Hey guys, trump’s Mar-a-Lago address wasn’t redacted in the affidavit. Of course we could look it up but the court gave it to us.
We should send postcards…. 🤣😂🤣
Watch what you say, though. No threats or wishes for harm. Might even handle the cards by the edges only if you get my drift.
But a great way to spread trump love to Mar-a-Lago…
1100 S Ocean Blvd, Palm Beach, FL 33480
BTW, Zazzle runs 15% discounts on Mondays - https://www.zazzle.com/donald+trump+postcards
Here's his house with 8 feet of sea level rise. LOL! Hope he likes it.
Used the US government coast.NOAA.gov sea level rise map.
I have just the thing.
Would be good if we could make it a day, ”Send Trump a Postcard Day.” I have a feeling that it would mean a lot to him if he received them all on the same day. Our ’kind words’ and ’well wishes’ might even bring a tear to his eye as he reads them. Anyone got any ideas on what date would be good?
Nickolay Lamm is an environmental artist who rendered this depiction of Maralago underwater. Again, you can't use it without permission, so ask him. https://nickolaylamm.com/contact-me/
Here is an artists rendition of Maralago by an artist/activist. Please do not copy her work, but let it inspire you when you make yours. (She might give permission for its use if you contact her, but don't expect she will without compensation)
I sent TFG when he was at the WH, a box of Depends and 10 copies of the Constitution, He shit all over both
LOSER45 needs reminding...
Tim Young is a MAGA moron minion...
Make your own
The Good Liars put some honest post cards in the Trump Tower gift shop in honor of Donald Trump’s recent “achievements.”
Some 2020 voting day election memes from the San Francisco Chronicle. My favorite:
Do Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton have psychic powers?
I love when Mel shows up on here. Flipping priceless. 😘
THIS guy will give you ideas and memes to play with. He said he was stopping posting now that tRUMP was gone, but, tRUMP is back and this is the only good thing about it... https://twitter.com/TrumpsTies He is a meme maker and wants tRUMP gone... just add his name for credit.
Where is TrumpPuncher? He could fill this post all by himself!