There seems to be a lot of controversy over the word CUNT on this forum. The difference is that in the British Commonwealth CUNT isn't a bad word at all. I have friends that use it all the time and as an American it took a while to get used to this. In America CUNT is the most vulgar word you can possibly utter. We are taught this from a young age. For some reason its even worse than PUSSY.
In the British Commonwealth, it's even used as a term of endearment. "My mate is such a good cunt".
Aussies use it almost exclusively as a term of endearment.
Don't believe me... read about it on Wikipedia..
And what they say on Quora...
Get over it. It offends the very AMERICAN lady Vaxxylady, so she asked that you don't use it. If you can't come up with another word then you're definitely a cunt (the American kind).
I actually heard it used frequently in the UK when I visited in the mid 80's. It seemed at the time like a mild swear word. "So and so is a right cunt", etc.
In France it was also used in a similar way and was even a milder swear word than in the UK. "il est con" ("He's a stupid bastard", "He's a dope", etc.)
Now having lived here for the last ten years, I have to say I am astonished to have never once heard it used. Maybe times have changed and it is a lot less common now? Maybe it has become more offensive? Maybe I am moving in more professional circles?
Maybe it's worse in the USA, I wouldn't know and it's common knowledge that the US is more religious-minded than the UK, but it's definitely not just an ordinary word in the UK. It's offensive. If you used it in a job interview, you wouldn't get the job. You wouldn't use in addressing anyone you didn't know well, except to deliberately insult them. I'd never call a friend 'you cunt' because many people find it gross. Anyone claiming on Wikipedia or Quora that it's just fine in the UK is having a laugh - the equivalent of teaching some innocent to say filthy things in a foreign language.
All the following are CUNTS:
Proud Boys
Jan 6ers
Ruzzian-simp Orcs
well the list is much longer but you get the idea .....
"Moderate" Repubs are not quite worthy of the label, they are merely dickheads and arseholes, and eternally tainted.
That was a nice vent. Carry on. 😂🤣😁😃
PS I'd like to live long enough to see some of them get their faces eaten, 🐆🐆😯🐆🐆 sweet, sweet, schadenfreude, but it's unlikely.
Melania have terrible time to get dis Kari Lake vwhore to vwear vwig to look like beautiful Melania to sneak into pig stye at night to try pig out, so pig fall in love vwith new pig also, and Melania free to divorce vwith more money!! Melania still such fan of C vword. Describe dis Lake vwhore to a... coffee? beer? Oh Melania forget, but it describe perfect. She so nasty.
I sort of wonder if Vaxman was having a bit of a laugh when he wrote the forbidden words in ALL CAPS and pinned this thread to the top.
Melania so sad. Such favorite vword for Melania, but Melania respect all things on favorite platform of information and love. Melania love to all - clams. Melania flower look like big, giant sea clam try to close.
I've got a great meme/photo to share on this topic as soon as I can send it over from my phone. (it's clean, I promise.)
Spaniard use the word "coño" the same way. And as a generic swear work like we use the F-word or "dang". I had moved back to the US for many years and was shocked when a woman called her own kid that then remembered I was back in Spain...
As so many people seem to find the aforementioned word offensive, I will cease using it on this site. From now on I will refer to each antivaxxer as a Smeghead, whether male or female. Equality and all that…
Just to add my perspective on this.
When I was in the UK in the early 90s I heard the word used frequently. More often than not it was applied to men. For example, 'so and so is a real c***', the way we would say 'so and so is a real dick' in the U.S.
It was definitely a rude word in the U.K. but in common use and not considered outrageous like in the US.
However, since I moved to the UK ten years ago I don't think I've ever heard it used even once. Maybe it is being used a lot less nowadays or maybe I just hang out with more educated people now.
I'm in Australia and someone is pulling your leg that it is a term of endearment. Maybe between bogan blokes, but not for women. It's just as nasty here as in the USA.
I hate euphemisms such as "n-word" and the use of *s or symbols in the place of letters in words that usually some authority figure made taboo to us, without logical justification, at some stage of our upbringing.
It's so pointless and intellectually dishonest as the reader instantly translates the pseudo or altered version of the word anyway. The writer has invariably communicated the same word but with some twisted sense of logic believes they have exonerated themselves of communicating an offensive word. If the altered word isn't to be interpreted that way why bother using it at all.
Get over it people. Write the real word or don't write anything at all, certainly don't use some dishonest half-measure.
The one I hate is "c$#ķsucker", I use the f word from time to time but never in public, there's enough strife out there as it is.
The words I never use are the racist pejoratives. I stopped using the C word on this site out of respect for Vax Lady. But frankly that is the best way to describe MTG. She is the most hateful, stupid, dangerous, bigot that was ever elected to Congress. The F word has lost its shock value since it is used so often. That is why I used the
C word to indicate my extreme condemnation of the person. It also indicates how angry they make me. I have a righteous anger towards Anti Vaxxers, Anti Maskers and pandemic deniers. They don't amuse me in the slightest. I consider them to be
career criminals that will never change their ways. If the corona virus was not so infectious and not so deadly, I could just dismiss them as fools. But they are spreading the virus and killing others with their failure to follow simple, inexpensive
I’ve been watching a lot of Ricky Gervais on Netflix, After Life and his stand ups, and the word, not one I will use, isn’t quite as jarring as it was before. He uses it a lot!
Mmmm... Melania favorite vword.
The c-word is so taboo where I come in western Canada that my middle class, white, female self was not exposed to it as a cuss word until I was in my early forties, I kid you not.
(My uncle referred to one of my brothers as a ‘cheap c*nt’. I had no idea you could combine those words together. And lest you think I led a sheltered life, I lived in a logging camp for three and a half years.)
Say what you want about the c-word, for some of us it is shrouded in a massive taboo. Seeing the c-word in print shakes me like casual talk about making out with a cousin.
mmmm.... I dunno about that. Seems to be appropriate in certain instances such as this one: