This thread from the capitolhunters stunned me a bit. It has the kind of info I would normally be nodding my head to when reading but this damn Long COVID makes sure I miss these nuances. Thanks goodness some people are still on the ball, paying attention and sharing. https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1758549069943783429
As Mike Johnson cuts off aid to Ukraine, we need to see why he’s obeying Trump. People with secrets comply - and Johnson is almost certainly a child abuser. From 2019-2023 he told 3 different stories about his “adopted son”, all lies. This 🧵 reviews them - and Matt Gaetz.
Shifting, contradictory stories are a red flag. Johnson's three versions of all contort truth to deny he “took in” an unrelated boy as a single man - they all insert wife Kelly in impossible ways. It looks very bad. (Sources in report.)
Johnson first announced his “son” Michael James in June 2019 in a House hearing on reparations for slavery. He said he and Kelly met a 14-year-old boy as newlyweds “22 years ago”, i.e. 1997. No one flagged the problem: Mike and Kelly met only in 1998, married in 1999.
I am sure these 2 holier than thow MAGAs have totally legit and good reasons for having "adopted" sons that are not white and NEVER use thejm politically or abuse them in any way ... /S They are "christians" after all...
More Young Life victims allege sexual misconduct involving Colorado Springs-based Christian ministry
The ministry provides youth groups and camps for nearly half a million middle school, high school and college students around the world through 2,300 field offices. PS: There was a reason the youth had to sign NDAs. https://gazette.com/news/more-young-life-victims-allege-sexual-misconduct-involving-colorado-springs-based-christian-ministry/article_96b435b0-4276-11ec-8464-ab500b142c75.html
For the amount of lies, see the charts and evidence here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UsnaKROUvTGIVfpQs9LpAbupGuLtPyMK5gqs7ZSHz-c/edit
LOSER45 has a visitor at Maralago. I suspect there will be a lot of ass kissing from those who tRUMP feels OWE him loyalty "or else," if you get my tRUMP style coded mafia message.
Johnsons official website has only the white kids in photos and are the only ones named. His afopted son is not even mentioned. He has said that Michael James wishes to be more private and not caught up in the politics, but why not then just say so with no mention is his name?
Johnson is really, really, really concerned about gay people...
It seems his spokesperson confirms Michael was not "adopted" after all... so another lie.
New Republican Speaker's HORRIFIC statements suddenly SURGE into spotlight