The GQP Cult - This is Fine -1 can be found here:
The GQP Cult - This is Fine - 2 can be found here:
May the Fourth be with you
Yesterday, the press secretary thought it would be fun to have Mark Hamil begin the press conference.

Hokey, but fun... really. But, wait 'til you read the comments on some of the videos... Example: and in the sull video version , even nastier.
The projection from that first/ last guy is pathetic! He has a latin avatar name (truth conquers all), pretends he knows what the words he uses mean... and yet his Youtube page of videos he subscribes to are all about guns. .
A slice of NY pizza farce from the godfarter.
Ben Meiselas talks about LOSER34's latest public relations stunt pretending to deliver pizza to the FDNY 40 minutes after it was already delivered. He then outlines how GQP operatives are used as props for the supposed "blacks for tRUMP" and more. That they were able to assemble a crowd of FDNY folks to clap and cheer him was disheartening.
Not the Onion
This is still happening... This is a real push back scheme - that real men like tRUMP wear diapers. Self-owning like this is why the Onion satire is just not as funny anymore...

A whiff of an interlude
Willie or won't he
tRUMP has walked back his claim that his gag order means he can't testify, likely only because it was the second sentence that came out of the judges mouth in court next day... If he testifies, his past is fair game... so I am still fervently in the "No way Willie" dare to.
Corrupt Supreme Court, Bill Barr, bias against Dems, tRUMP immunity
Young Ripe and fertile
NH state House passed a bill unanimously in March. to ban child marriage and raise the minimum age of marriage to 18. It has been sent to Gov. Chris Sununu to sign into law.
One of those voting against was Representative Jess Edwards, whose comments sparked immediate gasps from colleagues. “… If we continually restrict the freedom of marriage as a legitimate social option, when we do this to people who are a ripe, fertile age and may have a pregnancy and a baby involved, are we not, in fact, making abortion a much more desirable alternative, when marriage might be the right solution for some freedom-loving couples?” he said.
Musk loses 84% on X Twatter
I wonder how much dirty money is going his way to influence the election?
Inciting rioters in Britain was a test run for Elon Musk.
Musk has a lot of money and clout. He is not a wizard as much as he is a pisser, but my huge file on the interference on presidential elections reminds that no one paid attention to the tRUMP/Cambridge Analytica/Google/Fecesbook alliance until it was too late and it was just one cog in the cheat wheel. IOWs, XTWATter is being run by a megalomaniacal troll... who was already out of control.
X- Twatter since a racist bigot took it over...
Pennsylvania rally
was not full even though payments were offered. The moving chyron also said make American great again. The tRUMP fluffers are failing. He says they are leading by a lot... and... he says, "I spent $100 million, now we have to run against someone else. I think they should reimburse me for the $100 million. Who wants to collect?" Maybe he should have run on policy and good things for Americans rather than name-calling, mud slinging, lying, ranting and rambling. He needs to reimburse Americans for their mental abuse for decades.
Some of his Q MAGA
Deplorable was apt, but far too kind. That's SporkFoot's BF happily agreeing that Kamala Harris is not really American and that tRUMP has always been president. This is why, after all these years, people have to finally realize the MAGA are lost and irretrievable and not to be trusted or pitied. If and when they themselves come round, make them earn the trust again.
Even if he is faltering
You still need to get out the vote. These people are voting for their taxcuts and maintaining their lifestyle. Money is a huge motivator.
Tulsi Gabbard
was never a Dem or she would know and use, "the Democratic party." She belongs to an actual cult... I have 24 more points and lots of URLs and videos if anyone needs them. Her gutru that she says has never said a bad word about anyone. Reminder: “Bernie Sanders could have chosen anyone on Earth to nominate him at the 2016 Democratic Convention. The one person he picked was Tulsi Gabbard.”
Went to see what is new with Ivanka
and this came up... Did you know you can save a GIF just like a picture?
DeVOS wants her old job back
but wants to make all public schools private voucher schools. She cares so much about it (And maybe needs a 10th yacht from tax-cuts) she is working hard to influence and buy votes and at projecting.
