Back when climate change and its consequences were first being discussed, one of the issues mentioned was pandemics/disease as diseases found conditions that could let them escape whatever was keeping them bottled up. With more hosts and more disease replication, variations and new variants can emerge and race through populations multiple times as we have seen with covid.
That’s the backdrop for consequences of all the antivaxxer and antimaskers. The game is changing and getting potentially more dangerous. The idiots who can’t or won’t understand this put themselves and societies at risk because they become sources/reservoirs and incubators for keeping a pandemic alive.
We should be getting better at protecting ourselves and society but some are still stuck in reverse. The CDC now has to weigh backlash with any new behavior modifications which tends to make responses somewhat ineffective. Unfortunately, a minority is able to hold the majority hostage and influence policies to be more lax and give disease more opportunity.
Our current, probably inadequate, response to monkeypox is an example and it’s continuing to spread. That it is continuing to spread is proof that our response is inadequate and a big indication it’s just going to continue to spread.
So against that backdrop, welcome my brothers and sisters to the land of rampant disease spread simply because we have people who don’t understand disease transmission and how to help minimize it.
Taking precautions to stop the spread of a deadly virus causes folks some temporary inconvenience, and THAT'S A VIOLATION OF THEIR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS!!!!
The USA is NOT anti-vax! The majority of us are pro-vax. The anti-vax segment of our population is much louder than the pro-vax, but those idiots do not represent all Americans.
They are much louder and get coverage that they shouldn't. Same with fascists in general. And yet only a small percent of those eligible for boosters have gotten them. People are fine with yearly flu shots, or even daily insulin, but boosters get panties wrung in a bunch.
I agree with many of your points, however, please keep in mind that we don’t home-grow all these fucks and they certainly don’t act in a vacuum. We are a magnet for the greed-based motherfuckers from around the globe. And tentacles from around the world are here. If we were somehow wiped out, the problem still remains. It wouldn’t take long for the $ elsewhere to regroup and start fucking everything up again.
Agreed the problems are global. Other countries can be better at things to hold nonsense in check (e.g., more transparency in campaign financing and the existence of various social programs). That needs to be ramped up and I don't know if that will happen soon enough. The existence of billionaires buying UAE or Portuguese citizenship though makes me fantasize about covid taking the human species as a whole down, because we are such a fucked up species.
The hero worship of people who fuck over others to get rich is bizarre. Some rich are good with their money but most aren’t. Our biggest and best rich people now are the spurned ex-wives of Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos. They don’t seem to need to build flaming penises or ride around with pedophiles to prey on young girls, and instead are funding really good programs to help the planet and people.
It may only be a matter of time.... Seeing people not give a shit about masking and other precautions though, I have to admit I have no compassion for those who don't give a damn about commonsense precautions if covid were to become say plague deadly.
Once the pox infests the daycares and senior homes (hello Illinois!) things are going to get really interesting. I'm watching it all and thinking just bring on the bomb already, we're done here... 🙄
Back when climate change and its consequences were first being discussed, one of the issues mentioned was pandemics/disease as diseases found conditions that could let them escape whatever was keeping them bottled up. With more hosts and more disease replication, variations and new variants can emerge and race through populations multiple times as we have seen with covid.
That’s the backdrop for consequences of all the antivaxxer and antimaskers. The game is changing and getting potentially more dangerous. The idiots who can’t or won’t understand this put themselves and societies at risk because they become sources/reservoirs and incubators for keeping a pandemic alive.
We should be getting better at protecting ourselves and society but some are still stuck in reverse. The CDC now has to weigh backlash with any new behavior modifications which tends to make responses somewhat ineffective. Unfortunately, a minority is able to hold the majority hostage and influence policies to be more lax and give disease more opportunity.
Our current, probably inadequate, response to monkeypox is an example and it’s continuing to spread. That it is continuing to spread is proof that our response is inadequate and a big indication it’s just going to continue to spread.
So against that backdrop, welcome my brothers and sisters to the land of rampant disease spread simply because we have people who don’t understand disease transmission and how to help minimize it.
The USA is NOT anti-vax! The majority of us are pro-vax. The anti-vax segment of our population is much louder than the pro-vax, but those idiots do not represent all Americans.
Overall ... yeah. I'm out of fucks.
Or are you thinking that a reduction of the nearly 8 billion people on the planet would be a good thing in the long run?
I think that all the time. Then I feel like a sociopath.