UPDATE 1 in comments
These are getting harder to do, FYI... not just because they are so few and far between... but also because Google is restricting access to American news and information from other countries unless you add specifics that we cannot have without searches. It will crack down on misinformation to a degree... but more than likely will also assure that conspirators only use their few conspiracy sites in their bookmarks and not seek out more...
This one is via Reddit HCA. The fellow was prolific, which is why I was able to find him in spite of the blocking of names. but still, getting only a single page back on each search is tedious.
I give you Glenn Carver II, antivaxxer and anti masker, 56 of Canton, who passed away Tuesday, March 19, 2024, but not before he suffered greatly from his bad choices. This is also the fourth time that a comprehensive Obituary cannot be found. It is weird... https://www.darbyfuneralhome.com/obituaries/Glenn-Carver-3/#!/Obituary
His bios say he is an Author, Writer, Speaker, Financial Educator. His education was a prep highschool and he says
Studied Finance at University of Georgia Class of 1989. However... *No degrees or any occupation mentioned other than entrepreneur. His heroes are people like Tony Robbins, who make a living selling themselves as experts when in reality they have no expertise.
Guess who was the first entrepreneur he interviewed for his book? HCA all the way , baby!
It is as though his life is a facade... EG: This is on his Fecesbook... a site that has the same name as his first book.
Writer/Owner· http://www.StandintheHeat.com It actually leads to Roofers Doing Roof Repairs | Roofing Entrepreneurs. It was still his main contact URL on his Fecesbook… which has been totally scrubbed. https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=612680938757555&set=ecnf.100000469621546
Can you guess what the YKW is?
The source of another of his memes… a conspiracy site https://2020plan.net/vaccines/
No masks for him!
He was not prolific in his misinformation... (Although he may have scrubbed a lot early on ) but he had a lot of followers, so he likely added to the death toll being he was an "influencer" as he self described himself and a trusted source. You can find a few more memes here. https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/1chvfw3/here_comes_the_story_of_angler/
I did not listen to many of his videos or podcasts. His rah rah sis boom nah gets pretty annoying after a short while. He has a lot of sites but it looks as though his "job" is selling himself... and besides selling COVID misinformation, it is difficult to say what he did... and what anyone could learn listening to him. (Much like a lot of the MAGA folks)
Glenn Carver The Sales Edge Podcast https://www.listennotes.com/top-podcasts/glenn-carver/
YouTube Glenn Carver from WealthWave, Where Entrepreneurs and Business Owners Host their own Radio Shows and Podcast them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4EMRtUyTAo
Think BIGGER! 2014 YouTube Unrestricted Existence with Glenn Carver. Unrestricted Existence sounds like a selfish asshole to me. ( He also calls himself a thought leader and big thinker and even more superlatives... BARF!) This video represent his life so well...
His inspiration website no longer exists… https://www.unrestrictedexistence.com/ His marketing one is still active… I live in Atlanta, Georgia with my beautiful wife, Lisa, and my adorable son, Grant. I am available for speaking engagements to motivate your organization to improve its performance under pressure and produce immediate results. Below you may see me in action and inquire about availability. https://www.glenncarver.com/
Being an anti masker really pays off...
Hello? Karma? That you?
Aug 15 2021 He says he was not feeling well so his wife took him to the hospital. He had "no idea" it might he COVID. In a pandemic? Upon arrival his arrival he was diagnosed with COVID, double pneumonia, O2 45.
Dec 8 2021 He went home 50 pounds lighter, 18 inches less intestine and using a temporary colostomy bag.
Dec 2022 went in for a second colonoscopy, and found a mass, diagnosed stage 4 colorectal cancer. Standard care was chemo but they felt it would kill him… but hey, he had his wife who said he needed alternative methods… and delved into it by reading a book! (More on her later)
Wait until you hear him on a podcast telling about how he is healing himself because he gave himself cancer… so he alone can heal it *** (This guy was quite the thinker!)
*** 10 May 2023 Blindsided by COVID-19 & Cancer — Exploring Adversity & Resiliency With Glenn Carver With Jason Scott Montoya. "COVID has left his immune system depleted, weakened, and in a chronic anemic state. He cannot safely undergo traditional chemotherapy, due to the toxicities and adverse effects." [Not true as he already had a chemo port but decided to go for holistic. For a year after this he and his wife spoke about healing from god’s pharmacy - plants .. . which can be true but… not likely for a stage 4 cancer … ] He didn't die of COVID, but it seems to have hastened his death from cancer. We're likely to see more of these "long-term effects" stories in the future. https://www.jasonscottmontoya.com/inspiration/people/623-glenn-carver
Another Fecesbook that the wife perhaps is going to use as a legacy site? https://www.facebook.com/glenn.carver.s.life.celebration
His life has taken a turn, but that does not stop a grifting blowhard from selling himself...
He wrote a book after COVID on his living through it ‘The Advantage of Adversity’ with Glenn Carver … the miracle of being him… I will guess that in it he talks about being healed by his wife’s coaching… It did so well. I cannot even find it anywhere online...