Update on dying from the vaccine
The Q window of 2025 was looming. We have a reprieve to 2031. WHEW!
I endorse these groceries
that you buy at the grocery counter with a grocery ID
He really cares about you, really. Really he does...
Congressional Medal of Honor
Only 3,505 were ever given; only103 recipients of the Medal of Honor are alive today...
tRUMP? Now that's a LOSER!
We will make America pitiful again...
Slush-mouth has to say everything 3 times because he read somewhere people remember what you say if you do.
Whatever floats your boat
Rich people for tax cuts!
"I'm Much Better Looking Than Her"
Says the malignant narcissist about Kamala.
tRUMP waves Bye Bye
to no one
Update 29
Dissing the Medal of Honor
It is an AWARD for honorable service, not a prize for people who donate a lot of kiss your orange ass MAGA morons like tRUMP's Medal of Feedom recipients.
Miriam Adelson is the widow of Sheldon Adelson
and their donations are why tRUMP complimented her and gave her a medal of Freedom and now calls her beautiful. He see money signs. He refused to take pictures with disabled veterans, especially those who lost limbs... Shriveled up Miriam has continued to dump millions for tRUMP and that's why he coddles her.
And in case you think I am making this up...instead of being quiet and slinking away as a normal human would... GOP megadonor Miriam Adelson plans to do whatever it takes to help Trump win. Published Fri, Aug 16 2024 3:58 PM
Whatever it takes? In Republican speak, that is a scary thought. Cheat? Lie? Steal? Hire more trolls? Pay people off? Train people how to undermine elections? I imagine all of the above.
That was quite a "news" conference...
The future economy will be saved
by free word salads.
Mike Cernovich, woman choker, rape apologist, rapist
who served jail time to become a jailhouse lawyer ... has something to say about what is spicy for Walz. He was also a pizzagate liar who began the conspiracy. He has 2 kids and a subserviant wife and is religious now, just like no many other forgiven GOP sinners...
Spices are seasoning to enhance or give flavour. Spicy generally means to add HEAT, you fucking ignorant rapist moron! Number 4 was olive oil, BTW. Here are some replies from the MAGA mindset, ready to use this new RW Tacogate talking point and runnnnnn with it.
Scroll down on this post to gear Cernavich video where he talks about women...choking women.
He's not alone. Other assholes, bigots and racist came out to call it racist?!?!
'Comedian Andy Richter joked about the freakout on Bluesky writing, “*I*, as a white guy, can make white guy taco jokes. If you do it, it is a painful reminder of almost four weeks of oppression.”'
tRUMP is schtumping from Maralardo
He needs to get out more... 70,000 'Republicans for Harris' called LOSER45 'unfit' to be president. There is a tiny glimmer of hope that some people are sane in America.
Kash Patel looking very white in his avatar
This dufus wants in senior national security role in a tRUMP administration...
Fecesbook is helping tRUMP like its 2016...
shutters tool used to fight disinformation. Those taxcuts are just looking too good for the stinking piece of SHIT oligarchs!
tRUMP: I think I’m entitled to personal attacks
Damn straight you are!
I am presently partial to this meme I made of the insult to humanity that is running to be the most powerful man in the world.
Before Vance realized he could cling tRUMP's coattails
The new DonOLD Dump motto revealed
tRUMP is a liar, adulterer, racist, rapist, sexual predator, hater, boaster, inciter of violence, thief.
Even his planes are revolting!
Update 28
Oh Qanada!
The Premier of Texas North/Alberta, Danielle Smith, intends make gun ownership (and more) an Alberta right, I and many others, meanwhile, am visualizing punching her in the throat and kicking her when she is down. (I hate the idea of violence, but these people want Canada to be like the USA and SORRY! That is the last thing we need)
Making Jordan Peterson whine is so damn easy
BWAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!! ‘Canada’s Supreme court has dismissed the latest attempt by Psychologist Jordan Peterson is challenge an order to undergo social media training or potentially lose his license to practice.’
When Richie Rich and LOSER45 do an "interview"
It is a weird and shitty as you might expect. Some highlights:
tRUMP praises Elon Musk for firing workers who were striking for better pay and working conditions and both emit an evil laugh. LOSER45 hints Musk getting a seat in his cabinet -labour minister it sounds like...
