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Edited: Apr 27, 2022
How the antivaxxing Wellness Industry and Pyramid Schemes (Multi-level-Marking, or MLM) are getting rich from this pandemic
How the antivaxxing Wellness Industry and Pyramid Schemes (Multi-level-Marking, or MLM) are getting rich from this pandemic
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I will need to spend some time reading that article and this thread. But I just want to point out, in case the article doesn’t, that all roads lead back to religion. In this case it’s Mormonism. Look at where these fucking things are based. It’s all Utah. I would be willing to bet that there’s a secret snicker over all the anti-Mormon Baptists that they bilk with this massive grift. Utah rakes in cash with MLMs and direct sales. It’s like their biggest industry or something. It should all be outlawed. Every bit of it.
In the U.S. "red" states (e.g. FL) there are still F-Biden and Trump 45 flags and signs , but they're getting tattered and faded (like their owners). It's now just old yard signs that people forgot to take down or maybe they are sickened or died from COVID since they are also antimasker-antivaxxer-COVID-deniers. The Trumpeters are starting to STFU--there are still a few Trump whores walking around and screaming Trump won, but nobody's listening to them anymore. Hopefully, since most of them are old anyway, they'll just die off. 800 have been indicted, arrested and many incarcerated after participating the Jan. 6 attempted coup and that has helped to stifle them a bit. It'll probably take a decade but hopefully after Trump dies from too many cheeseburgers, they will just go silent, too.
I'm not sure if this is OT, but I hope not. My small English town is known to be a 'spiritual' place (and IMHO full of grifters). Its ethos is New Age/Pagan rather than Christian, and the New Age/Wellness types are clearly attracted to CT and AV.
Last year I became aware that some people in town were passionate Trump supporters. If you don't live in, or have personal knowledge of a small rural place like this, it's hard to imagine quite how weird that is - firstly, Trump is a figure of ridicule throughout the UK, and secondly, it's as if these people all got up and declared themselves passionate followers of the Prime Minister of Lithuania, whose views are probably as much in accord with theirs as Rump's are. Does Trump love hippies? Thought not.
Now we have two houses in town flying the Russian flag - one very provocatively, one less so (round the side of the building, not right out front). Both houses are plastered with CT/AV stuff inside the windows or at the entrance. WTAF? Where are they making this fresh crazy link that if you're AV you must also love Putin? Is this something you are also seeing much of in the USA? I say 'much of' because I know it's happening there - I've had to drop an American Fb friend for slavish praise of Putin.
The Disinformation Dozen: Why platforms must act on twelve leading online anti-vaxxers
Just twelve anti-vaxxers are responsible for almost two-thirds of anti-vaccine content circulating on social media platforms. This new analysis of content posted or shared to social media over 812,000 times between February and March uncovers how a tiny group of determined anti-vaxxers is responsible for a tidal wave of disinformation - and shows how platforms can fix it by enforcing their standards.
Here's a very informative article about Christiane Northrop, one of the "dirty dozen" who, according to the Center for Digital Hate is responsible for many deaths from COVID. You need to read this!
Many years ago, when Amway first came to the UK, my ex's posh friends wanted to get us in on the game. Hubby was all for it. Because those were his posh friends lol. I was very unpopular when I refused to entertain it and said it was a scam.
Take notice that the healthy, young woman in today's VAXMAN's post, the masseuse from Canada, was an antivaxxer and died in 6 DAYS after being hospitalized, leaving behind two children. Again, another "alternative-wellness" gal--not a MLM but more like a yoga teacher. Masseuses are just like the antivaxxing chiropractor crowd. I'm not against all of that, but they NEED to be vaxxed also, especially since they're up close and personal with the unsuspecting, innocent vaxxed and unvaxxed PUBLIC.
Follow the money, right plague rats? Well, here you go. 🤦🏻♀️
Along these lines, the first person in my high school circle (around 50 years of age) who I heard about succumbing to Covid thought yoga could save him.
Apparently, he was in remission from cancer. During his allopathic treatments, he asked a doctor or nurse if he should be doing hot yoga and they told him no, that he should reserve his energy.
He kept the yoga up anyway, and attributes his quick healing and lack of chemo side effects to that (more power to him, I say).
But then when the pandemic hit, he seemed to think Covid was no big whoop and that he would be safe because he did hot yoga every day and he ate healthy.
Sadly, he died of Covid about 2 months before the vaccine was widely available.
Since we're being specific, anti-vaxxers do love their heavy metal colon cleansing:
When I was diagnosed with a chronic illness 10 years ago I joined some Facebook groups for advice. Most groups banned MLM posts. The biggest MLM posters were for Plexus. What a crock.
But wait, there's more (FYI) . . . .
The number of these whacky women on here that are up to their eyeballs in MLMs is unreal. MLMs only work on two types: the grifters that start them and the complete idiots that fall for it. And so many of them fall over and over and over again. Every antivax asshat that I know has been in at least one MLM. Some have done multiple. They just have soft fucking minds.
If you're super into this topic, Conspirituality is a good podcast. What's so special about Amway? Just another MLM, right? Remember this bitch? Her family owns it.
Quietly, but effectively, antivaxxing, consipracy theorists are running pyramid schemes that hook weak-minded, naive, people into the labyrinth of multi-level-marketing (MLM). Remember Herbalife? These grifters, with their slick websites, "wellness" products, classes, workshops, etc. entrap and then steal millions of dollars from unsuspecting people and brainwash them into believing that vaccines, medical staff, hospitals, and the federal goverment (Dr.Fauci, CDC, etc.) are all part of a giant evil plot to kidnap, destroy, capture, kill, or whatever, etc.etc etc.God-fearing Americans, mostly Republicans. Let's "out" the MLM scams that do this. For example, most of the "momtrepenuers" in this one are outspoken antivaxxers--only their product, Purium will fight COVID!