Had this lingering in a file. Time to air it.
So many good and talented people have died from COVID and sadly it seems to spare the worst of people.... like tRUMP, Gaetz, Rand Paul, and so many more .... like Barbara Crosby, 74, teacher for 30 years, School Board member since 2016, These are the people chosen to "protect" the best interests of the children.

The gaslighters have been literally coming for your children (and their future votes) Not just in political offices but many are on School Boards. tRUMP's recent promise: https://www.politico.com/news/2023/01/26/trump-unveils-education-policy-culture-war-00079784
This is her brand logo... for campaigning, activism, and bald-faced lies.

She is an awful person.
Sept 10, she was put under investigation for child endangerment after locking her young grandkids inside of her car. ‘Officers say Crosby left her 9-year-old and 4-year-old grandchildren in her car. Crosby told security guards they were in the car when she arrived at the Adult Learning Center for a meeting. One security guard told her she could not leave them there, but she continued into the building.
DD2 Director of Security Preston Giet and a deputy found the car running in the parking lot with the windows [doors] locked. The deputy was going to break the car's windows, referring to the situation as a "major safety hazard," but Giet was able to convince the kids to unlock the vehicle. The oldest child told Giet their mother was coming from West Ashley to pick them up.
Afterward, a security guard watched the kids for approximately 20 minutes until their mother arrived. The oldest child said they had been exposed to COVID-19 and could not enter the building.’ https://abcnews4.com/news/local/barbara-crosby-dorchester-county-school-district-two-sheriffs-office-school-board
She responded on her Fecesbook: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=624318044901464&set=ecnf.100063816045241

Barbara Crosby was charged with two counts of unlawful conduct to a child and one count of statutory misconduct in office. https://www.live5news.com/2021/09/10/dorchester-dist-2-board-member-surrenders-deputies-after-facing-charges/
There's more! This self proclaimed bastion of truth and god's will is just one of the many voted in to offices where you, your children and the future are in jeopardy.
A South Carolina educator, Will McCorkle,wrote this story in 2021:
‘Barbara Crosby, the only school board member who decided to be unmasked at the last board meeting, was adamant that the district’s schools should not shift temporarily to virtual learning. This was despite the fact that much of the school staff was absent and 20% of the students were in quarantine because of COVID-19.’ https://www.postandcourier.com/opinion/commentary/commentary-its-time-for-dorchester-district-2-to-follow-science-not-bad-theology/article_f5da26e2-100a-11ec-b7d6-d3d047830c8f.html
Sept 8 2021, MAGA school board member Barbara Crosby said it's "up to God" whether children live or die of COVID. VIDEO: MeidasTouch
Crosby was the only school board member to vote against the decision to send DD2 to virtual learning amid high COVID-19 cases.
Integrity and respect indeed…
Dec 9, 2021,the pious REPUBLICAN Governor Henry McMaster on Thursday rescinded his suspension of Dorchester District 2 board member Barbara Crosby after a judge dismissed charges against Crosby. An executive order signed by Gov. McMaster said Crosby would be reinstated to the Dorchester District 2Board of Trustees effective immediately.’ https://governor.sc.gov/sites/governor/files/Documents/Executive-Orders/2021-12-09
Her deep thoughts on death: Oct 01 2022… (Joe died in 2021) “Today would be our 29th Anniversary. First one without him. We were high school sweethearts and went our separate ways for years. Miss shagging the nights away. You were the BEST!❤️” Twiitter account: https://twitter.com/Barbara_dd2/status/1576260345710116865?s=20&t=U1pMwof9f_nvLS5ImcfrQA
Oddly she didn’t do a shag-brag on her School board campaign Fecesbook! But perhaps she revealed how he died in there.... https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=630391870960748&set=ecnf.100063816045241
Took a while to find as she kept her name. Obituary of Joseph Daniel Thornley:
Joseph Daniel Thornley "Joe", 78, of Summerville SC, entered into rest with the Lord on Saturday December 4th 2021. Suggested donation : Alzheimer's Association so may or may not have died of COVID or his illness. https://www.legacy.com/us/obituaries/name/joseph-thornley-obituary?id=31780347
2020 pushing kids back to school ‘We need kids back in schools 5 days a week as soon as possible, NO LATER than Oct 12th is what I am pushing for!’ https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=629139321086003&set=ecnf.100063816045241
She made her own leaky boat… The irony is palpable. https://twitter.com/Barbara_dd2/status/1589299598832852992?cxt=HHwWgIDT4ZHkqY4sAAAA
She has been on school board since 2016. Her campaign picture here with her non-smile and cold eyes reminds me of the worst teachers I had as well. Cruelty and discipline came before teaching. https://www.postandcourier.com/journal-scene/news/incumbent-crosby-says-funding-is-biggest-challenge/article_3b332390-e4f2-557a-abd6-436bc7a0c1e7.html
She may also have a personal Fecesbook… but I am not on there so hard to find.
She is still making her voice heard. UGH!

This is just an FYI I added it to show she has no soul. I worked for 30 years, much of it away from home, have 3 flower gardens, 65x12 veg garden, 2 apple trees and 12 flowerpots/barrels in a yard that size. This looks more like a serial killer’s house, not a home.

"Education is my passion." Sure lady, as are anti-mandates, anti-masking, and all things tRUMP... And nothing about her says she is walking like Jesus, as with all MAGA Minion Morons who pretend to be "christians."
Her superintendent sounds rather George Sorosy, although I am sure much of it is true...but.... The dates and times of his military service including overseas and many assignments/schooling/ professorship/teaching at several schools and colleges seem disjointed and overblown. (They are not in order but in bundles and made my head spin at the overlaps) But he has time to help a moron and POS board member set up her Twatter. https://drshanerobbins.weebly.com/curriculum-vitae.html

Instagram https://www.instagram.com/bctoteach/?hl=en
Twatter: https://twitter.com/Barbara_dd2
linkedin: linked in
Do not get this lady confused with an academic with the same name and initials... but from Minnesota. This woman seems the real deal... and has likely helped save the reputation of the unworthy bitch above as she is first in a search. Barbara C. Crosby is associate professor emerita at the Hubert H.Humphrey School of Public Affairs and former academic co-director of the Center for Integrative Leadership at the University of Minnesota.
‘Miss shagging the nights away.’ I take it she’s talking about a style of dancing?
The irony is strong with this one. All about protecting kids, but leaves her grandkids in a running locked car. They dare to call drag story times grooming, when they're the real groomers. Indoctrinating children from birth is their number one priority. These religious lunatics are dangerous AF.
Please tell Melania vwhere such special person live so Melania make secret service vwoman (dey vwon't let Melania have any more secret service men, vwhich Melania not understand), to go to 7-11 for Melania. Then get Melania two super big chugs or vwhatever dey call drink in big red cup dat Melania see at all of farm pigs rally's. Melania drink both and make driver take Melania to address of Barbara and knock on door. Barbara answer, then faint at seeing such stunning first lady. Dis vwhen Melania pull up beautiful designer dress and squat over Barbara face (Melania never vwhere undervwear. Always vwant to be ready) and relieve self of liquid (Melania usually charge for such things, but today special), followed by Melania ripping vone of Melania's super queefs. Then Melania straighten dress and see man standing in doorway. Through pants Melania tell he like show, so Melania step over Barbara and get to business. Melania love Fridays.