I have seen, especially since he was playing hard and scored before the timeout
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hN7hZc26ZVw&ab_channel=JustinB (Keyontae collapse video)
"Dr. Doh!" works too
These folks just clutch at straws to maintain their beliefs and avoid the pain of cognitive dissonance. A big part of this process is the need to be validated in their BS and how better to achieve that than “prove” you are wrong. Like going into the lion’s den and emerging unscathed—validation, baby!
Also a source of frustration when they run into people who refuse to buy their BS and know how to actually comprehend info written in many different sources.
Maybe we should call all the anti-vax women "Auntie Vaxx" now.
We just need a name for the anti-vax men. And....GO!