I used to have a lisp when I was 6 and lost all my front teeth. tRUMP must have forgotten his dentures last night...
The bastards are saying 24 years of service is stolen valor
A Maga battalian leader is pissed off not all military are MAGA and press leaps to polish the turd to diss Walz. It is disgusting! And then, we find out the 'battalian leader' saying Walz did not deserve his rank was not Walz leader... MAGA are useless tits.
I wonder how Matt Couch feels about the VP pick?
Here is one reason tRUMP isn't campaigning
Speaking of MAGA morons... here's another one...
land doesn't vote.
Did you know...
tRUMP using Lolita Express to campaign is rather fitting
MAGA and Evangelicals condone and he is rubbing their faces in what he has done.
tRUMP is weird, and always has been
tRUMP is campaigning from Bedminster...
Update 27
A little more makeup, et Voila!
I am thinking Vince Vance or MayBea Lina
And given the beard size, more than once
The cult is getting restless...
Calling the left snowflakes that need a safe place was ...projection
Elon style resistance is futile
With out the money, he would be another dateless nerd
Hiding the hack again...
As usual, only Dem hacks will be released...
tRUMP loves a Legal Battle
Isaac Hayes’ family suing for 3min licensing fees and Celine Dion tore is pissed...but likely laughing that tRUMP's team used the Titanic theme. The artists should ALL sue for thre music he used all these years!
Musk interview with Moron
on XTWATTER hampered by DDOS attack or NOT!
tRUMP trying to make himself a helicopter hero fails
Turns out it was his helicopter that went down because of poor maintenance and the year before 3 staff were killed. Thanks for the reminder , you dipshit.
Helicoptors, crashes and trump lack of empathy
Oct 11 1989 as tRUMP is in the middle of ANOTHER money laundering investigation, 3 of his casino executives who knew the organization are killed, all of them in an ‘accident’ whereby the propeller managed to come off and send it crashing.
I had more on file:
"Although the Trump Organization maintains a fleet of commuter helicopters for its executives, a spokeswoman for Mr. Trump, Norma Foerderer, said the craft, an eight-seat Agusta 109A, had been leased from Paramount." Interesting… Then to top it... ‘The propellers [both main and tail rotors] came off shortly after takeoff. All 3 were killed. One Trump Organization spokesman, Dan Klores, told the Philadelphia Inquirer that Trump “doesn’t want to talk about it, but he was going to go to Atlantic City and he did change his mind.” Barbara Rez says it is a lie, and tRUMP is an OPPORTUNIST!! Exploiting tragedy is what he has always done…
To top that, tRUMP tries to make money off of the deaths by SUING the helicopter manufacturer and insurer. “The suit also contends the executives were critical to the success of Trump’s casinos and that without their expertise, the businesses faced higher expenses and operating costs.”
Barbara Rez, who was working for the Trump Organization at the time of the crash, told MSNBC that Trump’s story about almost being on the deadly helicopter flight was a total fabrication.
Joseph Weichselbaum, Trump’s helicopter pilot, convicted of drug trafficking on three occasions. Weichselbaum also had another business: importing drugs from Colombia and shipping them from Bradford Motors, a Miami-area car dealership he partly owned, to Cincinnati. When Weichselbaum got caught, his case was handled in a most unusual way, with both Donald Trump and one of his siblings in starring roles.
This relationship between the Republican presidential nominee and a major drug trafficker, revealed in court filings and other public documents, has never been explained by the candidate. Trump should be asked in every venue right up to Election Day for a complete and detailed accounting of this relationship.
Instead the case somehow ended up in New Jersey—and in not just any courtroom, either. It came before Judge Maryanne Trump Barry, Trump’s older sister.
After three weeks Judge Barry recused herself, explaining to the chief judge that her husband, Trump casino lawyer John Barry, and she had flown in the helicopters of a confessed drug trafficker. At the time, there was only a signed order reassigning the case, but not explaining the reasons for doing so. Six years passed before Barry’s reason for recusal—potentially damaging to the federal judiciary—emerged in a book by investigative reporter Wayne Barrett.
