So, Trumpie has endorsed “Eric” for the GOP senate nomination. Alas, we have two: Greitens, who recently did that awful SWAT inspired campaign ad and resigned the governorship; and current attorney general Scmitt.
Greitens resigned because he was going to be impeached due to sexual misconduct and campaign finance irregularities. His wife divorced him, claiming he abused her and the kids.
Schmitt entered the office in January 2021 and soon got busy suing any school imposing a mask mandate. It appears he is not a domestic abuser, so perhaps marginally better.
Greitens is claiming the endorsement; last info I saw showed him third or fourth in the race. Scmitt will probably win the nomination.
If you thought Missouri could not pick worse than Josh Harley, you were wrong.🙄
After thinking about this, it could just be a lifetime of habit ignoring his own Eric?
It’s easy to know who trump was endorsing - whichever candidate is the absolute worst. Most racist, most stupid, most maga, most butt kissing. That’s trump’s choice.