“Under the decree issued on Monday, a one-off payment of one million rubles ($16,400) will be "awarded to a mother who is a citizen of the Russian Federation, who has given birth to and brought up ten or more children who are citizens of the Russian Federation."”
I guess the handmaid/broodmare thing is universal among repressive regimes that need soldiers to replace those lost in stupid wars or who left a country due to stupid wars.
Maybe we could just give them registered republicans?

It’s just so unfair! Russia gives the women the awards and notoriety but not the men.
We have a patriot right here doing his best to get the population up. The guy is leaving babies everywhere he “goes”. How about a million rubles for his efforts?
PS - there’s going to be some cazy-eyed Musks running around…
Long time ago, I read a piece about big money awards given to families of ten children. May have been in early 20thC, by a philanthropist. I think it was in Canada, article by the BBC.
Conclusion was, that only one family managed the money well, such as buying kids an education. Even the current generation of that family has some slight benefit.
Yeah, but then there's all the diapers and the feedings and the lack of sleep, and then, the constant talking, hunting for lost stuff, school conferences, homework, ER trips, spilled milk/Legos/paint/nail polish/potting soil/chips...
$16,400? They must be joking.