Lack of basic writing skills is a common thread amongst the anti-vaxxers featured on this website. The purpose of this site is educational therefore I think we should highlight their mistakes and offer examples of how it should be done. I’ll start with this one.

It's the times we're in.Even if you look closely while reading a newspaper you'll find all kinds of mistakes.E-mails from corporations and government institutions,same thing.
I would love to sit in on an English class in 2022 to see WHY!
I fear I may lose my typing license judging by these comments. I'm shamed shamed shamed... I'm a riffer not a riter.. Woe is me.
"Between he and I...."
There are sometimes spelling, grammar and typo errors on SAV posts, and I can't feel judgemental, because I'm far from perfect. I also forgive the laziness of text-speak. I'm lazy but I try not to be a hypocrite.
Then you look at the actual SAV awardees, and they are in a completely different language league. JFC. As perlinator says above, spellcheck isn't perfect, but it seems they don't use spellcheck.
I guess they just don't care, or it's part of their "proud ignorance". It must surely limit employment opportunities? It's another "own goal".
There are sometimes spelling, grammar and typo errors on SAV posts, and I can't feel judgemental, because I'm far from perfect. I also forgive the laziness of text-speak. I'm lazy but I try not to be a hypocrite.
Then you look at the actual SAV awardees, and they are in a completely different language league. JFC. As perlinator says above, spellcheck isn't perfect, but it seems they don't use spellcheck.
I guess they just don't care, or it's part of their "proud ignorance". It must surely limit employment opportunities? It's another "own goal".
My cousin and I were talking about people using shorted words. I remember that around 30 years ago when mobile phones were becoming more widespread, you had to pay for each text you used and only had a certain number of characters in one text and had to pay more thereafter. People used to shorten words so they could fit more into their texts, and left out punctuation too. Most people grew out of this as texts became cheaper, and essentially ‘free’ within a phone contract. Some people haven’t realised that things have moved on. People using text speak on social media is annoying, when I receive an email using text speak it drives me mad!
The use of no grammar is widespread and the use of shortened words is appalling-can one not learn to spell properly? That's why spell check in the computer and phone is necessary.
If I had a dollar for every time I heard a certain coworker say "verbage", I could buy a lot of Dunkin Donuts iced coffees! I'm not sure how Ebonics is relevant, though, and that term is fraught and best avoided.
The more educated you are, the better grammar you will have. Most Anti-vaxxers, despite their "Dunning-Kruger" do not have that much education and what there is of it, passes for a 5th grade level.
All the common grammar rules go out the window because they're spelling phonetically, or ebonically, whichever works.
They also mistake verbiage and tons of garbage for wisdom.
I'm a technical editor. This shit drives me up the wall. Thank goodness my engineers are far above this level. They're also all vaxxed, though ... coincidence? 🤣🤣🤣
Commas save lives! Here are two examples of the same sentence, one with a comma and one without:
Let's eat, Grandma!
Let's eat Grandma!
I prefer the Oxford comma myself; thus Grammar, Spelling, and Punctuation. Chacun à son goût. But not too many commas, please, you can't use them like periods, I see this all over the place, it's rampant in text written by semi-literate software authors.
Heh heh. I speeler miss steaks of 10. Or leafs outch werds.
Commas, people!