FYI: The last picture is a flashing GIF. If you are epileptic, have had seizures or have photo sensitivities, please be aware. (Once I published, I had to click on the GIF to make it flash, so not sure how it will present for you)
The Bannon pictures may also make you nauseous... and for some reason seem to have a foul odour as well.

Bannon 3 shirts

The Perp Walk

2 PEEPEEs in a pod

I made my friend wear these on one Canada Day. We were a hit!
I still put up a few flags, and place a flag banner and flav streamers on the garage door and put a giant flag over my front door. But only for July 1. The FreDUMB trucker fiasco ruined my usual patriotic sensibilities...

Steve Bannon is going to jail Monday, July 1. He has no regrets. You can listen to the buffoon here:
Bannon's last words before surrendering to prison authorities are drowned out. Could not have happened to a worse person - other than his lard and savior that is.
I made a sheet cake of brownies with red maple leafs iced on each for the neighbours when it rained again this morning, made the kids their favourite cookies and crossed a lot of things off my long list today. Too bad SCOTUS had to butt into such a good day, DAMMIT!