Update 27
LOSER45 Press Conference at Maralardo
was to to RAMBLE on about Kamala! He must be going Deaf as he kept saying “I can’t hear you” but it was likely to mock the press as he has a mike but did not provide one for the press, He tells them he is pissed off about them saying Kamala’s crowds are bigger by saying his are bigger than MLKs. He won the election…whining again that Governor Kemp didn’t do as he asked with his lost election… YAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWM. He says he won’t discuss abortion as he will have a future press conference. (In 2 weeks no doubt) What a lazy bore…
Excellent follow-up on what asshole reporters can be
Lawrence O’Donnell reminded that reporters are taking us back to 2016, where only Dems got hard questions and rude shouting and bad press and yet tRUMP turds and lies that he spewed were polished to perfection and then lied about, and reported on for days... instead of REAL reporting, follow up questions and fact checking.
O’Donnell says that while he hopes VP Harris answers questions from reporters, after the press conference that Donald Trump turned into a charade, Harris has “absolutely no greater obligation to do so because of what Donald Trump pretended to do today.” The media did not show the Harris/Walz UAW rally after letting tRUMP lie his ass off for an hour earlier… but O’Donnell did and it was a fire speech. (As a former union president I may show some bias when I say I admire that)
tRUMP Team Says Train-wreck Presser shows Discipline
He said his crowds were the biggest ever. Bigger even than MLK’s 10x larger crowd. tRUMP is running on ratings so that he can win, pardon himself and stop any future criminal actions… so gets a big far ZERO for that lie. Oh, and I am obviously not classy or saintly.
tRUMP turned his attention from the butt sniffer to Q
as he posted 28 ridiculous QAnon memes on his Truth(less) (anti)Social site. The butt-sniffer was highlighted in Updates 25 and 26)
For more on Q, see: QAnon; Origins, Q murderers & more
Vance was a Marine war correspondent
who sat in his ass and wrote stories for the press. He was not "in combat."
Walz timeline
Bonespurs tRUMP team is attacking Gov Walz's service of 24 years in the National Guard.
Audio of Trump praising Walz
contradicts criticisms of Walz riot response.
I am adding the 3 MSNBC memes that can be used to counter the RW lies. Note that tRUMP is transitioning. His vagina neck has a clit...
You are welcome...
Note I did not add that observation to the meme. Maybe I am classy after all!
Arizona Grand Jury Wanted to Indict tRUMP
Along with the 18 others. State prosecutors asked them not to. They said they did not have enough evidence…and that it was a big dea,…but also cited Federal law. What a crock of crap!
tRUMP being racist and disgusting (As always)
but man does he hate black women who are not “the help.” A montage
Remember Elon’s PAC fraud?
The one that said they were registering voters and did not only mislead… it was election interference. The buttons to register have now been removed! Amazing how the RW POS scramble to hide the evidence once they are caught. The investigation best not fizzle.
Joe Rogan Supports RF Jr. for President
The manly man will not let the brainworm make him balk!.
You know, Joe Rogan also had a bad bout of COVID, but got amazing care being he makes 10 mill a year at Spotify...and took Ivermectin to kill his brain worms.
He mentions AFTERWARD that he took medicine that can knock out COVID and pneumonia
COVID can do a real number on the brain. Just ask this guy...
Wait, that was before COVID...Here is the recent proof...
tRUMP brain dementia psychosis
Diaper Don Aces another Cognitive Test. Boat, Battery, Shark, Water, Sinking.
If Diaper Don jr et al are going to be disgusting pricks...
DJ Vance 2003, with his prom date, Sofia.
Update 26
HAHAH, this audio of tRUMP praising Tim Walz and Tim coming out and admonishing tRUMP for his authoritarian praise and reminding it is a civil right to demonstrate peacefully, negotiated and talked to leaders of the demonstration and the cause was righteous....
Old Lizard Brain
This has gotten lost on people, but it is important to understand that tRUMP has personality disorders, brain malfunctions and may also have COVID brain. Use the forum search line (lower one) and scroll to click on 'see all results.' to see a long list of what happens to the brain with COVID. His old lizard brain is in control...or rather out of control.
The BUTT-sniffer who interviewed tRUMP...
*See update 25 below
I met a lot of these POS assholes while on G+. They are expert trolls and many are autistic who think this kind of behaviour is funny and "normal." It included death threats every day and harassment. The ones on 4/8chan/KUN can be even worse. (There are a few on the main page here, sadly, but no matter how many times I pinpoint them, they are lauded, which also worries me. If you cannot recognize trolling, you may also be a parent to one of the them)
I am rolling my eyes at people saying he did it to encourage their vote. Although the 500k who tuned in are from all over the world, you can bet these edgelord shit-posting pee-peefrog trolls are going to be disrupting social media even more than usual. It was a call to action, just as he had a party on the whitehouse grounds for his "social media" trolls, influencers and memers... and called it a social media summit, FFS...
Barron said Adin Ross interview was a good idea...
and encouraged his daddy to do it. Barron is likely mildly autistic. (Hence the slip from tRUMP that he is "Melania's son." Bloodlines are important to Hair Shitler)
Here is an example of Adin's past posts.
Project 2025's leader postpones book launch
Kevin Roberts steps in as leader after the previous one stepped down. He will wait to release until after the election, but you can bet plans are still on track for the project. With it being targeting by Dems as the future, because IT IS, the RW POS are toning down the emphasis to make it less of a target. It matched tRUMP's goals, so don't let that happen.
He's phonier than a $2 dollar bill
Stay strong for the guy who withstood an ear owie!! He has launched several of these...the last one in April. The only thing "strong" about this tRUMP is his grift and his odour.
tRUMP is on a hiatus from the weeks fiasco.
He knows most Americans only have a 2 week attention span... While the rest are dumber than rocks...
It is not a cult!
The dummy who did this got it backwards. tRUMP is shit your pants scared of sharks.
You can't make it up
The Nazis are at it again
The books are at the end of the article.
JD Vance is STALKING Kamala Harris
Beside stalking her on the campaign trial, Vance Pranced over to Air Force Two for a photo and news op... saying he “wanted to get a good look at the plane because hopefully, it’s going to be my plane in a few months.” Even if, god forbid that happens, it is not YOUR plane, you dipshit know nothing. It belongs to the American people and the Airforce.
This is a real message from the tRUMP team of idiots...their top spokesperson! Don't tell me I can't call Baron Von Shitzinpants [nonparticipants was read into a court record, BY HISOWN ATTORNEY] names like SpongeBrain DiaperPants!
Maybe letting your failsons pick your interviewers & VP
was a bad idea...
And ...
Update 25
VP Tim Walz
After reading about the fake Apprentice "star" and criminal, and the guy who wrote the book about his shitty childhood, what a breath of truly fresh non-misogynistic air.
Meet Kamala Harris
Meet Tim Walz here
A little more here:
Trump team's try-hard attacks on Harris' VP pick fall flat
Run Vance Run!!
FAKE Kamala PACs!!!
Don’t fall for scam PACs claiming to support Harris. Your corrupt SCOTUS did this...and your long and ludicrous campaign encourage money laundering and grift. I swear, the reason the GOP and tRUMP's party exist is because they make money for millions and millions of grifters... besides their tax cuts they claim non-profit status and working on campaigns, do RW radio and streams by the hundreds and hundreds of thousands, RW sites and "news" abound and of course the merch sale and books to complete the circle jerk. Here is one example of what is NOT a Dem grift, but a grift of Dems:
I can't do my searches the way I used to, as the feud with our Canadian government continues, and I am obviously one of the ones being targeted. ( I used to have to do the "I am not a robot" test a lot as I do a lot of searches..or rather did, and they said I was searching robotically. )
wonder if it is connected to ....
ACT BLUE is collecting for the Harris /Demscampaign.
Trump Interviews with a butt sniffing streamer.
