Over in the HCA Daily Vent thread, someone mentioned Steve Kirsch has covid. Guessing most have heard of him. He actually got two Pfizer shots early on, then joined up with the AVer crowd. Shows up at all their swell gatherings to share his statistical findings or some such.
He has a Substack, and has posted what he is using to treat what he has called “a cold.” I suggest grabbing something to drink, and have a seat.
The List:
Vitamin C: 3,000 mg/day (3 chewable tablets since I like chewables)
Vitamin D3: 10K IU/day. Two small little pills in my case.
Zinc: 50 mg/day (I have this covered since I take Biome Boosters from Progenabiome which supports Sabine Hazan’s research). Don’t overdo the zinc.
Aspirin: 81 mg (some advise more): I went with the chewable Bayer aspirin. There is some debate about whether full aspirin is better but I’ve read that it is better to take the lower dose, but I can’t recall where I read that; it turned out that different things are activated on the lower dose vs. the higher dose.
Pepcid: one10 mg tablet 2x per day (20mg /day). Malone’s paper recommends a much higher dose 60mg TID which is 180mg/day. He also recommends using this with Celecoxib which requires a prescription. Also the higher dose was used when this drug was used as the sole therapy. I went with the lower option so this may not do much
Allegra: once a day. This is complementary to the Pepcid and blocks a different set of receptors.
NAC: 600 mg/day
Nigella sativa seeds: 80 mg /kg per day x 10 days (split it up) which is 6gm /day; So I take 1.5 tsp 3X/day.
Ivermectin (15mg pills compounded): 2 pills/day for 10 days. Take with a fatty meal for best absorption. This is based on my weight which is 77 kg. Your dosage will be proportional to your weight.
Hydroxychloroquine (200 mg tablets): 2 tablets twice a day on day 1, then 1 tablet twice a day for 10 days total. Ideally take on an empty stomach.
Activia yogurt: twice a day. This contains bifidobacteria which is helpful for eliminating COVID from your gut.
Azithromycin (250 mg tablet): 2 tablets day 1, then 1 per day thereafter for 5 days total. Doesn’t do wonders for your gut bacteria though. However, even Sabine Hazan who is a gut bacteria expert recommends this for up to 5 days.
Melatonin: 3mg extended release at bedtime
Fluvoxamine: 50mg taken twice a day (total 100 mg per day) for 14 days. AVOID caffeine while on fluvoxamine. You’ll regret it if you ignore my advice.
Povidone-iodine nasal rinse: 4x day. First I microwave 60ml of distilled water in a NeilMed sinus rinse squeeze bottle. Then I add half an eyedropper of Povidone iodine 10% and 1/4 tsp of salt and use it just like a regular sinus rinse. It should look like a dark iced tea.
Crest Scope Classic gargle: 4x day because it has CPC (Colgate Total can be used as well). You can also swab your nostrils with this, but the saline rinse is more comfortable.
Plenty of rest
Walk around regularly to keep the blood moving. You want to minimize your risk of a DVT or pulmonary embolism.
If you sit, elevate your feet.
Take regular pulse ox readings while walking around
Glutamine: 10 g l-Glutamine available in powder forms taken 3 times a day with meals. In the control group, 38 out of 230 covid patients died. In the glutamine group, 0 out of 222 patients died. The effect of glutamine supplementation on serum levels of some inflammatory factors, oxidative stress, and appetite in COVID-19 patients: a case-control study - PubMed (nih.gov) Again, no mortality and no ICU admission in the glutamine group… Effect of oral l-Glutamine supplementation on Covid-19 treatment - PubMed (nih.gov). This is not to be confused with glutathione which you’d take if you were vaccine injured. On the other hand, there is this paper: Endogenous Deficiency of Glutathione as the Most Likely Cause of Serious Manifestations and Death in COVID-19 Patients.
Lactoferrin: 750mg per day for 14 days.
Prednisone 20mg tablets. Take 3 tablets/day for 5 days starting on DAY 8 as last resort and ONLY if needed. I have it handy but you should never need to use it. The mistake a lot of people make is not to read the instructions to only use it LATE in the disease. I know people who start taking it on day 1 and they regret the error. If you started treatment early, you aren’t going to need this drug.
Sweet jeebus, where does one even start with this? Even a layperson with no pharmaceutical education could look at this and rightly conclude some of these might not play nicely together in the body.
But this is just one post in his Substack. He has one on June 25 claiming 750,000 people have died from the vaccine; 5 million cannot work due to vaccine injury; and a 6.6% rate of heart injury. From the vaxx, notcovid.
He’s generating this info via surveys done by Pollfish contacting 500 people. Sounds sketchy as hell. Nonetheless, I’ve heard he has a lot of subscribers; certainly gets a lot of comments.
Good lord the long list! Just stick a UV light bulb up his own arse and inject bleach as the orange sock puppet suggested.
This guy is a fucking moron.
He must spend all day taking supplements. Starts early with #1, ends with #23, goes to sleep, and does it all again the next day. I'm sure this is way more simple than getting the vaccine, amirite!?
Wow, all that to ward off covid. Or just get a shot.
And all this can be yours for 5 easy payments of $39.95.