See comment for an addendum
When I say trolls, that included the corporate and rich donors peeing their pants and many who want their tax CUTS and their beholding pant pissers like Schiff and not just the chicken shits and concern trolls who are more than likely foreign and Roger Stone trained ratfuckers... Good luck getting deflated Americans who helped get Joe elected in 2020 to the polls. (You assholes)
I had a bunch of good things about Biden to add to his post...but damn... instead I will say FUCK YOU! to the few who negated the votes of so many millions.
As a Canadian who can barely breathe some days and has to stop every 15 feet so I don't have to use my emergency puffer, who is enduring smoke and heat from climate change and have to wear a cold cloth on my neck to do anything outside...climate change and tRUMP should have been enough to ensure people voted for and stayed loyal to President Biden.
If you think my FUCK YOU! is bad, just wait until the CNP and Dominionists, Heritage and Federalists get hold of all 3 "pillars" of government AND tRUMP the rapist and felon's puny fingers and open the Constitution. They have already all but captured the courts
Being no one will get within "earshot" ever again, may the heat affect a certain someone's diet coke cans on his next flight. Bigly!
Addendum and apology.
The reason why President Biden did NOT use the Presidential Seal or his Presidential accounts is because he is not tRUMP.
Biden is still the president, and as such may not use the seal or official items to make any pronouncements or usage that are campaign related.
*Unlike his predecessor, SpongeBrain DiaperPants
I apologize for my Debbie Downer Day and hope that everything can be turned around after the convention. tRUMP was elected while I was under and having a cancerous tumour removed. When I learned about that, I was more upset than with the cancer or the pain I was in. I am having more troubles health-wise so it is pissing me off. America, you need to get rid of YOUR cancerous tumor...forever!
Thus far, Kamala's high spirited laughter is all they have to work with it seems... There is no wonder that it comes from a person with an asshole for a mouth and a shit-eating smug smarmy smirk, and who never laughs, and so would find laughter an insult.
VP Kamala Harris
Here's her first campaign speech.