This is what the likes of Andrew Tate has created. (Adin sniffed Tate's chair after he left the interview) Adin Ross gave 2 gifts to tRUMP. A Rolex and Tesla. (The toothless FEC should be on that campaign contribution soon, I am sure! *COUGH*
Like Tate, this jerk makes money by being a racist asshole on the internet and children and teens think he is funny… Adin also dressed like tRUMP, so they could be twin trolls. This is way beyond a weird cult. (And your sons and maybe even daughters might be in it if you aren't paying attention!)
Our Canadian POS asshole knowniothing "ingluencer" was also there! He FAMOUS and getting richer for being a gamer lazy lout at 27... something your sons might also want to be?!?
So who is going to ask Adin Ross what tRUMP’s diapered ass smelled like?
It is stunning to watch this snot-rag fawn over his idol. This has even more…
A political action committee backed by Elon Musk
is being investigated by the Michigan Secretary of State. Shortly after Elon Musk tried to pretend the manipulated Harris ad was a parody even though not labelled as such under his own freaking rules, and also removing and then restricting the ‘white dudes for Harris’ after they made over 4m in XTwatter session, we learn that ‘Pro-Trump America PAC, backed by
Elon Musk, is using "register to vote" prompts to collect highly detailed information from potential voters in swing states.’ The person is NOT taken to a voter registration page, but asks for and is collecting highly personal info … That sound like fraudulent election interference, unless the richest troll in the world is untouchable…
Everything is Kamala's fault & she's not President yet
tRUMP is not just once saying the stock market dip is Kamala’s fault he says it over and over in the middle of the night…
The actual market graph since Biden:
Candace Owens AKA CanDeath
Candace Owens claims evolution is a conspiracy theory made up by Satanists… and says the bible stories are all the facts she needs. She also talks about vaccines poisoning the population and trangenderism somehow being forced to live in their brains… Science? She doesn’t need that Satanist stuff!
Sadly, she has 2 children. They are biracial and will have enough difficulty with life, being bigots like their mother will happily harass her children because people like their mother are influencing more and more people to be assholes to those they deem as “other”.
She must not be doing anti-vax/anti-mask much as so few of her fans are dying lately.
The only way to listen to LOSER45...
is Sarah Cooper: shark or battery electrocution
Sarah Cooper: No need to vote
In case you missed it Cry Shittinhouse left tRUMP
His fans were quite shocked!
So shocked that they bullied his ass en masse until he cried 'OKAY UNCLE! I will vote for anyone you want as long as you all love me again!' He is going to be the next GOP speaker if he keeps on being this good at bringing the RWN together like this!
The black women for tRUMP
are basically the same 2 black GOP operative women
Unless you count these...
Sadly, being a black woman for tRUMP causes extra appendages and fingers and warped toes.
I had not seen this before. SURPRISE!
Yes that is your wife ... SURPRISE! There must gave been an "If I ever get shot you have to give me one photo-op" in that last Re-nup.
Update 24
How to beat a prosecutor? Embrace the criminal
They are running wild with the slogans!
I'm with the felon!
The Felon is our last hope!
Nay, the POS criminal loser is the WORLD's last best hope!
Please add this if you see such drivel
The left are blasphemers!
The left are cat ladies who don't love families!
and are pedos too!
The left are murdering babies!
Catturd says the left are racist!
Because the black journalists made a fool out of LOSER45
FYI: Catturd ™ LLC (Phillip Buchanan)
He looks like he smells
But tRUMP is such a good man!
tRUMP kisses a dead firefighter's helmet and humps flags because he does not know what people normally do. He is a malignant narcissist and a psychopath putting on freak shows and people love it... some not knowing that is the depth of his humanity.
If you vote for a woman will turn into a woman!
This macho dude says so.Watters “I heard the scientists say the other day that when a man votes for a woman, he actually transitions into a woman.” It will not embed
SHHHH! Tone down Project 2025!
Yes, they are going to be fascist authoritarians...but it will be in more hushed tones.
And a little good news:
A16 -person prisoner exchange was arranged by President Biden and VP Harris to secure the release of at least 3 US citizens (and 1 Canadian former marine) wrongly imprisoned in Russia by Putin. They are free thanks to the Biden-Harris administration’s negotiations and strong NATO diplomacy, making Trump a liar again for declaring that only he could obtain their release.
tRUMP on negotiating for hostages
tRUMP yesterday on releasing criminals and thugs
Q:My question is about those rioters who assaulted those officers. Will you pardon them?
