The Rolling Stone report is derived from the pentagon report released on Jan. 8 and from speaking to white house staffers. The unit is a part of the White House Military Office and did not comply with federal government and Department of Defense guidelines.
Firstly, let's review:
tRUMP is addicted to Adderall. Although his team and moron minions like to pretend he is just a more animated person than others, it is so obvious is it painful... that he needs it to not let his ping pong brain get too out of focus.
This is also why he won't debate. His first debates he sniffed the bits back constantly... More on that here:
The nose knows!
tRUMP's nose showing support for the Pharmaceutical industry. Here he is letting his freak fly, so to speak...
(PS: There is a video where this happens often but my copy is not able to upload... Please, feel free to search for more yourself! )

There were previous reports that tRUMP's White House Medical Unit dispensed prescription drugs without: verifying patient identities, a proper diagnoses, prescriptions for controlled substances or record-keeping.
One of the staffer's quotes, compared to the Onion fake quote, show that humour, irony and parody are dying a slow death... “You try working for him and not chasing pills with alcohol,” one former Trump staffer said.
(PS: I altered the Onion's pic and tRUMP's face to make this meme.)
Some of the staffers quotes
They wanted it... and so... they got it...

"The White House Medical Unit's pharmaceutical management practices ineffectively used DoD funds by obtaining brand‑name medications instead of generic equivalents and increased the risk for the diversion of controlled substances," the reports aid.
Big water... in terms of wetness...

Although they tried to keep it quiet, Ronnie "CandyMan" Jackson was demoted to Captain in 2022, after an investigation and a previous report on his inappropriate actions. It is notable that Jackson neglected to tell anyone about his demotion and ran fraudulently as a retired Real Admiral to successfully become a rep in congress and even today it remains on his congressional website:
Steven Colbert poked fun but damn... it surely looked bad.
Here is Ronnie Jackson wearing a Three Percenters shirt standing beside Josh Hawley He also is on armed forces subcommittee.
tRUMP praising Ronnie Jackson after it was revealed he handed out drugs like candy AGAIN
Pete Souza, Obama photographer, is pissed about Jackson's constant dwelling on Biden's age and mental health... and said he does not plan to stop Tweeiring things like this:
“As long as Ronny continues to tweet disinformation and lies about President Biden and/or Covid, I will continue to respond with the truth, no matter how uncomfortable that may be.”
Kevin McCarthy put MTG and Ronny Jackson on a pandemic inquiry committee of nine Republicans that put a Kibosh on the real inquiry into the pandemic... and are investigating the Biden White House. These MAGA stooges are NOT working for the American people...
FYI: Kelly SoRelle, Oathkeeper lawyer and De Facto leader when Rhodes was jailed and now indicted for her role in Jan 6 ... said Rhodes asked for her WH contacts and wrote 2 letters. She says she refused. The letters content: Dec. 14, 2020, called on Trump to invoke the Insurrection Act, saying that “millions of American military and law enforcement veterans, and many millions more loyal patriotic American gun owners stand ready to answer your call to arms, and to obey your orders to get this done.”
It makes one wonder what ELSE tRUMP has on this POS to have him be so loyal...
LOSER45 sans makeup and girdle at the LIV Golf Invitational - at Trump National Golf Club, Bedminster - August 13, 2023
Sometimes, a picture says a thousand words...