*** this needed more attention, especially as pipe bombs were planted Jan 05…
Sentenced 1) Timothy Louis Hale-Cusanelli, New Jersey, QAnon Miitary contract Navy contractor with "secret" security clearance and access to military munitions was charged with unlawfully entering the Capitol, disorderly conduct inside the building, and obstructing a law enforcement officer. Naval Criminal Investigative Service described Hale-Cusanelli as an "avowed white supremacist and Nazi sympathizer" who posted YouTube videos proffering "extreme political opinions and viewpoints" on his channel called the Based Hermes Show as well as on other forums. https://taskandpurpose.com/news/army-reserve-sergeant-charged-capitol-riot/
2) More on Timothy Louis Hale-Cusanelli, QAnon, presently an ARMY RESERVIST obstructing a law enforcement officer, violent entry. “ Before he traveled from New Jersey to DC, Hale-Cusanelli wrote an online post saying the Q motto, "Trust the plan, it’s the final countdown, stay tuned next episode" and "and “Trust the plan, major announcement soon," according to court documents.” https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/tasneemnashrulla/us-navy-contractor-arrested-capitol-riot
3) Timothy Louis Hale-Cusanelli, QAnon army reservist, charged with: Civil Disorder; Aiding and Abetting; Obstruction of an Official Proceeding; Entering and Remaining in a Restricted Building or Grounds; Impeding Ingress and Egress in a Restricted Building; Disorderly Conduct in a Capitol Building; Parading, Demonstrating, or Picketing in a Capitol Building. https://www.justice.gov/opa/page/file/1356066/download *Indicted* on seven ( 7) counts Defendant remains committed. https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/case-multi-defendant/file/1364776/download Cusanelli has REJECTED a plea deal of 15-21 months in prison, per prosecutor. May 23 jury selection with Judge Trevor MAGA McFadden. See 10/11 Tim Hale-Cusanelli is found guilty! He rejected a plea, so let’s see if he screwed himself… Guilty of felony obstruction and four other counts. Jurors, judge described his testimony as "contradictory" and "dubious." Sentencing Sept. 16. Now 22. Sentenced to four years in prison, will also serve three years of supervised release.
4)Timothy Louis Hale-Cusanelli, wanted release on bond… he hid the suit and tie that he wore to the Capitol at an undisclosed location and deleted evidence. Since his arrest, Defendant has been administratively discharged from the United States Army Reserves and has been “barred” from NWS Earle – meaning that he is not permitted to enter that facility for any reason. https://www.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.dcd.226943/gov.uscourts.dcd.226943.18.0.pdf
5) Timothy Louis Hale-Cusanelli is obsessed with antisemitism and is a Nazi sympathizer and a Holocaust denier. He wore a Hitler mustache on base in New Jersey and quizzed colleagues about whether they were Jewish. He discussed his ant-semitism DAILY!, so his Sargeant lied. (He wrote a letter defending Hale and saying reports are exaggerating, "Proud to have someone like Mr. Hale serve under me." Getz also said he was 'appalled' by 'slander' about white supremacy. However, in an NCIS interview, Sargeant GETZ replied that he knew S/HALE-CUSANELLI was a Nazi sympathizer and Holocaust denier, woman hater etc… wow… and said he was asked to write the support letter? By whom? Why would he lie so blatantly? This sounds criminal in itself, FFS. Holy hell!) https://www.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.dcd.226943/gov.uscourts.dcd.226943.18.0.pdf
6) A judge was reluctant to keep Cusanelli locked up just for being a sicko bigot… but the call for civil war was too much for the judge so he will remain in jail until the trial. https://www.cnn.com/2021/03/23/politics/capitol-nazi-sympathizer-hale-cusanelli/index.html
7) Hale-Cusanelli: REMAINS in jail. Notable new opinion from the DC Circuit re: upholding a pretrial detention order for Jan. 6 defendant Timothy Hale-Cusanelli – more clarification that people not charged with acts of violence that day can still meet the threshold for dangerousness. https://lawandcrime.com/u-s-capitol-siege/army-reservist-with-hitler-mustache-who-worked-at-weapons-facility-will-remain-jailed-pending-trial-in-u-s-capitol-siege-d-c-circuit-rules/
8) Judge Trevor MAGA McFadden ruled the jury would be too prejudiced against Timothy Hale-Cusanelli if they learned of his reported history of anti-Semitic statements. https://www.wusa9.com/article/news/national/capitol-riots/jurors-wont-hear-about-racist-comments-hitler-impersonation-in-army-reservists-capitol-riot-trial-timothy-hale-cusanelli-white-supremacist-nazi/65-1f7c99d2-ff5d-4965-afd7-51ffba1c25e3
9) ‘Timothy Hale-Cusanelli's former roommate took the stand 30 minutes ago. Says the defendant believed Biden was a "puppet" of corporations and Jews. Was eventually asked by FBI/NCIS to wear wire, which he agreed to: "I thought it was the right thing to do."’
