She’s an idiot and her restaurant sent patrons home with bloody diarrhea. If that ain’t good republican politikkin’, I don’t know what is.
Oh, and there’s a perfectly good explanation of why her hubbs (then a legal age single guy) whipped his dong out in a bowling alley to show underage girls his new dong tattoo and got him arrested for public indecency and labeled as a sex offender…
He wasn’t showing the girls his dick according to Boebert. He was showing them the tattoo on his dick. That’s a big difference that makes it all ok for Lauren Boebert, US Representative from Colorado. So folks, whenever you send photos of your anus to Boebert, just be sure there’s a henna tattoo next to it so you can claim you’re showing her your tattoo too. (But don’t send Boebert butt tattoo photos or any explicit photos. She’s likely to claim that’s different in her “laws for you but not for me“ world.)

I was silenced on one of my comments... Not cool.
She is a twit. But worse yet are those who swallowed her bullshit “I am an American success story businesswoman” bullshit. The ones who think it is great not to pay taxes. Or who think the government is a business. How fucking stupid are these people? (Rhetorical question)
FFS, STFU you useless slag. Ugh... this cunt has no idea WTF she's talking about, seriously when and where did she obtain her degree and overwhelming understanding of American history or what the Founding Fathers actually meant. So, I'm gonna have a go at this and see if my years spent studying at Oxford and Cambridge for a couple of different degrees did me any good.
The 1st Clause in the Bill of Rights states that "Congress shall make NO law respecting an establishment of religion".
Roger Williams, the founder of Rhode Island, was the 1st public official to use this metaphor, "separation of church and state", he opined that an authentic Christian church would be possible ONLY if there was a "wall or hedge of separation" between the "wilderness of the world" and the "garden of the church". Williams believed that ANY government involvement in the church would in fact CORRUPT the church. The most famous use of this metaphor was by Thomas Jefferson in 1802 stating that the American people had adopted the "establishment clause" that built a WALL OF SEPARATION. But according to Boebert the American history buff, the Founding Fathers didn't actually mean this, according to her they made a mistake and it was taken out of context. Ok genius, "What did they actually mean"?
I do not profess to be a scholar of American history, it is NOT my forte, and it is NOT what I hold degrees in, however, I was able to get my hands on books that dated to the founding of America, and I also had the privilege of taking a few classes when I was bored (kind of a nerd), but when compared to this fucking idiot, I hold a Ph.D. These assholes are also the ones who are part of the seditious conspiracy plot, and they need to be hauled out in front of the country and hung for the traitors they are. The new GQP would, in my opinion, love to burn DC to the ground and repeat what the British did in 1814.
I hate her and if given the chance I would snowshoe her into oblivion.
I read yesterday that her landlord, where her business Shooter's grill, is not renewing her lease for the building. Bang Bang he shot her down. Lol