According to this article, we're overdue for people to start claiming disability due to Long Covid, and it hasn't happened yet.
I don't know if it will but if it does, we're going to have at least 25 million people disabled from it in the long term.
That's huge number of people who will not be working full time or even part time. We're going to turn into a nation of Covid victims.
All because some of us did not get vaccinated or were infected before the vaccines were out. All in all, it's going to take a huge toll on our population, which really in turn requires that we all get vaccinated to avoid the worst case scenario, which isn't death after all-disabilty from Covid.
This ties into a comment I was making the other day about being a HCW and there being no end in sight of younger, yet sicker people flooding the system.
This as the Boomers all start needing more and more care as they start to age out.
Getting decent healthcare will be a long wait…