Yes the people featured on SAV or who are in the news as despicable fascists that you're calling these things are awful pieces of shit. The misogyny and affiliated shit that I see on SAV from supporters is really off the hook though. Like seriously, why can't you just say they are despicable fascists without resorting to misogyny?
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Agree with the OP. A bit of class goes a long way. Otherwise you just sound like sacks of shit like:
As a guy I’m probably not tuned up so well on the impact of these words. I think Cath nailed it in saying we use them to express extreme loathing and not intending to cause harm to women but obviously it does cause some.
I will try to refrain and minimize my use but there are times when they can still be useful to convey just how despicable people like Laura Loomer, Lauren Boebert, or MTG are. They each embody all the negative connotations and are suitable subjects (IMO), just like trump, Graham, Jordan, Gaetz, McConnell, and the rest of that crew are every bit deserving of being called bastards, dicks, assholes, or any of a crap ton of other disparaging words and terms.
I wish we could just call all of them “inmates”.
I love how some of the guys on this site think they are experts on misogyny. The scorn they heap on a woman who dares to point out misogynistic behaviour…why it almost smacks of, well, misogyny.
Here’s a hint, fellas: If a women calls something misogynistic, chances are good she knows what she is talking about.
Long time ago I decided I wouldn't use the b**** and c*** words because I felt that they dehumanized women, and were gender specific. I put them in the same category as the N word. I see people say that they use c*** on men too...I've heard the N word used on white people too, still don't say it.
I prefer to call people "asshole" as everyone has one. Ok, ok I know there are a few extremely rare exceptions, knew a little boy born without one. Through the miracle of modern medicine he eventually got one.
Is it okay to use the c word to describe a man?
I rarely use that word in any context, but this particular pun wouldn't work with any other word.
Apologies for causing offence, and for continuing occasional use.
Nowadays, those two words are applied to men as well as women.
I think we no longer connect those words with dogs or vaginas. They merely still retain their social stigma, and therefore are used, sparingly, to express extreme loathing.
Swearing correctly benefits mental and physical health!
These terms of disgust, are not reserved for women. I refer to men here by the same names.
Mixed thoughts on this. Language doesn't just describe it's object. It also tells you a lot about the person choosing the words. There are people on the site I would be hesitant to to meet irl because of their worldview. Sanitizing their language isn't going to make them better people. It just papers over the rot.
Vaxylady has asked that people refrain from doing this. I suggest it is reported as it occurs