A: tRUMP says ... yes.
About the BLM riots...
tRUMP says nothing happened to them. They should have pushed back. If you see any MAGA say that please, feel free to use these stats!!
BLM were literally scooped off the street after kettling and doing nothing wrong. They were taken to the station to be fingerprinted and many spent the night in jail…
Thread: Researchers at Harvard gathered statistics from 7,305 BLM events. Here’s what they found:
Unlike past administrations, tRUMP wanted to control the narrative and make BLM and Antifa terrorist groups and Barr was willing to go along with that… and the media lapped it up.
There were more than 10 thousand/10k/10,000 arrests at BLM protests by June 4 2020….
For the Jan 6 whiners who say no one from 2020 protests was charged: The AP found that more than 120 defendants across the United States have pleaded guilty or were convicted at trial of federal crimes including rioting, arson and conspiracy. More than 70 defendants who’ve been sentenced so far have gotten an average of about 27 months behind bars. At least 10 received prison terms of five years or more.
The Department of Justice announced today that more than 300 individuals in 29 states and Washington, D.C., have been charged for crimes committed adjacent to or under the guise of peaceful demonstrations since the end of May. Approximately 80 individuals have been charged with offenses relating to arson and explosives. Approximately 15 individuals have been charged with damaging federal property. Thursday, September 24, 2020
BLM demonstrations: 93% peaceful “The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED) analyzed more than 7,750 Black Lives Matter demonstrations in all 50 states and Washington D.C. that took place in the wake of George Floyd’s death between May 26 and August 22. Their report states that more than 2,400 locations reported peaceful protests, while fewer than 220 reported “violent demonstrations.” The Q-RWNJs got their “news” from Fox, OANN, Newsmax, RT and themselves. They actually say “We are the news”as they pass on disinformation.
June 8th This lawyer has 470 incidents with video…. of police violence. At least 8 people lost eyes. One was wearing high end goggles used for welding. BLM summer 2020 and
Update 23
Buyer's remorse!!
A joke
and yet, not a joke
Is this what trolling yourself looks like?
Racist, bigoted AND creepy. GQP trifecta!
POS Bill Eigel’d Bigoted GOOBERnatorial campaign ad for the miserable state of Missouri.
I can't decide which i like better
YOU decide and pass it on...
Update 22
Speaker "Moses" Johnson
says tRUMP is allowed to attack the left as he "unites" the American people, because he has been much maligned. He also threatens (And oh they will!) to attack the Kamala Harris switch in court as he thinks it is illegal. If they are successful, that will be pretty astounding being they are allowing a FELON to run in those same states... He says the election should not be about personalities but polices.
You Dems are so mean! You offended the name-calling SOB!
More mind-boggling gaslighting from the "law & Order" and their felon nominee with Fascist policies. The a'hole's video is here:
Good cartoon, but tRUMP was always 'the snake' in his constant rendition of that story... “We’re coming to a Red Sea moment,” House Speaker Mike Johnson said after telling people God chose him as a modern day Moses. May it be as effective as their red wave.
Law & Order!
Kushner’s Refugee Grandparents Relied on Gov. Aid:
Jared Kushner’s refugee grandparents benefited from the same types of immigration assistance that he tried to ban. His Holocaust survivor grandparents arrived in the United States in with “two dollars to their name and no family willing to take them in,” according to a Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society caseworkers notes. They relied on government-subsidized programs for immigrants like housing, food assistance, and health care.
Rags to riches…or rather “Socialistic to CONservative” assholes.
And after garnering over 900m from his time in tRUMP’s cabinet and lining he and his friend’s pockets during the pandemic as well…(Reminder, they were acting like black market hustlers and giving friend's contracts, and hoarding needed items, creating shortages and bidding wars. and getting billions from the Middle east bribes…he has shied away from politics …and is likely somewhere “giving back” to America for all it has done for him /S
“Charity” scam
This sounds like tRUMP’s "charity" foundation. Now THAT was a hoax and a scam! How a Network of Nonprofits Enriches Fundraisers While Spending Almost Nothing on Its Stated Causes The American Breast Cancer Coalition, for example, has taken in nearly $9 million from donors since 2019 and has spent less than half of 1% of that on “voter advocacy and outreach.” The rest of the money — millions of dollars — goes to companies with names like Action Committee Marketing, Capital Vendor Management and Berkenbush’s Office Edge. Berkenbush’s company pulled in $222,000 just from this one organization.
Fresh off being the first VP to be endorsed by Putin, JD Vance Called For Joe Biden To Resign: 'If You Can't Run, You Can't Serve' He can now be heard complaining he didn't mean like that! He's a lawyer, and the felon they chose to lead party of law and order has to win! Let the tRUMPy judge search commence!
BTW...there is a fake headline that leads people to believe tRUMP did NOT misname Vance...but he did in May 2022. tRUMP says he has endorsed JP Mandrell when he meant JD Vance.
Speaking of name flubs
Kamala gave tRUMP that OWIE!!
And speaking of Kama Harris
Act Blue's site said 142m was collected in her name in 24 hours.
Update 21
Whataburger has better emergency info than TexasGov
Here's why...
The Texas government doesn't keep track of power outages at that level of detail, it's up to the individual power distribution company. In this case, Centerpoint Energy.
What is ERCOT?
Texas is not only rich in natural resources needed to produce energy, but it is also the only U.S. state to have its own electric grid. In 1935, the Federal Power Act was passed and gave the federal government the authority to regulate interstate transactions of electricity. As a result, the Texas Interconnection, Texas’ very own energy grid, was eventually established to avoid selling or purchasing electricity from other states and to establish freedom from federal oversight. To ensure the proper management of energy in Texas, the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) was created in 1970 and is responsible for overseeing the reliable transmission of electricity to the power grid that serves more than 26 million Texans.
ERCOT is an independent, membership-based nonprofit corporation governed by a board of directors who take policy direction from the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUC) and the Texas Legislature. ERCOT’s 12-member board comprises eight directors with no fiduciary duty or assets in the ERCOT electricity market and who are appointed by Texas’ ERCOT Board Selection Committee, the CEO of ERCOT, the chair of the PUC, the public counsel of the Office of Public Utility Counsel and a PUC commissioner designated by the PUC chair.
Here's MORE why...
When you see who these a'holes really are, you avoid them, not vote for them! And note that Dem Houston never seems to get gov help when they desperately need it?
And a confirmation from fellow Savver
This privileged LOSER45 'kid' is no longer a kid
and now is fair game. Barron tRUMP fist pumps, waves and makes a fist in the air as Dad says welcome to the scene. Welcome to the political scene, Barron. As an adult, making himself politically known now is strategic... and he is already being touted as a future president by the MAGA crowd.
Here he is in his "real life," being pampered and having his own tRUMP Tower apartment.
PS: Barron was the alias tRUMP he used when cheating on Ivana with Marla Maples... as well as when making calls to pretend he was a tRUMP source of info... as it sounded exactly like "Baron."
Yeah, everyone dresses their kids in suits no matter what event they are attending or while 'reading with dad.' (Don Junior got a face slap for not wearing one to a baseball game )
Oklahoma Sen.Deevers Rebukes RNC
Their Platform Committee Abandoned Christian Values in favour of reaching more non- "christians." Oh oh! Opposition to abortion and support for a Christian definition of marriage present in previous platforms were removed. Succinctly: The RNC is not awash in the blood of Jesus, obviously... but you can find his full Talibangelical statement here...
CNN is tripe.
In case you think I am being too harsh, take a moment...
and remember that Hunter Biden's dick was the news for months before the debate.
Even Mother Jones is tripe...
'We're just having a healthy discussion!' Mother Jones 5 stories to 1 about Biden dropping out, then 3 more in related.
YES, as a matter of fact.
Update 20
calls the Jan 6 insurrectionists "patriots" and doesn't think tRUMP is a criminal or sexual predator. She is a gaslighting, disingenuous POS and MAGA love her. It's deplorable!
This is an imperative...
Because of this liar and the staff picks he has already made