That seems like Donald Trump-style thinking: "I'm the only one who matters."
Blocking an ambulance is also reminiscent of the mindset of assholes in the USA who refused to wear masks during the height of the pandemic. "My comfort and convenience is more important than other people's lives."
Hmmm... Maybe it's not totally off-topic after all!
It is a wee bit OT, but it just reminded me of that sort of Republican mentality. Me first, I don’t care about you or anyone else. I can’t believe he didn’t get jail, just a suspended sentence. If the person waiting for the ambulance had have died would that have made a difference to his sentencing?
The asshole's full name and face were published in the newspaper and online. His life will never be the same again. Even with no prison time, justice was served.
Slipknot said it best: “people = shit”
Yes, saw that on the Guardian, UK edition,what a sicko....and quite a previous rap sheet. the Tower of London is , too good for him......
That seems like Donald Trump-style thinking: "I'm the only one who matters."
Blocking an ambulance is also reminiscent of the mindset of assholes in the USA who refused to wear masks during the height of the pandemic. "My comfort and convenience is more important than other people's lives."
Hmmm... Maybe it's not totally off-topic after all!