10) Cusanelli changes mind decides to take the stand… Hale-Cusanelli described himself as a "nihilistic Millennial." (4Chan troll talk) Why do you say disgusting, offensive, attacking language?" HC says he likes attention and, "It's how I cope with the life I've had" (Says parents were alcoholics and they are estranged) "I know this sounds idiotic, but I'm from New Jersey," Timothy Hale-Cusanelli told AUSA Karen Siefert later on cross. "In all my studies, I didn't know there was an actual building that was called the Capitol. It's embarrassing and idiotic."
“ Finally, back on the subject of the racial slurs, Hale-Cusanelli says for the first time in the trial that he is half-Jewish/half-Puerto Rican. Claims the offensive language helps him cope with how he was raised and that it's how his generation talks.” He testified that he is half Jewish and half Puerto Rican — and that his racist slurs were always meant to be "ironic" and "self-deprecating humor. The RWNJ PePe frog shitposting racist troll kind of “humour.” https://twitter.com/JordanOnRecord/status/1529892775164096526
11) “DOJ says defense wants you to believe a man who obsessively followed election, who could quote 17th Amendment and Thomas Jefferson from memory and who heard Trump say go to the Capitol to cheer on Congress didn't know Congress met at the Capitol.” Thomas Hale-Cusanelli texted his friends about the electoral college and faithless electors, holding himself out as an expert. Now, he says, “I was just repeating things I’d read on the internet.” (On 8 chan/9kun or stormfront perhaps…. ) https://twitter.com/ryanjreilly/status/1529869260083847177
12) He also reportedly sent racist texts, including one that said Democrats would try to steal the election through “n****r rigging.” According to prosecutors, the defendant was arrested in 2010 for using a potato gun adorned with a Confederate flag and the words “WHITE IS RIGHT” to shoot frozen corn at houses in New Jersey. Judge finds that DOJ's references to Timothy Hale-Cusanelli’s desire to give Jews "24 hours to leave" and his references to "****** rigging" were allowable at his trial. The other "overwhelming evidence" would've led to the same verdict even without the statements, he finds. https://twitter.com/ryanjreilly/status/1571951974194577409
13) Cusanelli was spot-lit by his "aunt," Cynthia Hughes, (She is a friend of his family and CALLS her aunt) at a tRUMP rally. ‘Cynthia Hughes, who runs a support group for J6ers, spoke at tonight's Trump rally. She told the story of her nephew Tim Cusanelli, a convicted Capitol rioter — and Nazi sympathizer, who said "Hitler should've finished the job." VIDEO: https://twitter.com/RealAmVoice/status/1566171551220715520 An internal Navy probe found 34 colleagues who said he held "extremist or radical views pertaining to the Jewish people, minorities and women." FBI found racist memes with the N-word on his phone. He told an informant that he hoped for "civil war." https://twitter.com/MarshallCohen/status/1566178439866056705
14) "Hale-Cusanelli’s upbringing was like something from Oliver Twist," his lawyer writes also says he asked if Hale was a Nazi as he did not want to represent one… of course he believes Hale. https://twitter.com/ryanjreilly/status/1570905970527858688
15) More on the fake auntie Cynthia Hughes and her fake “charity” foundation Patriot Freedom Project are here: https://www.npr.org/2022/02/10/1078907026/a-controversial-nonprofit-for-capitol-riot-defendants-makes-changes-after-critic These people learned a lot from tRUMP! Stealing from people, lying about a charity and lying to the IRS somehow makes you smart… They take donations Even though it is a sham, tRUMP had her speak at a rally… and praised her group… They also take donations here: https://www.patriotfreedomproject.com/ Here: https://www.givesendgo.com/G26BE (It is at 450K) Here: https://gab.com/PatriotFreedomProject They are likely over a million now...
They are on a failing grade at Charity watch… https://www.charitywatch.org/charity-donating-articles/patriot-freedom-project-raises-donations-for-capitol-rioters-with-limited-accountability
Are on an advisory at Charity Navigator: https://www.charitynavigator.org/ein/000000424
So their stated recipient of the funds in GiveSendGo are the insurrectionists and their families. Sounds good—all that $$ will be going back once they are convicted if the laws against profiting from your crimes are still in place. Dumbasses.