Herman Cain called himself ABC man - "American Black Conservative"
Here he is running for the GQP in 2012
Tempting fate
tRUMP’s first big rally in 2020 was on the anniversary of the Tulsa massacre of 1921. Not only that but… the 100th anniversary. Choosing Tulsa was a typical tRUMP mocking of the BLM movement and Herman Cain was okay with that. https://www.vox.com/identities/2020/5/31/21276084/tulsa-race-massacre-black-wall-street-protests-george-floyd 2 rally pictures
Here they are, having a fantastic time!
When no one was taking selfies...
tRUMP on Herman Cain:
"Unfortunately, he passed away from a thing called the China virus."
After Herman Cain’s death, Angela Stanton King, a black woman running for a Georgia House seat tweets stochastic terrorist remark: “ All the celebrities and Democrats catch COVID and magically heal. But Herman Cain is dead! I swear I hate it here. I was right there with him. We were perfectly fine!!! This is WAR!!!”
WTAF? After tweeting this polarizing poltical tweet, she also dares to tweet that democrats will be politicizing his death… She is either like tRUMP and dumb as a rock, or like Cain and just a stubborn authoritarian sycophant to tRUMP. https://twitter.com/theangiestanton/status/1288847468533350402 I would get more tweets, but I can’t…
Here is a bio... She is a criminal MAGA pardoned by tRUMP.
She also killed a lot of vulnerable black people
She has found another job …
working for tRUMP by the back door, and may peel black voters from both parties.. This Anti-Trans, Pro-Life Activist Was Pardoned by Donald Trump. Now She’s Working for RFK Jr. And her “relative”—MLK Jr.—may actually be rolling in his grave. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2024/05/angela-stanton-king-rfk-jr/ (She has a trans child, BTW)
Q had to get into the mix
(Don't try to hard to understand Q nonsense )

A Herman Cain COVID timeline
June 20, the stage 4 colon cancer survivor posed for pictures without wearing a mask and sat in the packed stands with fellow fans of the President.
On June 29, Cain tested positive for the coronavirus.
July 2, aides say he is hospitalized. Meanwhile, his Twitter account continued to criticize mask-wearing and to promote unproven endorsements of hydroxychloroquine. Cain's account also posted support for not mandating masks at a July 4 event at Mount Rushmore in South Dakota that Trump was planning to attend.
July 5 His family says he is fine, Just fine, thank you very much!
July 30 He died.
Political suicide, indeed
Those who invoke Candeath Owens are more likely to find the ultimate freedom from their mortal coil…
His Legacy?
He was a black tRUMP. Greedy and with a political will that blew where the wind took him. And rich enough to want tax cuts and less regulation
Herman Cain was always a POS of a human. EG:
From 1996 to 1999 he served as CEO of the National Restaurant Association, a trade group and lobbying organization for the restaurant industry, on whose board of directors he had previously served. Cain's lobbying work for the association led to a number of connections to Republican lawmakers and politicians.
Under Cain's leadership, the Association lobbied against increases to the minimum wage, mandatory health care benefits, regulations against smoking, and lowering the blood alcohol limit that determines whether one is driving under the influence.
He was likely to have taken those same horrible "values" to a presidency.
His sexual misconduct was not as prolific as tRUMP, but still relevant enough male him leave the 2012 presidential race. Rgere were lots of accusations but this woman agreed to testify if necessary.
“She was vilified for accusing Herman Cain of sexual harassment. Eight years later, she has no regrets.” She was re-victimized by trolls and asshole Republicans, but she got a second kick at that can when Cain lost position in tRUMP’s Fed because of a review of his sexual predatory behaviour. https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/she-was-vilified-for-accusing-herman-cain-of-sexual-harassment-eight-years-later-she-has-no-regrets/2019/04/10/c637df14-57c6-11e9-9136-f8e636f1f6df_story.html
A tRUMP before tRUMP...
His family are assholes as well...
The curious saga of the deceased Herman Cain’s living Twitter account. https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2020/08/31/herman-cain-twitter-account/
His daughter wrote a blog
Check out the site... it seems this one lasted a lot longer... https://www.hermancainmovie.com/
So, Cain Gang is all about Herman hmmm? Weird...
Or rather, the epitome of SCHADENFREUDE. http://www.thecaingang.com/index.html
He is still in support of tRUMP!

Of course, he was better off four years ago. He wasn’t dead four years ago! Listening to Trump killed him.