Originally posted in commentary for a SAVer but thought it would work here as well.
All of this is connected.
Someone posted the preamble to constitution. Others posted how there is so much disdain and distrust in government and those elitist “experts”. Someone else posted about how their ’friend’ was a MAGA idiot who thought we are not a democracy at all but just a representative republic. Of course they had no idea about the branches of government nor how many SCOTUS justices sat in that court. Just astonishing to me how effective movement conservatism has been.
As for government in a deomcratic representative republic (they somehow forget the democratic part because of the fucking propaganda): This is the thing that movement conservatism has wrought—the “othering” of government. Yet right in the preamble it gives the very basis of our democratic representative republic (the Q-tards and conservatives love to point out the republic BS): “WE THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES”. As in WE are the government—through our elected representatives.
And how did this happen to so many dipshits here in US? Two words: movement conservatism. Find wedge issues (anti-union, pro 2A, anti-abortion, anti-immigrant, anti-public health, etc etc ad nauseam) and pound on them and then connect them to every evil those socialist commie demoncrats are doing. These wedge issues distract from the GQP’s lack of policy and goals that might actually help the vast majority of citizens—in fact would even help the minority richest and corporations as a stable world and economy is just better for all. Everyone has to eat and drink safely or be protected from public health issues like deadly viruses lor the fucking factories shut down. And everyone needs a living wage or they cannot be secure and able to buy all the crap being sold much less houses and food and cars etc.
The fact is that the GQP, via those who have bought and paid for them, has lost sight of these realities. And there are no more “moderate“ GQP—they may think they are but conservatism has devolved into ONLY a quest towards authoritarian fascism. Liz Cheney voted more in line with the Orange Shitgoblin than Stefanik. This is the reality and anyone supporting the present Republican party needs to acknowledge this and fucking own it. The numbnuts falling for the carnival barkers are just useful idiots and pawns and they have no clue they are just so much expendable trash to their own party—including those who still think there is actually a “moderate” wing of the GQP.