Hi all. I decided to jump in and prepare you all for the new conspiracy theory... which claims that SADS is Sudden Adult Death Syndrome because some numbnuts reporter at the Daily Mirror rag thought it sounded cooler than the real name. (Or is a lazy moron, which seems to be even more likely)

(SADS) is actually short for Sudden Arrhythmia Death Syndrome. "Sudden arrhythmic death syndrome is when someone dies suddenly and unexpectedly from a cardiac arrest, but the cause of the cardiac arrest can't be found. A cardiac arrest is when your heart suddenly stops pumping blood around your body. This stops your breathing and starves your brain of oxygen." It takes 3 seconds to find that info online...
The idiocy is trending on Twitter, that the vaccinated are starting to die as they predicted. (FFS) The worst part is that MDs are the ones making it trend. (FFS) Here is one MD who has never heard of it.
She and the "docs" who are retweeting and replying (4 in the first few scrolls of her timeline alone) and replying to each other are the "frontline" docs who have made a bundle off of the pretense of free medical help, Ivermecton and Hydroxychloriquine... (FFS)
New? This SADS Foundation was begun in Canada in 1995... (SADS) Foundation. It was likely coined long before then. (The 1940s at least , I found) How sad that MDs would use a Mirror article as a credible source in a Tweet. How disgusting and ludicrous that actual MDs are duping the public for monetary gains. How horrifying that besides misrepresenting COVID, vaccines, a rare but well known cause of death that non healthcare workers know about, including myself, that these so called medical professionals are openly lying and grifting on social media and their own URLs and practices with no consequences to their licenses. QUACKS!

Please, if you see idiots passing on this disinformation, let them know it is fake news. Their quackery will place this very real but rare syndrome into obscurity if they put their perverse theories first in a Google search. (Something they do on the regular, BTW...) Here is a Meme that will counter the idiocy...
Remind the antivaxxers that they are putting themselves at risk for this as blood viscosity/clots from COVID are causing heart attacks and strokes... brain damage and more.
The name of this disorder puzzles me. What is the "syndrome"? The heart stops and patient dies. What are the other symptoms?
Great post. Thank you for the information.
Speaking of blood clots...
Before the vaccine…researchers compared the risks of blood clots after Covid to the normal level of risk, they found that the milder the symptoms, the less the risk; the vaccine reduces symptoms for most people.
· four in every 10,000 Covid patients developed DVT compared with one in every 10,000 people who didn't have Covid.
· about 17 in every 10,000 Covid patients had a blood clot in the lung compared with fewer than one in every 10,000 who did not have Covid
· Among those who were severely ill, the risk of a blood clot in the lung was found to be 290 times higher than normal, and seven times higher for those experiencing mild Covid symptoms.