Started a podcast ‘The Advantage of Adversity’ … the miracle of being him… https://www.amazon.com/The-Advantage-of-Adversity/dp/B0CB6L82TH
YouTube site on ‘The Advantage of Adversity’ … the miracle of being him… The Advantage of Adversity with Glenn Carver https://www.youtube.com/@glennpcarver
He is not done with disinformation... and he has found Jesus and is born again
Jan 15, 2024 I watched this one... In 2021, a former army medic saved Carver’s life - as he is now a nurse nursing… 17:20 Worked in an ICU 2020 for a couple years. Carver was Code blue - miracle “he survived that day… sepsis, emergency surgery, heart problems, 3 week coma… 30:18 Carver speaks about Rem”death”evir, and pretends it was a “mistaken” pronunciation after talking about protocol on the fly and the male nurse seeing up to 8 deaths a freaking day! it is a touching video, but damn… 46:00 the young man, Lucas Urrea, starts talking about how he “lost his choice” about the vaccine (and Glenn says, ‘we’d be on the same page there’) … and god gave Lucas a new career in an alternate health facility… where they do “intense supplementation.”
Yeah, I bet the kickbacks on those supplements are just a teensy weensy bit of incentive in that “clinic”… but now, he is going to start a veteran ministry podcast! Good money in that as he can call it educational, get grants and donations and be non-profit/ IRS exempt! And pay for his hobby that quiets his mind. (GUNS!) https://www.instagram.com/c_lucas_urrea/p/CZFg1aIP5LM/ I wonder who he is voting for? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQx9oz3JMfY
Another of his heroes...
Stop being a sucker? Add lollipop pic of another mentor Steve Siebold (@speakerstevesiebold) the "President/International Personal Development Association" who loves the Fountainhead and of course Ayn Rand https://mentaltoughnessblog.com/uncategorized/1-goal-for-2019/
Just when he had started to find his true calling...
I am not so sure about that...
Hmmm, was this prescient?
I never asked for a penny in my life and bought my first house at 23. So I have to ask... How does money work?
OIC! It is the tRUMPian way to make money. Use other people's!
SURPRISE! A 2 parent SUCCESSFUL working family still somehow needs GiveSendGo… Tell me again, how does money work, you damn grifters... https://www.givesendgo.com/GBXGB
SURPRISE! There’s one more. https://www.gofundme.com/f/xhbnhu-help-glenn-beat-cancer
Amazing to see how often the better than thou fake religious will lie? He had the port in for chemo and then the wife read a book on healing cancer with plants and that CHANGED HIS MIND! She sounds a lot like the story-teller wives who likely killed their husbands with Ivermectin rather than science.
Here he is getting an alternative therapy "brain scan." That shit costs money!
Speaking of his wife...
Lisa is a "cancer coach healer…" ” I educate my clients to take their power back & heal from chronic disease. We are designed to heal.” https://www.facebook.com/HealYourHealth360/
Lisa Crescenzi Carver BIO: Environment/Lifestyle Medicine. Holistic Cancer Coach .PlantsOverPills .HealYourHealth360 .HealYourself.HealYourHealrh. Canton, GA · Lisa Crescenzi- https://www.linkedin.com/in/carverlisa?trk=people-guest_people_search-card
The End
In case you feel sorry for him... remember, he was an asshole tRUMP loving, know nothing, POS grifter. (Worked for me...)
More assholey back in the Obama admin. He added a pic of the Constitution... and reveals his libertarian mindset...
Hilton head prep school... https://www.hhprep.org/about/history
On the senior cruise. I am sure they learned a LOT... The Hilton Head HS "I like beer" education vibes are getting to me ...
No surprise really...
The past can haunt you. Ask Tony Robbins ... Secrets Revealed indeed... https://www.buzzfeed.com/ca/badge/investigatingtonyrobbins
He has a wee boat... or 2
I am sure the diet of fried foods, beer, cognac and Jack Daniels had nothing to do with his colon!
I read Atlas Shrugged when I was 19 in one afternoon while laid off, thinking it was not too bad as a of piece of fiction... and this POS lived his life by it. This author needed to have it read to him as it was a novel. And lo, the 2 crowdfunding sites as he nears death are just like his literary libertarian hero! Ayn Rand spent the last of her days on social assistance and social security that she railed against .. bilking like a parasite while calling others "parasites, looters" and moochers" and here is Glenn calling other people looters and socialists... and himself a "producer' and thinker.
Guess who also drank Diet Coke all day long, even for breakfast? I am sure that had no effect on his colon.
And here is what I went looking for that gave me enough for an update. Remember I said his life was a facade? Well here are 3 more books...
There is a reason why I could not find them anywhere...
They are just part of his fake persona... Never printed because they were never written...
I was remiss in forgetting to add this. In the US, you can get a colonoscopy as early as age 45 and increase the number of times you can get one if there is a family history. In Canada, anyone who is 50+ will begin to get stool sample tests at home every 2 tears. A second screening may then be recommended. The only problem? Many, mostly men, are afraid or misinformed and tend to delay seeing a doc until it is too late. I am not a health care professional, so let's let someone who is tell you more:
Thank you, Alli! You're doing the lord's work.
Another colon explosion like Elizabeth Fowler. https://www.sorryantivaxxer.com/post/elizabeth-fowler-40-oxford-mi-mother-of-7-husband-is-nurse-both-anti-vaxx-she-s-on-ecmo Another chance to post this GIF.
Thanks for the story!