We've all watched "Deliverance" and know it's not accurate (or not too accurate) but this kind of news article tends to make one wonder what kind of animals live down there.
Alabama public health employee killed by dogs; woman charged with manslaughter
The dogs started attacking the public while the sheriff's office was investigating the disappearance of the public health worker-the dogs’ owner, Brandy Dowdy, was charged with manslaughter and some of the seven dogs were euthanized.
Where do these people grow up? In a cattle processing station?
Most civilized places do not allow dangerous dogs to roam free. I wonder what these owners must think-and that if the dogs are bred for fighting?
I think that's the real story-they have dog fighting in the south and while it's been banned in all 50 states, I think they do it as an underground activity.
Gawd, there’s been some horrible dog attacks recently. That poor young girl that had her face ripped off. Then the other lady that lost her arms. Now this. I lived in Louisiana. Spent a lot of time in Alabama. Many places are very much like cattle processing stations. I had dogs come after me down there. Once a pack was sent after me. I made it to my car but that still went after my tires. Catahoula Leopard dogs. It would have made for a pretty view during death at least. Gorgeous dogs. Scary AF.