You Get THIS:
After storming the Capitol…
Dr Tammy AKA Tammy Towers AKA Tamara Towers Parry AKA Tammy Parry AKA Tamara L Parry AKA Tamara Lucienne Towers AKA Tammy Lucienne AKA Dr Towers *There are more that she used...
I Reported to FBI
(These few lines are all have on file of her) Sent in once I saw her video put up right after and erased, as I imagine many did: Dr. Tammy Towers Parry had not been arrested… even though she has so proudly stated she stormed the Capitol with a nurse, Melissa, who also has not been arrested. She a religious loon and had lost certification before. When she lost certification she could still practice. Her license was suspended in 2022 based on failure to respond to the Board’s request for a Mental Health evaluation. (The Q fried her brain...) I wonder how many people she killed with Ivermectin and Hydrochoriquine while she was allowed to practice?
Tammy Towers Parry asks Sidney Powell a question… about how she can help assure kids returning to school during the pandemic have no mask mandate. She was a family physician... spreading disinfo about masks/vaccines/mandates.
It is a tragic tale,
but one becoming more and more common in these times
In 2015, she was a Physician diagnosed with MS and pulled away from her family practice. That can be a devastating life change of course, and her friends and former patients began to blame MS for her neurological shift in mental health. (Unlikely, but it happens rarely)

The hospital she interned with and the clinic where she used to work may not have noticed or cared when she deteriorated
It seems the company she used to work for was more interested in wealthcare than healthcare. EG: double booking surgeries, writing false patient care reports, and lots more.

I could find no Fecesbook for her, but if you do, please add in the comments.

Something else happened in 2015… the cult of tRUMP followed by QAnon, which both seemed to be directed to the needy authoritarians…who cannot cope on their own and heard the message "ONLY I CAN” save you, as tRUMP has said about so many things.
Neighbors saw her change from a engaged and kind person to a recluse who started running outside to wave a tRUMP flag when a plane flew overhead and wrote the QAnon "Where We Go One, We Go All" on her driveway. She also flew a large Q Anon flagand sign in her upper window and the house was known by those who were in the community as “the conspiracy house.”
Towers Parry had failed to make about $24,000 in mortgage payments and still owed more than $225,000 on the home, which she previously shared with her ex-husband, according to the records.

I am not a psychiatrist, but even they would have trouble diagnosing people like this who fall down the rabbit hole. It's a disturbing look into her psyche. Even more so because I recognize her. As a Doctor, she was popular among other QAnons and they likely shared this when she made it. She had a YouTube site but it was removed.I have a feeling it was also shared here on SAV by one of our permanent residents/SAV awardees.
But she died happy...
A Jan 6 insurrectionist religious QAnon loon dies awash in the blood of Jesus.
She had ignored court orders to put the house up for sale and split the proceeds with her ex-husband. (She was divorced in 2019) The house was reportedly sold at a foreclosure auction, and after multiple phone calls, having noted on her door (replacing after she removed them) and sending her notices, she was being given a final notice by a process server and the person accompanying seems to have been the one who held the gun that shot several rounds once Towers greeted them with a shotgun. (There will be an investigation. but no charges. as they were allowed to carry and used the gun in self defense.)
One of the men pulled out his gun and opened fire, shooting Parry twice. Medics arrived and pronounced Parry dead on the scene... Seattle police say the two men involved in the shooting were not arrested and continue to cooperate with investigators…’
The son makes weird videos. Too weird for me …
He understands that his mom has gone over the edge and decides to tell the world.
QAmom - Confronting my mom's conspiracy theories
Tammy tells her son on video that she has been taking Miracle Mineral Solution whenever she feels badly and it works…and that she has been taking it for 30 years. The future of Q is in jeopardy and due for a Darwin award… Drinking MMS is like drinking *bleach. Sodium chlorite, the main constituent of MMS, is a toxic chemical that can cause lung and stomach problems and eye irritation, with possible renal or respiratory failure, low red blood cells, low blood pressure, and more… including death. …
*My favourite reply was from a Q quisling saying anyone calling it bleach is insane… “can't reason with the insane.” (their Xtwatter no longer exists as it was purged long ago for things like this)
The video
Her son should have gotten her help rather than trying to shame her and make clicks... but who knows what his motives were. Note that her ex-husband is also in this video laughing ...and both he and son seem more bemused by her addiction to the cult rather than alarmed. The video is far more disturbing than the one above as it shows her mind and life were totally taken over by the Q conspiracy.
Her legacy changed in 2015
YELP 2019
People asking for some grace for a person with mental illness
They knew her before this all friends and patients or both.

Should anyone still be unaware of QAnon, here is a compilation of their cult. QAnon; Origins, Q murderers & more: