“"We were able to put an AR-15 rifle and safe in all of our schools in the county," Harwood said. "We've also got breaching tools to go into those safes. We've got extra magazines with ammo in those safes."”
I guess nobody thought about the possibility the guns might attract active shooters? Did they not hear that “suicide by cop” is a real thing and experienced by police forces virtually everywhere? Guns in schools is bait for more active shooters.
11% of all officer-involved shootings are suicide by cop events.
“Suicide by cop accounted for 11% (n=46) of all officer-involved shootings and 13% of all officer-involved justifiable homicides. Ages of suicidal individuals ranged from 18 to 54 years; 98% were male. Forty-eight percent of weapons possessed by suicidal individuals were firearms, 17% replica firearms. The median time from arrival of officers at the scene to the time of the shooting was 15 minutes with 70% of shootings occurring within 30 minutes of arrival of officers. Thirty-nine percent of cases involved domestic violence. Fifty-four percent of suicidal individuals sustained fatal gunshot wounds. All deaths were classified by the coroner as homicides, as opposed to suicides.”
Oh well. Time will tell if we start seeing suicidal gun nuts head to schools in North Carolina to get their rage on before somebody puts them out of their misery.
Maybe one day they will figure out another way is just outlawing war weapons.
The solution for these idiots will never be anything other than more guns.
Oh, I read the article, and this has the distinct smell of "If it was me, I'd of kicked their asses!" So let me get this straight, the School Resource Officers (always known for running into fire and remaining cool and collected) now have a safe, an AR-15, and breaching tools? Breach teams are teams for a reason.
From Police1.com concerning mechanical breaching:
"This is the simplest form of breaching but can be slow and can position the breacher in a dangerous place: standing in front of the door he or she is attempting to breach. Mechanical breaching utilizes a variety of tools and methods. Breaching tools can include a ram, sledge hammer, pry bar, axe, bolt cutter, pneumatic and hydraulic tools, chain saws and the jaws of life. Mechanical breaching is only limited to your imagination."
One SRO. Wielding an AR-15, and something like this:
(With their third arm, I guess,)
This is Security Theater 2:Electric Boogaloo. You'll notice though, this got passed, approved, paid for, and installed in record time... in a state (NC) with the14th highest poverty rate in the nation.
*Oh, fun side note: remember that Police1.com site? In their Breaking News section, the lead article was this: "After racist text, Ala. council moves to fire police chief, disband PD"... So, yeah, why do minority groups(and non-affluent Whites) not feel super safe with SROs getting more firepower(and again, a third arm)?
I was about to say you are one heck of a reformed Republican, because you have their avatar. Does anyone else have the problem that when you click from one story to the one in "similar posts," the previous avatar attaches to the next person's name?
Like this...
It is not a huge deal, other than Vaxxlady's avatar was on a spammer's account a couple of days ago and I was taken aback until I remembered this can happen. Plus you might have been really confused with my posts I originally planned.