Updates in comments!
In 2015, when I heard that Reddit and the trolls there were influencing the world, I did not believe it. How could teens and childish adults have such an influence? Them I took a deep dive into the internet looking for them and realized that, by using the internet, the trolls and nasty people could influence not just individuals but elections, the economy and every day life. By platforming every Tom DICK and Harry and their views and calling it news, propaganda became far more prevalent, even on the supposedly "respected" platforms like Fecesbook and Twatter. With Elon Muck at the helm of twitter, the loudest and most disruptive and those who have the most troll followers and who paid their 8 bucks a month are given a higher status in the algorithms.
Today, after seeing how tRUMP and Q rose to such power, hopefully no one is still as naive as I was. I do know that the most easily influenced and vulnerable are the children. They need to be protected from the "influencers" who are now millionaires and billionaires solely for having duped their marks into thinking their advice is superior and are showing your kids how to be "like them." No, I am not talking just about the Kardashians, but about people like Andrew Tate. You have assuredly heard of him because he was on the news for having been caught in Romania as a suspected child trafficker. But those are just the snippets. As a matter of fact, sadly, the Romanian authorities knew all about Tate and his whereabouts but were compelled to act ONLY as he became a topic on many people's lips.
Elmo Muck reinstated him to Twatter weeks before his arrest...

The next part of this will be disturbing for many. As I write this, my mind wants to drop-kick this asshole into the depths of hell. It will be a horrible read, but there is so much more here that you need to know if you have kids who like him, listen to him, follow him... or girls who are young and whether you like it or not... may be influenced and coerced with fame, money and a desire to also be influencers... Or, there is THIS:
I see that Musk encourages POS like Tate to come back to Twatter, but this person has been suspended! Thankfully someone made a threadreader duplicate but it cannot add the the vidoes darn it https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1514798714652561409.html
From that long and disgusting thread:

When right wing "influencers" unite.

Mike Cernavich is an alt Reich rape coach who started Pizzagate... https://www.sorryantivaxxer.com/forum/general-discussion/update-6-qanon-origins-q-murderers-more see more of his lies here: https://twitter.com/crabcrawler1/status/1515121176460341253

It is not even off topic...

What Andrew Tate Told Woman Who Accused Him of Rape
In 2015, controversial “alpha male” influencer Andrew Tate was arrested over another allegation of rape in the UK, following a complaint from a woman who supplied police with messages sent by Tate in which he wrote “I love raping you.” https://www.vice.com/en/article/wxn3dm/andrew-tate-whatsapps-arrest
Tate became one of the most influential people in the world, because of his kickboxing career led to podcasts telling young men how to be "alpha males" just like him. TEACHING them to be just like him. (I thought Jordan Peterson was bad, although, this guy could have been radicalized by him as well)
Jordan Peterson is dumb as a rock and is teaching your children about climate change. (More than 6m views...) Although a few objected, the reply correcting the numbskull would have been seen by only a handful of people.

Peterson says Tate is redeemable!

Back to Tate

Romanian Court Rejects Quran-Toting Andrew Tate’s Plea to Be Freed

Thus is Tate's last Tweet before he was arrested... https://twitter.com/halford_rosie/status/1608461468961329152

The piece of shit has too much money ... and is back tweeting and duping your kids. He insists it is god helping him... https://twitter.com/Cobratate
Hope this doesn't allow him to slip away. He is truly a despicable specimenm